Re: 1986 Thundercraft needs seat replacement
UGH I already wrote this reply once but this damn forum software ate it. Anyway, I'm in the same "boat" heh. I have an '85 thundercraft. Before that, we had an '87. (yes, we downgraded because we found the old one and it was in way better shape than our slightly newer one). So, both boats took the same exact back to back seats. Mine are also completely rotted, but none of the replacements I can find are the right size. They are all WAY too tall to fit in this boat. You'll be so high up, one little wave will knock you overboard. I need back to back seats with only like a 4" or 5" rise. That's what these boats came with. But all the ones on this site and other sites, have like 10" or more. That's craziness for these little boats.