1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

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Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Well, it has been a while since I had an update...so here goes! Sorry for some of the pics as I took a few of them on my IPhone instead of using my camera.

First, a look at what would cause the rot problem initially, and what can be done to correct the problem. Here is a pic of the water level inside the hull with the trailer in the "came off the truck" postition that most people, including myself before finding this forum, leave their boat. The water level actually goes up into the ski locker area.

I went ahead and removed the engine. I found some burnt wiring...I guess I ought to replace some of this!

Here is what I found under my port side motor mount. While some of the wood looks rotten, much of it simply looks desiccated.

Here is a shot of my transom. It is rock solid all around the keyhole...but completely hollow in other areas of the transom.

I think I am at my max on pics...on to next post.



Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Here is a pic of the wood that came out of my stringer. It is definitely a board and not plywood that was used in my stringers.

Next up for me is to remove the cap and start on the transom. I was going to do the transom before I decapitated the old girl, but I would probably just join the two halves together by accident!

As for my stringers, is there any good reason to use plywood instead of the solid boards that the manufacturer used? I also wonder about using 2x10s in the reconstruction instead of the 1x10s that it looks like the manufacturer used.

Thanks for everyone's help on the forum. Until next time...


P.S. Here is a pic of a phohawk I found on my phone that Hilton may enjoy!

I have more if you want me to upload them to photobucket for you


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 6, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

First of all, who the @$Q^$ taught you a big word like desiccated?

I'm ready to see that cap off the boat. Hopefully the weather we had today isn't headed your way.

Is it bad I can't remember which kid that was? Move back to Shreveport, we'll open a boat shop!


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Well, I knew this time was coming...I finally had to blow my top!

The cap came off without much hassle...but having a second set of hands would have definitely come in handy! Damn, I need to get out there and clean up! Sorry I didn't take any pics of the cap up in the air...but I had my hands busy and wanted to finish as quickly as possible!
Here is the boat moved off to the side. The section of the floor that was under the cap is sitting next to the boat so I can use it as a pattern for reassembly!

Here is a shot of the gratuitous foam removal. My sharpened floor scraper made quick work of the final foam in the boat!

Finally, after cleaning the foam, I cut out the rest of the other motor mount to view the damage on the other side and get it out of the way.

I was surprised to find that there was no fiberglass between either the motor mount and stringer or the transom. Here is where the transom was rotted. They also used a wedge to go under the motor mount to level it up.

Next, I am going to put up a temporary tent over the boat to keep the sun off so I can work longer. It is already getting pretty warm in the sun and it is only 10:30.


Oh yea, the baby in my last post was Hilton's youngest, John Hilton.


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Just a quick pic of a Harbor Freight carport put up over boat. It makes it MUCH cooler under there. I am also thinking about putting a misting system I have laying around under there also!



Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Just wanted to post another quick update. I went out and sourced lumber for my stringers and transom today. I ended up getting 2 16ft 1x8s, 2 12ft 1x6s and 4 8ft 1x10s. I also found my local Home Depot just got in some 23/32 cabinet grade ply for $31 per sheet. I got lucky and found a couple of sheets in the culled lumber pile for 70% off. I am marking my stringers prior to my removing my existing stringers to make fabrication easier.

Here is a pic of me using a hybrid of Friscoboater's technique.

I figure that the existing stringer gives me a level way to hold the lumber and raised the sharpie on my guide stick the same distance as the height of the board.

I will finish marking stringers tomorrow and hopefully start cutting.



Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Hey Galen,
You just threw up a red flag...
Cabinet Grade plywood!
I am by no means an expert in wood, but I have read on more than one occasion that cabinet grade plywood is not good for use in boats because of the type of NON-waterproof glue that is used in it...
The moist environment our boats live in will cause it to delaminate...
Hopefully the wood pros will jump in and correct me if I'm wrong...
Otherwise you are doing a bang up job on this resto...
Happy Memorial Day to you and yours...


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

GT, thanks for checking, but the ply I purchased does indeed have waterproof glue. It is rated for indoor/outdoor. It has an excellent finish on both sides (A-A or A-B)...but who cares about the finish? What is important is the ply is high quality and has very few voids throughout the sheet.

Today I finished tracing my stringers and bulkheads onto the wood I plan to use as stringers. I then cut out the stringers in the back of the boat and started to remove the transom. This is gonna take some serious work and I just ran out of time. I work nights, so I had to quit to clean up and rest a few minutes and update this thread before work.

Here are a couple of pics...just for fun.

The wood in the bottom of this pic came from the transom. The transom is about 40% rotten...which means more work!

Here is just a gratuitousness shot of the transom. I have already cut the fiberglass all the way around the existing ply.

I do have a question for the experts that troll these threads. While cutting out my stringers, it seems the stringers were not one piece from front to back, but instead started and ended at each bulkhead. This just doesn't make sense to me, as I would think you would need the most strength from bow to stern in a boat. I am still considering running the longitudinal stringers in one piece and breaking up the bulkheads. What do y'all think of this plan?

Thanks everyone for watching and your help!



Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Well Sir, in that case, Awesome score on the plywood...
As far as running your stringers front to back in one piece...I would wholeheartedly agree, that is my preference, if possible...:)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

What "Cabinet" Grade Home Depot Plywood did you find that was rated for Indoor/Outdoor use that use 100% waterproof Glue?? Was it Arauco???


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 6, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

I wish I were an Oscar Meier Wiener, that is what I'd really like to be. 'Cause if I were an Oscar Meier Wiener, everyone would take a bite of me!


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

What "Cabinet" Grade Home Depot Plywood did you find that was rated for Indoor/Outdoor use that use 100% waterproof Glue?? Was it Arauco???

I am not really sure how to respond to this, but I am going to assume I read the intention incorrectly and you are honestly just curious about my purchase.

In the store, it is listed exactly as I described. It is cabinet grade plywood rated for indoor/outdoor use and does utilize interior/exterior glue. It also has very few voids, which was much more important to me than the surface grade of the product. In no location did they list a brand name on the wood. I can not remember ever seeing a brand name on any of the plywood that I have purchased at Home Depot. Even the tag on the lumber does not list a brand name, just that is a product of Chile. What I can tell you with certainty is I paid $31.97 (minus 10% military discount) per sheet (went and purchased 4 more sheets this morning) and the SKU number on the receipt is 0000-175-171...the same price and SKU as the Arauco listed on the HD website.

Is the glue 100% waterproof? I do not know as I did not receive a MSDS for the wood with my purchase. I can simply go off what the product is listed as on the in-store tag. It lists it as using indoor/outdoor glue, and that is what I must trust is being used.

I hope this clears up the "mystery" of the plywood that will be going into my boat.



Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Well, I guess it is update time. I had some company the last week, so I didn't get much accomplished. I did remove the transom and cut out the stringers. I ended up using my multi-tool (oscillating) with a wood blade and it cut the fiberglass relatively well. I just kept my shopvac close by and it really kept the dust down to a minimum. Here are the "pics or it didn't happen" pics.

A shot of the bow minus the stringers.

Shot of stern. I am going to raise the floor and re-engineer the pad where the sump pump mounts so it doesn't hold water.

Shot of transom template. It is rough...but good enough for government work.

Redneck outlining onto the sheet of plywood. I hate the transom is going to just about destroy 2 sheets of ply!

Outline on ply

First layer of transom cut with jigsaw and finish fitted with a belt sander.

Oh well, rest time is over. Time to go cut the second layer of the transom.

Until next time, happy boating!



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 6, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

I was one of the out of town guests that slowed down the progress. Worse yet, I'm monopolizing his Tuesday too!

Boat's coming along great Brother. Can't wait to see you next week.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 6, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

We had the best time with you last night (and possibly the worst meal)

Now get back to your Penance!

Wear your safety stuff.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

I asked the question because, like GT100000 stated, cabinet grade plywood typically is not made with waterproof glue for the laminates. What you purchased IS the Arauco plywood and is great stuff for your transom, stringers and deck. We're just trying to look out for you and make sure you do the best you can on your budget to build your boat back the best way possible. Looks like you got a good fit on your first cutout. ;)


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

I remember an old commercial where a kid asks a wise old owl how long a Harbor Freight 4 1/2 inch grinder will last. The wise old owl said 3 days...and he was right! Mine crapped out on me today and I had to finish my goal today with my 7 inch grinder. Damn, that thing will work you! Here are the gratuitous pics of ground down hull almost done.

Here, the bow is 1/2 done. Finishing the bow will take about 2 hours work tomorrow.

I still have a couple more days grinding...then it is time to start putting this thing back together!



Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

I can't think of something to do on a boat that is a more fun or enjoyable way to pass the time, than grinding fiberglass on a boat...

Either way, it is looking good...:)


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 19, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

Well, it rained last night, so I decided to knock out the rest of my grinding while it was relatively cool outside. I finished the hull below the floor level, but still need a few more hours to touch up a couple of areas of the hull and to clean off the side walls so I can either paint or gel coat the sides and floor. I do not want to go back with carpet.

Pic of ground hull.

Until next time, happy boating everyone!


Bomber Goober

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2012
Re: 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion 186 Stringer and Transom R&R

I remember an old commercial where a kid asks a wise old owl how long a Harbor Freight 4 1/2 inch grinder will last. The wise old owl said 3 days...and he was right!

Mine is just about dead to. I have to wrap the cord around it to get it to work and it heats up and starts smoking if you use it for more than 5 mins at a time.

30 day replacement with receipt or if your like me and paid the $1 for the one year should be no issue to get it replaced.

Hull looks good. That transom template is just amazing, Good job.
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