1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

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Jun 20, 2009
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Good Progress! I?ll Jump Off but will be watching for the ?Constant WOT Houston?. With luck I started here and there has not once been a need to look any place else (for Older Chrysler Info). I have 4-5 references but they will not hit home like Good Hands On Info, Questions, Feedback Direct Pic Attachments, Etc..

I had the experience of watching questions sit over 2 mo on boards related to Small Engines and Automotive but found some better ones also. Good Luck!


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Ok quick update
I got gasket and diagram installed on fuel pump I would say original diagram was on motor it was not cracked but stiff compared to new
Diagram ,

Also pulled carb back off and checked float and it was off big time ,so I got it level and confirmed jets are clean and clear and reinstalled

May be this weekend before I can get back to lake for another test run

I'll post results



Jun 20, 2009
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Good Work Chad! Feedback ?Good or Bad?, Learning, Opinions is what makes this worth my little help.

Another suggestion, feed back thanks and request:

1. Do you use any fuel additives as Stabil, Etc if you use Ethanol fuel?

2. I saw a World Of Difference due to short trolling vs Hard Runs 32 MPH LOL! Most of all I stopped running my 35 HP dry after each trip (as I was taught by past owner). It was a waste of fuel but I knew his point, when it might be months vs days to 2-3 weeks.

3. With Stabil, I would only run my sys dry for the winter storage but used the treated gas after winter. The fuel pump's diaphragm is original, at least from my 1984 purchase and last checked in 09. That is my next project vs inspecting. Stretched it runs good IMO but I want to compare with a new.

Big Thanks to tater76 and Nordin for verifying info and tips. Can you easily share a chart that shows Model/Serial numbers to help ID years of Chryslers? I have seen this which is in years of notes vs easily spotted as a Pic I will save it as. I feel I did find this Sys in Clymer?s wiring Diagrams (with alternator) Page 424 (w/o a Mod/Ser # or year).


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Ok just left lake ad I'm still having fuel delivery issue but motor is much better than last outing it will run out longer before bogging out and I did get chocke working and when it bogs if I bump the choke it will pick back up for a moment
Then there was a moment where motor ran out good across lake for maybe 5 minutes but only at the fuel saver setting on throttle which was fine but still not happy at all
Motor will only run WOT for maybe 10-15 seconds seems to last much longer now at or around that fuel saver position which might be 1/4-1/2 throttle

Question so if choking helps then I'm not getting enough fuel right ???


Jun 20, 2009
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

1. A clear in-line filter just after the tank tells me a lot while priming and running (good flow if fuel.

2. Did the tank show any signs of debris or did you check the pick-up tube, screen, etc in the tank?

3. Are you using ethanol fuel and w/o a stabilizer (StaBil, Etc)? Any signs of line deteriorations in filters?

4. I had a lawn-mower that starved for gas after about 15 minutes of running due to a swollen carb seat.

5. Can you loop a fuel line out and back in with an inline filter shifted to monitor fuel flow?

6. Could the quick coupling be allowing you to suck air at the connection from bad O-rings?

I Hope A Pro will Jump In and know the exact problem or closer and your last question due to their many hours of troubleshooting vs my few (limited to my one owned 35 HP that has been good and easy. The big key is using the Monsters Yearly (in the barrel beats not running it period. I hope the items mention will give you some leads to explore if it is not Nailed Faster.


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

I am running a new inline filter and I'm running 100% gas I don't use ethanol in anything I own
I'm going to dissect and replace fuel line from fuel pump back to tank and will look into new fittings at tank and pick up screen as well

Carb question , I have low speed adjust screw set to 1 turn out, how would I know if I need to adjust and could that play a role in performance at mid and upper rpm range of motor

Thanks again


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 7, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Choking restricts air, thus enriching the fuel mixture. Think about it like giving a shot of starting fluid to a motor that hasn't run in a while.
Take the cover off, then look back as you are opening it up out on the lake. Make sure the carb is opening fully at wot. If not, you have linkage adjustments to make. Check your squeezie bulb on the fuel line. Make sure it stays hard when pumped. If its old, it may be time to replace it. Vent on tank open?
Are you absolutely sure your carb adjustments are right? Air screw (top front of carb) 1 to 1 1/4 turns out from lightly seated? Float not sticking?


Jun 20, 2009
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

I try to tune the carb in or on the lake vs in the barrel. I found in the lake even if I never leave the trailer works vs the barrel. I found that if my 35 HP was going to stumble out of the hole it would do it on the trailer and usually dirty points. Otherwise I feel out of the hole and WOT is best on the water. I usually start 1 turn out and turn out in about 1/8th turns looking for the best. I run it, I teak until I feel I have my best and then I run it longer and hard to know it will hold.

After 5 yrs had the gas turned to varnish on carb parts? If so there could be some fine restrictions still in other places vs vated carb as you mention. It could slowly be getting cleaner as you say it is getting better. I see that automotive background in your work. You?ll Get It and know it can be slow at times....


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Thanks again guys for the info and support
I installed new fuel tank fitting and pulled pick up tube and it looked it over looked very clean
The tank was dry when I got boat and actually very clean inside I believe it was empty when last used 5 + years ago
I haven't check or even thought to check prime bulb for firmness
I did replace prime bulb so it is new
I'm gonna go out again tomorrow for some on lake tuning

If no progress made tomorrow I may pull carb and chem dip again for 5 days and try again next weekend
Man this sucks but I know it takes time some times with old junk that's been setting

And I know it's a 2 stroke and has good compression so it will run just have to get fuel flowing properly

Anyone think of something to check or adjust please chime in
I really want to have this boat for this year got kids all pumped about catching some fish :)

Thanks again so much for help



Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Ok just realized something when think back to carb reassemble there was no gasket or seal below the needle valve in the bowl
What I'm saying is the housing that screws into carb body that the needle valve that the float allows to open and close there was no seal or gasket under that housing I remember thinking that was odd and I may have blown it out with air if there is suppost to be one
But the tip of that needle valve I think should seal on that rubber seal ??????

Could anyone confirm this ???

Would or could this be causing my motor issues ???

I don't have that depth of understanding of carbs and needle valves

I'm just racking my brain tring to think of things that could be causing my problems

I'm gonna go look for carb kits now



Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Did you remove the welch plus on the carb when you cleaned it?
Just soaking it might??? Get to the corners and might not.
No gasket under the seat really shouldn't make a big difference.
Is the float drop right,the float level right?
Drop:the float shouldn't touch the main stem.
Level:should be close to level as possible.
The quick disconects they can leak and suck air.
I only have one on my backup tank.Another point for failure.
The air screw on the top of the carb is for low speed operation.
Replace all the older hoses.
A filter between the pump and the carb.Wally World g-2 or g-12 depending on the hose size.
When you have the carbs off look into the reeds for any bent,broken or gapped too far?


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

What is the welch plus on the the carb ???
I have never herd of that on a carb
I remember glancing at reeds and nothing fought my eye I would have addressed them had they looked bad but I will
Check them again when I pull carb



Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 7, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

The plug jerry is referring to is on the top of the carb. Its a little silver looking disc. Generally, during a rebuild you pop them out clean the cavity underneath, and reinstall a new one along with gas proof sealer. The cavity underneath has some VERY tiny holes that fuel must come out of. They easily become blocked with varnish. A rebuild kit will come with new welch plugs. Use an awl to punch through the old ones, as they are aluminum, and pry them out.

Reeds VERY rarely ever go bad. Just give them a look to see if there is anything out of the ordinary.


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Ok went to lake and no better with new tank fitting
I need to find a complete carb rebuild kit and also check the welsh plug and or replace

Primer bulb is pumping up firm

Boat has power and punch just won't keep it and choking helps so its running out of fuel , I can throttle up and she goes and then 15-30 seconds later she goes then I can back throttle off and let motor run low rpm for about 15-30 seconds then throttle up again and same as before will rare up and o then bog so it's running out of fuel

I really think its all in the carb even tho these look like the simplest carbs I've ever cleaned and put back together

Anyone have a good online source for a complete rebuild kit for this carb ??


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Just ordered kit from iboat
Hope this gets me going


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 7, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

The kit should help along with a thorough cleaning after you get the welch plugs out. One tip, when re-installing the welch plugs use the end of a 3/8 drive socket extension and a hammer to drive in the new plug. Then use a gas proof sealer around the edges of the plug. I cant remember the name of the brand I use, but just ask your local auto parts store, they will know.


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

Thanks tater76

Im going to pull carb tonight and that plug and soke until end of week in my carb chem dip ,

I have some 8802 Aircraft fuel tank sealant that I can use to seal with it will last longer than the boat ,

Thanks again for the info



Jun 20, 2009
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD


1. Please take a pic of what can be seen under the welch plug. Plus, I will try to find a cut-away showing the circuit. I would have thought your soaking w/h been enough.
2. Did you see any varnish before the cleaning that the cleaned stripped completely?

3. On quick cleanings small carbs, I run pressurized B-12 and fine wire through all the ports I can to verify they are open. If I have pulled two plugs since 1970 it was due to curiosity I believe.

4. Plus, was it mentioned that the one screw is related more to idle adjusting even though I feel it?s more? Where is the high speed circuit as far as fuel flow (in the nozzle and one jet I see in the bowl)? This is where my wire and small drill bits by hand go to work (knowing ports are cleared to size). On some lawn mowers with a bowls, restrictions were real obvious using wire and drill bits.

5. Thinking ahead, fire or fire under compression might be an area to consider. Were you able to find the exact plugs? Do you have an in-line plug tester to compare plug?s fire in the barrel (new against new, old against new)? If and while in the barrel look over the wiring in the dark for leaking, etc. If all continue to fails, test run with the old plugs.


Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

OK took carb off again and disassembled I found a chunk of trash under needle valve ,I have cleaned and cleaned and cleaned with B12 and air and I'm very positve that this thing is clean and clear , now couple questions
is there a open hole as a vent for bowl ?? I took a pic of it see below ,also I took a couple pics of how I had float set can anyone confirm I've got it set correct ..I also included a couple ID marking of the carb Im not sure what that indicate yet but if it helps anyone to help me it a good thing .

OK one other thing the thin brass tube in bowl in cracked I took a pic of this can or could this be a problem

also one pic has a pic pointing to welch plug yes??????

I didnt remove plug yet cause not sure if carb kit comes with a new one and Im very sure that that passage way is clear
seems that the welch valve is a part of the low speed system , my issues are at higher rpm mainly

gonna reassemble with new parts from kit as soon as they arrive and test again this weekend

any info or insight between now and then would be great



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Jun 25, 2010
Re: 1979 Chrysler 45 HP outboard NO POWER ON WATER OR UNDER LOAD

few more pics


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