I've been thinking more about my stringers. According to MerCruiser, there aren't any forces from the engine (i.e. torque) on the forward mounts of my engine. All of those engine forces are translated into the transom through the transom mounts on the gimbal assembly.
The forward mounts are for engine alignment, and they carry weight. So, it's just a matter of having something in the correct position, secured to the structure of the boat (probably through the hull and to the transom), to bolt the engine mounts to.
I took some measurements off of the Thompson before I junked it. The holes for the forward engine mount lags were 22.5" apart, or each 11.25" from the centerline, and 17" from the horse collar. So, I don't see why when installed in my boat, the engine mounts, wouldn't sit in the same spot, or very close to it.
So, then there's the question of the height of the stringers. What I came up with, is that the height of the forward mounts as they relate to the bottom of the keyhole on the Thompson must be pretty close to the same when installed on the Starcraft. If the engine was aligned on the Thompson and the mounts were x" above the bottom of the keyhole, I think it's reasonable to say the mounts will be pretty close to the same measurement above the keyhole on the Starcraft when installed and properly aligned.
So, all this to say I'm going to try to build my stringers so that there is plenty of meat (margin of error) to bolt the mounts to in the location from the transom, and I'm going to build them so they can be very easily added to, to achieve the correct height. I envision being able to add sections of plywood to raise and lower it in 1/2" increments to get it inside of the window that the mounts themselves can be adjusted.
It's a huge bonus that the boat has stringers in place that I can work with. Now I just need to get something roughly in place based on the Thompson's measurements with the understanding that it may vary slightly, so the design needs to have some flexibility.