1975 SS 16' Rebuild


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

HA, no thats the bilge pump line. I havent removed it since it is encased in aout 2 inches of ice sitting on the bootom back end of the boat. I'm waiting for it to thaw.
I will mainly be building painting and redoing the interior pieces of the boat for a while. I also plan on individually applying resin and laying marine vinly down on each piece of decking so I will have an intentional seam in my vinyl from one piece of decking to the other. I figure it eliminates any flex possibilities in the joined piece and the possible tearing of the vinyl. It also allows me to cut the deck resin and lay vinyl with the deck inside the warm house to allow for appropriate drying. I was looking at the new tracker boats and this is how there deck is, with stainless screws right through the top of the vinyl?
Any thoughts to this process??


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 5, 2009
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

As long as you seal each screw you should be ok. You do not want to have to rip up The vinyl to remove a floor or for other repairs or additions.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

So I did some work on the consoles today, I removed the windshield and all the accesories from the consoles I also removed the dash, and was able to salvage them enough to use as templates. I replaced them with a couple pieces of red oak. And man those things were hard as nails!! Its amazing how hard they seem when your so use to working with pine. I stained them with just natural coloring. I'm the kind of guy who needs some wood on his boat. I'm hoping to sand and paint the consoles tomorrow and maybe get some more templates cut out, we shall see.


Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Those dash panels look great. I'm still bummed out because one of my boys...or maybe both, broke one of those anodized trim pieces.

I agree that a boat looks way nicer with some wood on her:D

Have you taken a look at that Johnson at all yet? Maybe to check compression. I'm gonna be buying a tester soon I hope.

I find it strange that it had a plastic prop on it. Is it really plastic?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Yea really plastic! LOL I guess they are about 60 bucks. A very cheap way to get back on the water if you ruin a prop. I cant imagine the performance is very good at all on them though.

I did a quick once over on the Johnny compression is about 120 in all 4 cylinders, good spark. I also dumped the LU oil just in case it hadnt been done in a while incase there was some water in it with these cold temps. The previous owner said he drained it before winter, and there was nothing but a few drops in it. So I refilled and figured that was enough to quell my curiosity until warmer weather.

I dont know if I would buy a compression tester Mike, I went to Auto Zone here in Holt and they have one on their loan a tool program 36.00 and you can borrow it when you bring it back you get your 36.00 back. Works for me not like I need a tester on a daily basis.

Thats a bummer on those aluminum pieces I scrubbed them with some steel wool and ajax they cleaned up nicely but boy was I careful, I could feel they would be easy to break.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

So I got what I feel is ALOT accomplished today. I painted both the consoles I think I'm going to change the color to a darker tan though. So they will need to be repainted. I got the deck all cut out I layed it in place to insure the fit. I will resin and lay the vinyl down this week. I also got the front seating cut out and the wood pieces for the consoles cut. It was kinda nice to look at the boat with some structure inside gives me some hope for the final product.

Sorry the pics are from my phone so the quality is kinda low. But I didnt have to resize them.. so that was kinda nice.



Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Nice work. I know what a pain all that cutting and fitting up in the bow is. And I get to do it again! :mad:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

EZ I mainly had templates to go by so it wasnt to bad. The front floor piece no template and resizing and fitting that one wasn't any fun at all. Did you pick up another boat? Or redoing some work in yours?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Did you pick up another boat? Or redoing some work in yours?

I built my front deck out of 1/2" ply and apparently it was not well enough supported with the hatches cut in it, etc. It cracked in 2 places so I had to crappily reinforce it to get through the season. Also my buddy boarded the boat once stepping directly on the starboard hatch and busted that right through. I had to reinstall the hinge and add more ghetto reinforcing under that. Yeah, it didn't work out real well up there. :redface: I need to tear it out and redo with better supported 5/8" and maybe rethink the hatches somewhat.

It cracked in the two places shown in red:

http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w200/ezmobee/New Boat/DSCF2488.jpg
http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w200/ezmobee/New Boat/DSCF2499.jpg
http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w200/ezmobee/New Boat/DSCF2498.jpg
http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w200/ezmobee/New Boat/DSCF2539.jpg


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

EZ I was going to go with front hatches exactly as you have designed in your boat, I have a picture of your boat saved as a guide for my build. I'm using 3/4 board up front but thats really good to know. I will definetly have to rethink and evaluate to insure i have enough bracing under my hatches.

Thanks for the info!


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Can't post pics, but EZ remembers the design I did. The jambing is the key for total support on the 3 sides without the hinge.

I used 3" wide 1/2" plywood to frame the jambs underneath, 2" as the nailer and 1" for the underhang jamb. The pieces were mounted after the carpet was folded under with wood screws and each corner connected with strapping. These screws were fastened from underneath.

Secondly, each jambing from the top received 2 SS bolts to compress them tighter and for vertical pressure. The washer and nuts concealed as well as the bolt head in the carpet.

Thirdly, my hinges were top mounted instead of under the deck, and they were mounted pre-carpet and are well hidden.

Fourthly, the exposed jambing are encased in L angle aluminum in 3/4" width for a clean look and added strength--------riveted

And, the placement of the hatches are key. Mine were cut out so all 4 corners were inside the piece of deck. This provided original wood lams strength surrounding the entire hatch, and also keeps the uncut portions close enough to each framing section, the outside walls as well as the piece attached to the bulkhead, and the bow well framing.

PM me for email address and I will send a few pictures.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Exactly. I didn't jamb really at all and my hatches ended up super weak. Those hinges aren't supposed to support weight. Big DUH on my part.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

I think learning from your mistakes then EZ and I thank you for that :D. I should be able to accomplish what you.. we are going for.
UPS also just made a stop at my door I now have my spiffy new teakwood ski locker :D



Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Cool! I love mine. It was a great addition.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

So not a whole lot exciting going on over here its like watching paint dry... no really it is :D I have been using kilz premium primer on my seating pieces. Anyone see any reason as to why I wouldnt be able to leave the primer and just stop there or does need a coat of some sort of exterior paint. I was going to do some oil base over the kilz but that stuff takes about 2 days to completely dry and thats inside my house :eek:. Just wondering if anyone knew right now I'm laying 2 coats of kilz and thinking of calling it good.


Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

I went with rustoleum over primer on my bow pieces, but they will be covered with cushions eventually. I do think that the primer scratches a bit easier maybe? I have not used Kilz though.

Those pieces really fit like a glove, nice carpentry there.

The Autozone near me does not rent the compression tool. I might have to go the the Holt store, thanks for the tip.:)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Ok good to know on the scratching, maybe I will bite the bullet and use the oil base and wait the six years for the damn stuff to dry :mad: Patience is not really my virtue sometimes :D


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

I'd overcoat the primer. Go to Lowes, get a gallon of porch and floor paint. The stuff I have dries QUICK!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 14, 2010
Re: 1975 SS 16' Rebuild

Alright now I'm sure i have a problem! I was just talking to Toni about this, I have 2 gallons of valspar porch and floor paint from lowes. I painted the consoles with one color dired in about 5 hours, the other color I was going to use as overcoat over the primer. That stuff is sticky 48hrs later. I blamed it on maybe the difference bewteen one being on wood and one being on metal. If thats what you have EZ then I'm going to take the other gallon back and tell them the situation, I hope they exchange it.

Anyone ever heard of paint not curing before?