1967 16' Fiberform Rebuild


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 26, 2009
Re: 1967 16' Fiberform Rebuild

Hey I boaters, it's been awhile.

I have been working on my boat, although, not as much as I would like to. I have the transom plywood completely out, the floor cut back close to the hull, and the stringers removed. I have started grinding, and now know what I have been missing all of my life:)!

I have taken pictures throughout the process, but have been unable to post anything, as my computer has decided to stop working. I am writing this post on my tiny Android keyboard. I am going to try and get the computer fixed, and will be able to post more pics soon.

I had a couple of questions about my rebuild. I am getting close (I think) to putting new wood/ fiberglass back into the boat. My question is in regards to the transom. My transom had a few items on it that will not be going back on the boat, like a swim ladder. This leaves me with holes in the outer skin that will not be used. They are just small bolt holes, but there are eight of them.

Also, when I was removing the transom plywood core, I put a 3/4" chisel through the outer skin:facepalm:. I was going to feather the hole and build it up with increasing sizes of glass. Do I need to do this for each hole I am not utilizing for the finished boat? Is there another, better method? Do these holes need to be built up on the inside and outside? The chisel hole is about 1" x 1/8".

I hope everybody is having a great memorial day weekend, and to any veterans on the forum, THANK YOU for your service.
