1965 26' Owens Flagship restoration underway.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 1, 2008
Lol! maybe! Tell me does this happen to you too? You research something for a while. Example; Origo two burner recessed alcohol stove, origo4000.jpg

Because it seems like the perfect solution. And then when the time comes to pull the trigger........Poof! Gone! Discontinued! NLA! Or you research wood finishing products and your search leads you to XiM products Mar-X-ite wood sealer and adhesion promoter and when the time comes to start the wood finish portion of the project. Yep! Poof! Gone! Discontinued! NLA! Lol! What say you Brotha? :)


Nov 7, 2013
Lol! maybe! Tell me does this happen to you too? You research something for a while. Example; Origo two burner recessed alcohol stove,

Because it seems like the perfect solution. And then when the time comes to pull the trigger........Poof! Gone! Discontinued! NLA! Or you research wood finishing products and your search leads you to XiM products Mar-X-ite wood sealer and adhesion promoter and when the time comes to start the wood finish portion of the project. Yep! Poof! Gone! Discontinued! NLA! Lol! What say you Brotha? :)

Yes! Or you found a great product that you bought a couple years ago and decide to order more before you're out - discontinued :( Could go on and on with that crap

Ned L

Sep 17, 2008
Even if not perfect I think I would be inclined to try varnishing the side decks and see how they look for a while. Discolorationing will tend to fade a bit and blend in over time (year or so) with exposure to the sun and light. Once you paint them and the paint gets in the grain it would be real tough to change your mind. It is always easy to go from varnish to paint, paint to varnish not so easy.

A bit late for your fire extinguisher mounting now, ...... I mounted mine on the underside of the side decks, one on each side of the boat. They are completely out of the way there, out of the weather, readily accessible and there are two available.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 1, 2008
Thanks for the encouragement and the tip about the sun evening out the wood. Good to know.

I decided on Interlux products for my varnishing project. Ironically there is a boating store on Hayden island more or less right across the channel from where the boat house is called Sexton's Chandlery. I had no idea it was there. It looks like a great little store. I couldn't go in of course with things being how they are but I could look through the door. From what I could see it seems to be mostly sailboat oriented but still. Cool store. The guys there seem really helpful. They had all of the Interlux and Pettit products in stock that you could possibly need.

I got some Interprime wood sealer clear, Interstain Chris Craft red mahogany stain, Interlux Schooner varnish and 333 brushing thinner. I need to get some Dalys Benite yet. They didn't have that in stock. They had Dalys SeaFin ship 'n shore sealer, not quite the same stuff but close.

I found four pieces of mahogany trim of some kind up in the rafters of the boat house covered in a half inch of dust. Once cleaned off and sanded on the back side it seems to be an almost perfect match for a lot of the wood on the boat. So I'm going to use it to experiment on. I'm hoping just doing the first coat of varnish thinned 50/50 with the brushing thinner and then the second coat 25/75 and then full strength will turn out to be a good match. I I'm a great believer in the k.i.s.s. principle but we'll see.



Chief Petty Officer
Jun 1, 2008
Ok, so I got the rest of my supplies. I also got some Smiths CPES as well. I think I might use that on the toe rail and the rub rail. Some parts of those pieces have some checking in them. Definitely not going to use it on the whole thing. That stuff's expensive! So, ready to rock & roll all night :) .......Just in time for the weather to turn to crap!
I've gotten the instrument panel pretty much done. I still need to round up the CO and bilge blower stickers. and get the little blower placard and screws cleaned up


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Looks like you are making progress slowly but surely! All those cans look like a lot of work!


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 1, 2008
Update time again!
Not really that much to report. Haven't put any varnish or anything on the actual boat yet. Still doing some stripping and sanding when circumstances allow. Don't have power back to the boat house yet. They're getting close, they've gotten the dock mostly re-decked. They widened the dock in front of the boat house.
dock006_s.jpg It used to be the same as the far end all the way along.
dock007_s.jpg This is is kind of looking left from the previous picture, looking down C dock. They've gotten the wiring run but no pedestals yet. So I've run a 100' extension cord down the the main panel when I could do it without getting in the workers way

I've gotten varnish on my test/practice pieces. Forgot to take pictures when the sun was out on Sunday. I think we've settled on a coat of Dalys Ship'n Shore Sealer and then the varnish. I tried one coat of Dalys Benite then the stain and then another coat of Benite and then the varnish, but the stain is just a bit too orange. I tried a couple coats of the Interlux Interprime then the varnish. It looked fine too. Then we smacked each of the pieces with a corner of another piece to see how they'd hold up to abuse and the Ship'n shore sealer faired the best. so we'll go with that. Simple. Easy.

I got my white vinyl for the combing boards and for the panels inside the cabin.

Since we haven't gotten power back yet I dragged the swim step home so I could mess with it a bit. I got the two pieces off the top. BTW, does anyone have a theory about what these might have been for?
swim001_s.jpg The only thing I can think of is maybe some kind of dinghy or a kayak mount. Not jazzed about the big hole in the middle but don't want to take it all apart to fix it.
swim002_s.jpg I got the four mounting rails off.
swim004_s.jpg One of them was broken. Another was split because of a plain steel lag screw that held a brace bracket. So I'll need to remake at least a couple of those. And I think all of the braces. They are there but had never been fitted or installed. They are made of red oak I think and have some splits and checking. I've got to get some Mahogany (probably Khaya or Sapele) for some other parts so I'll re-do those as well.
swim005_s.jpg This is why you only use proper bronze fasteners in a boat kids! :)



Chief Petty Officer
Jun 1, 2008
Well I can't believe it's been over a year since my last update. my only excuse is I had basically gotten fed up with the old forum software and just kind of gave up. I only recently discovered that it had been updated/replaced. This new software seems to be much better behaved.
Anyway, on to the update. Things are going pretty well. They got the dock upgrades all done. They got power and water all restored. We're getting close to completing a lot of small projects.
In January I got the new head installed. 20210103_155124.jpg
In February got it all plumbed in and working.20210207_152027.jpg
In March my battles with the Otters continues. I get to the boat house to be greeted with this:20210321_101007.jpg
The rest of my shop vac was nowhere to be found!
I don't have any pictures but some time prior to that I had found that they'd dragged the bag for my DeWalt multi tool over to just in front of the water :)
More updates to come...soon....I hope!


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
Nice job on the throne! Frisky little critters you have there. Good to see you back.