Update time again!
Not really that much to report. Haven't put any varnish or anything on the actual boat yet. Still doing some stripping and sanding when circumstances allow. Don't have power back to the boat house yet. They're getting close, they've gotten the dock mostly re-decked. They widened the dock in front of the boat house.

It used to be the same as the far end all the way along.

This is is kind of looking left from the previous picture, looking down C dock. They've gotten the wiring run but no pedestals yet. So I've run a 100' extension cord down the the main panel when I could do it without getting in the workers way
I've gotten varnish on my test/practice pieces. Forgot to take pictures when the sun was out on Sunday. I think we've settled on a coat of
Dalys Ship'n Shore Sealer and then the varnish. I tried one coat of Dalys Benite then the stain and then another coat of Benite and then the varnish, but the stain is just a bit too orange. I tried a couple coats of the Interlux Interprime then the varnish. It looked fine too. Then we smacked each of the pieces with a corner of another piece to see how they'd hold up to abuse and the Ship'n shore sealer faired the best. so we'll go with that. Simple. Easy.
I got my white vinyl for the combing boards and for the panels inside the cabin.
Since we haven't gotten power back yet I dragged the swim step home so I could mess with it a bit. I got the two pieces off the top. BTW, does anyone have a theory about what these might have been for?

The only thing I can think of is maybe some kind of dinghy or a kayak mount. Not jazzed about the big hole in the middle but don't want to take it all apart to fix it.

I got the four mounting rails off.

One of them was broken. Another was split because of a plain steel lag screw that held a brace bracket. So I'll need to remake at least a couple of those. And I think all of the braces. They are there but had never been fitted or installed. They are made of red oak I think and have some splits and checking. I've got to get some Mahogany (probably Khaya or Sapele) for some other parts so I'll re-do those as well.

This is why you only use proper bronze fasteners in a boat kids!