Thanks guys! The only reason I've gotten this far is because of you guys. I've been giving the search function quite a workout.
I'm still hard at it. The donor boat I bought had a sweet 20gal aluminum belly tank that didn't quite fit under my deck. I hated to do it, but I pulled up my decking and just finished fastening down 1" square aluminum tubing down the stringers and rib-ends. BTW.... an 8' stick of that aluminum was $32 at lowes.....I paid $36 for four sticks at a local metal company!
I cut out a new keyhole shape and drilled a couple of new holes for my new-to-me MR-1 drive. FYI, the bottom 4 holes lined up, the top two needed to be raised. '64 IA drive to an '84 MR-1.
I got the transom assembly mounted, man it feels good to see something hanging off the back of this boat again!
Rub rails are mostly in....turns out 50' is NOT enough to do this boat. Did I measure? No. Hah. I have the ~10' strip down the lower port side to do still....I haven't got a plan yet since it seemed as though 50' was the smallest increment you could buy. Anyone know of a company that sells by the foot?
My windshield situation is going well, here is a pic of it mocked up. Should be mounted tomorrow.
Got a running 140 ready to go in also!