1963 16' Star Dust I believe


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015

You can't use muffs on a jet but I think I made up a way to connect a hose.

I'll take some pictures of the adapter that I made connected to the motor and try running it on a hose.

Basically I have a 3/8" plug on the side that goes into the water pump area. My adapter shoots water that way through a brass T allowing some pressure relief that is run around and shot into the intake. Hope that'll work allowing me to run it at home instead of running down to the lake.

The 2 lakes near me don't have docks so I backed the boat in and left it on the trailer.

Was going to use my little Kubota to move the boat around but it had a leak in a coolant hose. A trip to town and $1.99 got me a piece of hose that I had to form a 90 degree bend at one end. I kept it from collapsing by sliding a coil spring that was quite tight over the bend area. It seems to work just fine. I filled it back up with antifreeze and reassembled it before mowing some lawn.

Will try again tomorrow.


Aug 31, 2017
StarTed, I just started reading this thread from the beginning (and I'm a total rookie when it comes to boats in any form). Really appreciate how well this is all documented. A couple of questions if you don't mind..when you say you painted with "rattle cans" do you literally mean the kind of spray paint cans I can go buy at every hardware store? Also, when you turtled the boat, was that really a one man job? I've seen so many pics of turtled boats here and have been curious about that's actually accomplished.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
Welcome aboard tklepp01. :welcome:

To your first question, yes I used Rustoleum from local hardware stores such as Home Depot and others. I did get some Zinc Chromate for the outside from the internet since it wasn't available locally. The rattle cans are the ones with a glass marble inside that mixes up the paint when shook.

To the second question, my son and I turned the boat over by hand, one at each end. At that point it was quite light. The additions since that time make it too heavy for us now.

I'll take some pictures today of the adapter I made to run the motor from a garden hose. Too bad I don't have a video camera.

Stay tuned.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Even flip phones have a video camera. :lol:

We love video as you know. :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
Watermann, my phone is the bottom of the line TracFone. I haven't tried taking a picture with it. I use my old digital camera made by Olympus.

By the way, I got the Evinrude running on the hose. It ran fast and was quite noisy. It was hard starting the first time but now fires right up.

Took it down to Badger Lake for a try out. 1.6 miles to the launch. It ran much better in the water but is now starving out when opened up. It surges up then drops back sounding like it isn't getting enough fuel from the tank. The control needed adjustment for a neutral position.

I'll be looking for an air leak but it might have been that I forgot to open the tank air bleed. Might have been too much vacuum in the tank.

I'll throw in another tank and line just for kicks. It got up to 20 mph and ran at that point. when shut back down to an idle then hit the throttle it'd surge with power then back off. The carbs are clean and a new fuel pump kit was installed along with new lines in the engine.

Took some pictures but they're still in the camera.

While back home I adjusted the shift control to hopefully get the neutral position for the pump. Will try again.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
My second try was worse. The engine refused to run up and I lost a pin in the jet's gate.

I think the problem is a serious lack of fuel. I'm wondering if something could be causing a lack of crankcase pressure changes such as reed valves or something plugging the hole. After all, it was open for some time.

It turns out that the bushings for the pins were worn considerable and I had forgotten to put in the clamp screws.

I found some plastic thick wall tubing that seems similar to the worn pieces and turned them on the lathe for a snug fit in the housing. Looks like that should work well and set the gate back to original position.

The original pins are 5/16" stainless with a notch cut in for the screw to pass. I found a piece of 5/16" hard stainless in my supply stock so now it's just a process of making it the same as the original.

I'm still thinking about the fuel problems and possible fixes. I tried 2 different tanks with fresh fuel and separate hoses. Both performed the same. I'm not dismissing the possibility that I might have introduced something in the line or motor fitting. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Hows the compression on your motor?

Have you checked the timing and linkage?

Power packs on the older motors? Wiring gets nasty too. Causes intermittent loss of power as a cylinder drops off. Check the plugs for signs of firing issues.

Usually a lean condition on an OB causes a distinct bogging as too much air flows in without enough fuel present.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
No Title

Today I checked the compression, spark and linked and synched.

Compression checked out at 120 psi on all 3.

I built a spark checker and got nice strong sparks from all 3 cylinders. It jumped a good 7/16" with strong blue flames.

The linkage seemed to be a little off. Followed the book and adjusted everything to the specs.

Still haven't looked to see if there's a fuel issue.

Maybe will do a run tomorrow weather permitting. It's supposed to rain, first measurable rain in 80 days or more. It's needed.

Here are some pictures I took Friday.

The clip that attaches to the input grate was made from some roofing tin. It held on well spraying excess water up the intake


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Apr 5, 2011
I haven't seen if you have rebuilt your carbs or not. My 70hp rude sat up since 2007. Had to replace the stator, timer base trigger, coils, plugs, water pump and
complete carb rebuild. Was having the same problem as you. Would run on hose but not at the lake. No high rpm. After the carb rebuild and new jets in the carbs
it runs great.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
Thanks for the input Decker83.

I did clean and put in new kits into the carburetors but they sat around a while so maybe something got into them. They looked good and clean when I did that but bugs seem to crawl everywhere. We have a lot of sage beetles here that crawl all over and look for homes for the winter. I wouldn't put it past them to crawl in somewhere and plug up the works.

Think I'll pull the carbs again, at least the intake to take a look.

Rained last night before midnight so I think our new drought record will be 80 days without rain. We didn't need a longer record.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Yeah last night we got some light sprinkles for a short time, hasn't actually rained here since June. While not uncommon to not rain all summer here we had none of our normal monthly fast moving T storms that dump rain for 10 min.

Chasing demons in old motors can be frustrating to say the least.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
No Title

Here are some pictures that I took. The pictures of the spark plugs are from the testing use only. The picture of the spark testing only shows 2 of the 3 but they all look the same. I know that I moved the camera and the picture is blurry but it shows the sparks at 7/16".

There are 2 pictures of the results of link and sync. One is with the carbs off and the other is full throttle.

I may try it before doing more with the fuel.


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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Looking at the pic below the 2nd from top yellow wire going into the power pack has a bend in it that looks odd in the pic, like it's bent at about a 90 degree angle. Make sure the wiring is good especially anything that comes from the stator to the PP and behind the rectifier. Rotten wires can cause all sorts of issues.

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Apr 5, 2011
CDI's website has great information on checking all of the ignition. A multi meter and a DVA adapter is about all you need. You can down load all of the test and what results you should have for your evinrude.. Helped me out and kept me from guessing. Make sure all of your ground connection or good and clean.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
Checked the fuel pump pressure and timing yesterday.

Fuel pump pumped put out 2 psi after a couple seconds cranking with plugs out.

Timing was after TDC at minimum throttle and advanced to 12 degrees before TDC at full throttle again while cranking with plugs out.

Think I'll take it back to the lake weather permitting for another run.

Last time out it seemed to idle fine but just wouldn't stay run up. Would power up then back off to a point running the boat at 20 mph.

Fuel still sticks in my head as the problem but ran the link and sync again with some adjustments since I last ran the motor so it needs another test before tearing in further. A problem for me is that the local lakes launches close October 1st and I need to start preparing for hunting seasons.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
No Title

Well, I guess I can call it splashed;

I found the problem. :embarassed:

Somebody (me) installed the float upside down in the top carburetor. All I can think is that the pin must have fallen out while handling it after adjusting the float level and I picked it up and put the pin back in with the float upside down. That prevented the needle from opening completely limiting the fuel intake for that carb.

I also had to buy a new marine starting battery. That solved the starter not turning the engine.

The trip to the lake between these 2 posts was quickly aborted due to the starter failing to crank the engine.

Here are 3 pictures to show it runs.


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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
She cuts a fine wake Ted, nice work finding the problem with the carb. :thumb:



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
Thanks guys.

I saw some fish rising at the far end of the lake while running the test.

Now the big question, do I go back to Badger Lake and try for some of those fish or take it down to the Snake River and try for some Chinook on Monday?

I may just wait and take it down with my motorhome for a few days.

It's tough to find the time when you're retired. :D

Still have to come up with a rub rail for the gunwale. Think I'll try some PEX water pipe. Blue and Red are both nice. What do you think of running 2 parallel ones slit and slid over both parts of the channel? I can make some clamps to keep them together that are fastened to the existing threaded 10-24 holes. Just a thought. I don't like a rope due to fish hooks. Maybe there are some other ideas since the channel is wider than current ones.