1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 7, 2013
I need help... Before this motor makes me a quitter. I recently bought an older Starcraft as a fishing boat. It has a 59 Evinrude 50 hp. I've been working on the boat and motor for a while now, trying to get it in the water for the first time. I finally got all the parts put in so that I could try and start it for the first time last week. It turned over, but wouldn't start. I re-set the timing belt on the magneto and set the points using an ohm meter. Still wouldn't start. Hmm...

I decided to get a can of starting fluid to see if it just need a little encouragement, and to my disbelief, it fired right up. I have the motor sunk in a barrel that barely covers the water intakes, which I thought would be sufficient. After it fired the first time I primed the fuel line and decided to try and get it to run, and it did. It was a little rough, but was starting to smooth out. Then it started to idle up pretty high so I tried to adjust the low low speed jets down a little thinking it was getting too much fuel. That didn't really help. Then it started to smoke quite a bit, but I thought that most of it was old oil burning off the motor. Then I started to get white smoke out of the exhaust. I shut it down and checked everything over. Everything seemed fine. I fired it up again and same thing. I wasn't sure if I was getting water through the motor so I shut it down, disconnected a water line between the head and the t-stat housing and figured I'd see if I was getting any water. I started it briefly and no water. I pulled the bottom end off so that I could check the impeller and everything looks ok to me, but this is the first time I've had a boat motor apart.

My questions, I guess, would be:

-If the water in my tub was bouncing up and down from the exhaust, could have that caused the water pump to not get a good hold on the water?

-What might cause excessive white smoke? (at least I think it was plain white, I didn't think about color until after the fact)

-What kind of temperatures do these run at? After I shut it off, I put a thermometer against the head and it was up around 190 to 200 degrees.

-Am I wasting my time with this gas guzzling (from what I've read) motor?

Thanks to anyone who has any insight.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Get a bigger barrel and get it deeper in the water. And the try it. Or else take it to the water.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

+1 Get it in the water. Deep enough to submerge the water pump a couple of inches before starting it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 7, 2013
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Ok. Thank you guys. Sounds like I need to put the bottom end back together and get it in the water. The water pump gasket looks good. I was going to use a light coat of blue rtv silicone when I put it back together. Does that sound right? I'm use to cars but not to boats.

Also, I had a lot of oil in the bucket when I was done running. It almost looked like water oil mix like you'd get out of a crankcase on a car with a blown head gasket. Could that just be old oil that came down while running and mixed with the water because of the agitation of the exhaust? I know I sound a little paranoid, but I'm still learning boats. I just don't want to do any, or anymore damage to the motor than it already has. And without a temp sensor, I'm worried about over heating it.
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Will Bark

Aug 1, 2010
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Water in the bucket is unburned oil and is normal; and as they said make sure your water level is well above the intakes.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Eric, You did clean and gap both sets of points, right? What spark plugs are you running? Should be J4C, or maybe J6C.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Also, check the ign link and synch. Turn flywheel until timing marks on rear of pull starter and block, align with mark on flywheel. Advance throttle until notch on dist clamp aligns with timing mark on dist. pully base. Timing is right if timing mark on pully aligns with mark on pully base. In not remove timing belt and make it so. Carb should be closed, but just ready to open. adjust stainless rod link to make that so.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 7, 2013
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

magneto marks.jpg
I did gap both sets of points with an OHM meter after adjusting the timing belt. It seemed to be off by 1 tooth, but I wasn't 100% sure about the marks on the magneto and the bracket. They don't really match the marks shown in the book. I should probably re-check that. There is an oblong hole in the bracket that I assumed was the mark and a middle mark on the magneto that kind of looked like a timing mark. The other two marks on the magneto housing were very clear and 90 degrees apart, so those are the marks I used for setting the points.

I did not clean the points. I suppose I should get a file and run it through them, but they appeared pretty good. I'm not sure what plugs are in it. They were there when I got it and I will replace them now that I know it has the possibility of running. I was trying to avoid getting too deep in this motor financially and end up with an extra anchor. I'll also need to re-check the timing marks with the throttle linkage in the right position, but I was a little unclear of the exact procedure. I read the pages in the manual many many times and still wasn't 100% sure.

It sounds like some of that smoke might have been tune up issues? I still haven't done a compression test because I don't have a gauge, but that is something I would like to do. Also, I know the book says 25:1 oil but I was also told 50:1. I went with about 35:1 for the first 3 gallons I got for testing. What gas to oil ration would you recommend?
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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 7, 2013
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

One last off topic question... I found a 1966 Evinrude 40hp on CL for $150. It supposedly ran a couple of years ago but has been sitting. That is the motor that is supposed to be on my boat. How are those big twins? Are they worth working on?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 7, 2013
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

I just went out and aligned all of the timing and adjustment marks as I understood them. All of these pics are with the motor in the same position and the throttle is cracked open to align the pics on the linkage pivot point (pic 3) and I believe I need to adjust the rod on the throttle (pic 4). Does any of this look right?

2013-11-10 13.00.05b.jpg2013-11-10 13.00.11.jpg2013-11-10 13.00.54.jpg2013-11-10 13.00.59.jpg


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 10, 2010
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

My dad had two (purchased new) 40's from the 60's. They were both fantastic motors. One was I believe a 61 and the other a 64 or 65. The only reason he traded-in the earlier one was he had had a heart attack and could no longer pull the recoil (the first one was manual start and the second electric start). My two cents says they are sweet running motors and not overly complicated.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Somebody has put a 75hp magneto mounting bracket on that motor. See the two holes right below that arrow you drew? That is where the 75hp safety switch goes. Now draw a line midway between those holes. That line represents your imaginary safety switch button. Align your pulley mark with it. You can ignore the other marks on the mag. Easy.

BTW, your belt is out of time.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Look on the mag mounting and below the two holes on the bracket is another line. The pulley line has to be in time with that when you put the belt on.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 7, 2013
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

That makes more sense The manual just didn't quite make sense with what I was seeing. I put another pic hoping that I am understanding where the actual mark is supposed to be. Thank you so much F_R and everyone else here on iboats.com that are so helpful. I have learned more about boats on here in the last couple months then I ever thought I would know.

book timing.jpgtiming mark.jpg

And thank you twocyclemania also. I might look into this or another mid 60's 40 hp as another option if I can't get this fat fifty going right.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Maybe this will explain. 75hp timing and safety switch alignment. Yes, your mark is the imaginary switch button location. Fig 4-20


  • 75hp Belt timing.jpg
    75hp Belt timing.jpg
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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 7, 2013
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Hmm. I see what you are talking about. It looks like my magneto pulley is off of a 75 hp also. It probably shouldn't have that raised section on it if it wasn't off of a 75 hp. I wonder what else isn't right and I wonder if timing the belt like a 75 hp will work. I'll give it a shot.

If anyone out there has pictures of their 1958 or 1959 50 hp, especially the magneto area, I'd LOVE to see them.
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Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Yep, after reviewing your pictures, you do have a 75hp magneto. The cam that operates the switch is on the breaker plate. 50hp didn't have that.

Now, as I said, time it like a 75hp. It will be happy and thank you for it.

Hm.m.m.m.m, after saying all that, I'm not 100% sure the cogged belt pulley is the same for 50 and 75hp. I'll have to look up the part numbers to verify that.

EDIT: Yep same pulley.
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Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

By the way, I love the old V4 50s but they are extremely thirsty drinking about 6 gallons per hour at wide open throttle.
They do slightly better at reduced throttle.
The 40 hp you speak of will go almost as fast, 33, compared to the 50 at 35.
The 40 is rated at about 5 gph. The 40 is lighter and much easier to work on.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 7, 2013
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

Right on F_R. I really appreciate the help and the info. You have set my mind a little more at ease. Every time I get down about this boat and motor, someone on iboats gives me inspiration. I'm hoping to get the bottom end back together tomorrow and maybe even tackle the timing if I get off work early enough. Then I just need to figure out the linkage adjustment and I can hopefully drop it in the water for the first time soon.

And thank you steelspike also. If I can get this fat 50 running ok, I'll probably use it for now and then go back to the 40hp that belongs on the boat next year. At that point I hope I can get this fat 50 in a good enough condition that I can sell it to someone with the right boat for it. Maybe a nice late 50's Starcraft. :)


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: 1959 evinrude 50hp motor trouble.

I think it is a mistake to try to compare a 50 to a 40. The 50 will far outperform a 40 on the boat or load it was designed for, compared to trying to run a 40 on that same boat/load.


  • 1958 Evinrude 50hp .jpg
    1958 Evinrude 50hp .jpg
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