Re: 1958 lone star malibu boat restoration help
So Ive been working on the cowling for the motor today. I pulled all the badges and trim off of it and stripped it down. It will get painted along with the boat. I still need to run one more light coat of stripper on it and then it will be done and ready for paint.
Would like some input on how to paint it. I could go complete original colors with the black strip on the side and it would fit well with the black and white seats and black pin stripe on the side of the boat. Or I could do it with blue on the side instead of the black just to get more blue on the boat. What do you guys think?
I pulled and sanded the badges down. They were pitted pretty bad. I will be painting them chrome to fit with the trim on the cowling.
I need help in finding these little pegs for the face plate on the motor.
I managed to get 3 of them out ok but the last one broke on me. I also need a few for the medallions on the side if I decide to put the originals back on. What are these called and does anyone know where to find them? I just noticed how bad that picture is of them. If you need me to I can take a better one.
Last I will be stripping and painting the face plate again. I found you can use water/bleach or hydrogen peroxide to get the discoloration off of clear plastic. I'm trying it now with the medallions. Just letting them soak in bleach for the next few hours while I'm at work. Hopefully it will help. If it works then I will move to the face plate and try it.