Some pictures of a 1957 Canadian Challenger cedar strip boat I rebuilt over the last year.
WORK DONE: Disassemble boat. Strip paint and varnish outside and inside, clean inside hull with oxalic acid, repair 45 ribs, replace both full-length garboard planks, 6 additional planks, inner and outer keels and bilge strips, cross saddles, transom, transom knees, dashboard, 3 deck beams, decks, floorboards and seats. Rewire a new electrical system. Glass hull and completely refinish boat inside and out. Polish all hardware.
WORK DONE: Disassemble boat. Strip paint and varnish outside and inside, clean inside hull with oxalic acid, repair 45 ribs, replace both full-length garboard planks, 6 additional planks, inner and outer keels and bilge strips, cross saddles, transom, transom knees, dashboard, 3 deck beams, decks, floorboards and seats. Rewire a new electrical system. Glass hull and completely refinish boat inside and out. Polish all hardware.