16' Nescher ski boat complete restore- SPLASHED!!

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Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Today's weather wasn't as bad as it could have been, thankfully the freezing rain didn't last that long. Here is a shot earlier today of round 1....round 2 is supposed to start tonight, can't wait.


So far I still have power, so I was able to make progress on the boat tonight. I finished knocking everything down with 220, and wiped the sludge off. I think I'm going to get the halogen lamp out tomorrow, mark any chips, spot putty them and sand them down. After that I will evaluate whether I need to spot prime or just shoot a light coat on the entire thing.



Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

I'm using a DuPont urethane high build primer, urethane sealer and a urethane base clear system. It will be trailered or on the lift in my dock, otherwise I would have gone with a bottom paint. I did one in Imron several years back and it worked great. Still not as durable as gel coat, but a lot less work! Its going to be a metallic red with a metallic silver stripe....I have a photo shoped pic a few pages back of the scheme.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

I hope everyone's weekend is off to a good start. It doesn't look like a very good day for building the paint booth....I need to go to home depot, but it needs to thaw out a bit before I can drive the truck out to the shop.


Here are a couple of shots from last night....more tape marking "issues". Most were really small, everything should be good to go after this round.


Here is a pic after I spot primed it.


I left the heater on 70 last night, so it should be ready to sand out with 400 today. Hopefully after that I will be ready for paint!:D


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Here are the pics from tonight. I finished sanding it out with 400.....just need to go back and do some "spot sanding" and we should be ready for sealer and paint! :D





Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

I checked the boat for chips and or minor stuff that needed fixed today in the sunlight (first time we have had any in forever) and found a couple little things. I also found a spot on port side that was really wavy....I have no idea how I missed it...but it need fixeds :mad:....so more body work just when I thought I was done! The good news is everything else looks good to go. I worked on it some tonight, then came up to the house to work on the paint booth plans. I want to pick up the materials for that tomorrow before the next storm moves in on Sunday. I just about have it drawn up, just need to get a materials list worked up. I also got a call from the mechanic that I'm buying the motor from. He has all of the title work cleared up and will be putting it on a stand so I can see it running sometime next week. :D


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Thanks for the ideas guys, I will think about it when I get back to the interior. By the time I got to "work" yesterday it was 3:00. I spent the morning finishing up the drawing / cut list for the paint booth. After that I did a materials take off and rounded up what I didn't already have. Then i had to move all kinds of crap around to get it all in the shop and a place to build the booth. I did manage to get some work done on the boat. I did the body work on the "dent" I found. Strange, it looks like a flaw from the factory mold. I check the other side and no "dent"...it was really shallow, probably why I didn't notice it before.



I should be able to block it out,then shoot one more coat of primer on it. I'll probably do that tonight last thing....that stuff is nasty! I have noticed this boat is really "wavy"...not real strait. I realize its glass, but this one seem worse than normal...maybe it's just because its 40 years old and the technology isn't as good as it is today?


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

I also fixed the voids in the upper corners of the transom. I thought we had it completely full, but when I flipped it I noticed some dark spots in the corners (the rest of it looks pink from the seacast). I started out by drilling some small holes along the top side of the voids...they were kind of L shaped. I also used those for vents to let air out. After I found the boundrys of the void, I drilled a hole at the highest point of the void. The void tappered as it went up, so I ended up with a small void above my hole.


The hole was the same size as I used to pour the foam in the deck. I took my foam funnel and filled it with secast, then pushed it into the void with a big dowel rod...very messy process by the way. Here are a couple of shots mixing up the seacast....weird stuff. I'm sure somewhere in my "1/2" Milwaukee drill manual" there is a warning not to take pictures with one hand while operating the drill with the other....





I did panic a bit during the process....I mixed it up, added the catalysis, then went to put in the fibers....except they weren't where I left them or thought I left then..........after 5 minutes a little panic kicked in..... I finally found them right where I moved them too

Here is the final product, I left the heater on to help it set up, rock solid this morning.



Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

It was a good day...found out I get a tax return....obviously someone in the government didn't do their job if I'm getting something back :p! I also picked up the tower on a fairly warm, sunny afternoon....runs like a champ!


After getting it home and safely tucked away in my garage I took a closer look at it. There is one wire that needs replaced, for some reason the insulation on it deteriorated....not a big deal. There is also a small "tab" broken off of the retainer that holds the throttle and shifter cable in place. I'm guessing I can round one up on ebay. There is a little bit of "grinding" on the bottom of the skeg, but no chips or missing pieces, not bad for 23 years old. Actually the entire motor is really clean. It has some wear on it, but looks well taken care of and probably has pretty low hours. Compression was almost perfect on it.

After that I went down to the shop and did some cleaning...made a list / organized to finish up a few things on the boat and build the paint booth. I need to do a little glass work on the seacast transom patch....already itching! Also I need to drill the keel & splash well drain holes. After that I'm going to push it outside and clean / build the paint booth. I also played with the stripes tonight, what do you think about this?


A 2" strip from the bow to the point where it drops down on the sides, then as it rounds the corner it covers the entire transom. That would be silver, and the rest would be red.

Where are you headed Bob?


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Looonnnggg day! I did get a lot done...cleaned up the shop and pushed the boat outside....then worked on the paint booth. I got most of the hard stuff done today. I ran out of plastic, so I will pick some more up tomorrow and finish it up. I have some video that I will post later...right now I'm heading for the shower!




Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore


I like the "positive pressure" booths over "negative". I have worked in both, the negative pulls in lots of trash. No matter how "air tight" it is, dust / dirt / junk gets pulled into the booth from the cracks and crevices. A positive pressure booth will just push air out of these places into the space surrounding the booth. The air (and over spray) will follow the path of least resistance to the exhaust port. In this case a couple of cheap air filters. A positive boot should really have high volume low speed fans, so I'm not sure how my box fans will work. One reason I placed them up high is to keep them from sturing up dirt on the ground.

As for the over spray, it usually isn't a problem if you get things on quickly. It takes about 20 minutes for the paint to "tack" (assuming you are using the right temperature reducer). Any over-spray that lands on the paint before it tacks should "burn in". The over-spray is pretty heavy and tends to "fall" out of the air in a couple of minutes.

It shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to get a coat on this hull. You do have to keep switching sides, spray 5' on one side, then go to the other. If you spray one side, then go back down the other, you may end up with a dry spot where the two meet in the middle. You have to keep a "wet edge" where adjoining sections meet. Hope that helps...might be more than you wanted to know!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Ok I got everything done except the walk door and the big door. I'll work on that tomorrow night....I was getting tired and making bad decisions...time to call it quits for the night. I hope to pick up the paint tomorrow too...getting close! Here are the pics.....I have a video I'll post later.




Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Ok, I figured out how to delay the drain tube install...so I'll get the flange tool and we can have the communal I-boats flange tool! Frisco you in?

I finished the paint booth tonight, only took one trip to H.D. I pressure tested the booth (turned on the fans and the roof plastic popped up), then tested the intake volume (lit a match and checked to see if the smoke got sucked in)....Houston we are a go!

Here are the pics of the finished doors. Notice the high tech closer on the walk door. :D



The blue filters are sexy huh? I can already tell the next two days are going to be long!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Here we go.....picked out the paint today..had it mixed....take your Visa to the paint store, you'll need it! I wiped Miss Morgan down tonight and rolled her in the booth...did some cleaning, now its about 18 hours till paint time! I need to do some taping in the morning...and wipe her down...then we are ready to go!




Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Here are a couple of pics.....

This is after I shot the silver and we taped off the stripe.










Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

A couple of you have had questions about prep / paint, so I thought I would outline what I did.

First thing was to pressure wash the hull, then wipe it down with Acetonte.

Prep sanding:
Since it still had a lot of spray paint on it, and it was really rough, I sanded it down with a DA (dual action sander, an air powered model....electric sanders work if you don't have a big compressor) and 80 grit. The idea is just to remove the spray paint (or what ever it was) and rough up the old gelcoat....give it some tooth. If it wasn't for the spray paint and rough surface, I would have probably gone with 120 or 220. The sander can make "dishes" if it isn't held pretty close to parallel to the surface. You won't see them, but you sure will when the paint is on. So hold it flat, light pressure and keep it moving. If it is a curve or odd shape, sand it by hand. Try to use the part of your hand that fits the shape best....palm for flat stuff, fingers for little tight curves.

Once I had the surface sanded down, I ground damaged areas with a 36 grit disk where I needed to do body work. Just like glass work, the idea is to rough up the surface so the filler will stick. After that I applied bondo....roughed it to shape, then finished it with 80 grit. That may take several coats, depending on the damage. Once the shape is right, I filled minor imperfections with "glazing compound". More or less very thin body filler. A side note, all of the products (fillers and primers) I use are catalyzed. There are several products out there that aren't and they have a tendency to shrink a few months down the road...that will make your great paint job look like crap! I finished up the glazing compound with 120. One note, leave you body work slightly "high", since there will be more sanding in the primer stage.

Next I shot everything with a high build sanding primer, Nason Select Prime 2K (urethane based). I used it on the entire boat since it was beat up so bad. If you just have spot damage, you could prime just that area. Once it set up, I blocked it out with 120 wet. (blocking is using a paint paddle with sand paper wrapped around it to sand down the surface). The idea is that the "block" will help to flatten the surface. If you look at my post, you will see a shot of the bottom where I have sanded through areas of the primer. Those areas are "high", the primer helps fill the low areas. This will help you flatten out your body work, as well as minor imperfections in the hull. I also used a hard black rubber "squeegee' for some of the curved areas. Again, areas that a tight curves you can sand with your fingers. I did this a couple times till tell it "felt right". If it doesn't feel strait, it won't look strait. If you can feel it, you will see it. I finish sanded the final coat to the paint's recommendations, 400 in my case.

Paint Day:
First I shot a sealer coat (urethane), on the boat, DuPont Chroma Seal. This just seals the surface, and provides a uniform base color....important if you are using metallics. They have a tendency to be very transparent. After it flashed (drys to the touch), I shot the silver. Both the silver and the red are DuPont Chroma Base (Urethane). Once the silver set for about an hour I taped off the stripe. I used a 3M stripe tape (the blue plastic stuff, not the blue home depot stuff...automotive paint stripe tape) to give me a good edge. After that, I taped and papered off the rest of the silver. I used 3M 233 tape for that. Its a green masking tape that is formulated for automotive paint work....other stuff maybe too sticky and pull off the wet paint, or not stick. It isn't cheap, but it works! After that, I shot the red.

The Clear:
After the red had flashed, I pulled the tape and paper off of the silver. Once I had wiped it off with a tack cloth again, we were ready for clear. (don't push hard on the tack cloth...you can actually leave wax on the surface that will cause fish-eyes) I cleared it with DuPont Chroma Clear. If you are doing one color, a "single stage" is easier....it doesn't require a clear top coat. The base clear system works better for stripes / multiple colors.

After that you get a good nights sleep, because you will be tired! Actually I enjoyed a couple of beers admiring my work! Great feeling! This was my method, there are a lot of other great ways to paint....and I'm sure cheaper ones......I was just familiar with this method. Have no doubt, the products I used were EXPENSIVE, but the results are worth it to me. I'm sure a lot of you may not want to spend that much money, which is understandable.....the important part about this stuff is to have fun! Sorry about the novel, hopefully it will be helpful. Now back to the trailer this weekend! :D


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Re: 16' Nescher ski boat complete restore

Here's a couple of shots I got today when I pushed it out to work on the color sanding....feel like i moved from Alaska to Scotland! :eek:



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