Re: 16' 1967 Silverline Rambler Restoration
Once again Chris, thanks for the advice.
Didn't make as much progress last weekend as I hoped. The sanding atachment wouldn't fit my grinder, and I think I have to much of the grinding complete to justify buying a new grinder. SO it was a lot more of grinding bad spots with the metal cutoff wheel. Did about 8 straight hours friday, hands still feel funny today.
Saturday I cut out the stringers using the old ones as templates, definatly the easy way. Checked the pattern against my table of offsets at it was all good. I also cut out the the new transoms and laminated them. In the picture that piece of wood isn't magically levitating, just the girlfriend being photo shy whle she helped.
Sunday was a play day, so not work on the boat. Went to Lake Michigan with my girlfriend and parents, then just me and her for a quick canoe paddle/goose hunt that evening. They were flying high so no dice there.
Monday I worked on bedding the transom. Had to grind/sand a few bits to get it to sit flat, then it was puttied up and clamped. I made the plate on the outside of some scraps to keep from getting any waves from uneven clamping.
Hopefully this weekend bring better progress on bedding the stringers. Like Chris said, I am planning on bedding in PL and filleting with resin putty. Should hopefully have the hull grinding whipped friday evening, then start with some more of the reconstruction.
It sure felt good to see the transom inand sitting flat, nice to put something back in!!!!