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  1. F

    Fuel pump Gale 12S13B

    There are some surprises in store for you. 1st, the hose fitting in the carburetor bowl is replaceable. Simply replace it with the size you need. Or of course, you could replace the bowl if need be. 2nd, there is no lower seal in a 12S13B. It doesn't need one because it is mounted on the...
  2. F

    Johnson JW-10 recoil issue

    Easy, Equalizer spring must be preassembled correctly.
  3. F

    1954 Evinrude 25 - Build Compression, Lose Spark

    I have no answer for you concerning the basic question. But there is something wrong with the information you give. 1954 25014 has only two coils under the flywheel as already stated The 3-coils setup started in the 1970,s The 1970's 25hp motors are totally different than the1950's 25hp motors...
  4. F

    1966 Johnson 100hp V4ML Firing Order ?

    1 is the highest plug. 2 is next one down (on opposite side) 3 is next one down (on first side) 4. Is the lowest.
  5. F

    69 hydroelectric johnson 60hp. Starts in reverse.

    Takes about two seconds see if it is running backwards. Simply look. The flywheel should be rotating clockwise when viewed from above. If it is rotating counter-clockwise, that's backwards. Anti-reverse spring is located under the flywheel, under points' breaker plate. It is a silver spring...
  6. F

    Gale 7.5hp Montgomery Ward Sea King

    OR this??? (Clinton) Sea King motor from the 1970's
  7. F

    Gale 7.5hp Montgomery Ward Sea King

    By any chance, is this what you ae looking for? Gale (and Johnson) motors from the 1950's Typical Chrysler Sea King starter as used in the 1970's
  8. F

    Gale 7.5hp Montgomery Ward Sea King

    Sorry, gotta disagree.. No 7.5hp Gale motors ever. Buccaneer or otherwise. Might have been an Evinrudé, Chrysler or Cinton or ? Produced motor. Post pictures and w÷ can identify. __
  9. F

    Gale 7.5hp Montgomery Ward Sea King

    Gale did not make a 7.5hp motor.
  10. F

    JW10-1032176 3hp compression question

    80-85 psi is great. BUT it depends on your compression gauge. The type with a relief valve located where the adapter screws into the spark plug hole are best. If the relief valve is located at the gauge AND connected to the spark plug hole with a hose are notoriously inaccurate. There is a reason.
  11. F

    1963 Evinrude 28 stuck in neutral

    Items 9 through 13 are the parts that I referred to in post#4
  12. F

    1963 Evinrude 28 stuck in neutral

    Very likely the inner shift rod clevis is rusted/corroded. Very common, especially if motor is use in salt water, but it happens in fresh water also. The exhaust and combustion byproducts blow right on it. Powerhead removal is required to repair it.
  13. F

    50ESL73R No Spark

    Don't have an answer but what makes sense is that the stator output is going to ground through some low resistance shunt instead of charging the capacitor as it is supposed to do. That's why the kill wire was first suspect. Good luck and keep us posted.
  14. F

    50ESL73R No Spark

    Do you have the kill wire disconnected from the power pac? Describe in detail, how you are making that test.
  15. F

    1948 Sea King Wobbler Question

    They do tend to corrode and stick on a bit. Try heat to expand it. t
  16. F

    1956 Johnson 30 HP RD-18 No Start Help

    You are barking up the wrong tree, looking for wet plugs. They shouldn't be wet. Wet plugs suggest flooding. 1956 30hp Johnsons have two very common problems. The ignition coils are shot from age unless they have already been replaced. Second common problem is a destroyed powerhead from...
  17. F

    AD-10 Shifter Replacement

    Powerhead must be removed (7 screws #23). Then remove screw 25 & washer 26 from inner shift lever (#33). Now you can pull the old broken one straight out (catch washer # 29). WARNING! attempting to shift with screw #25 removed may result in breakage of inner lever #33. Replace everything in...