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  1. merc850

    My 1979 9.8 Project

    Here's the truth about reed valves: if one or more are stuck open, broken or chipped that might cause carb firing.
  2. merc850

    My 1979 9.8 Project

    Looks like a good motor, how's the spark - LU?
  3. merc850

    I've got a 1971 Mercury 110 9.8hp outboard with a stuck tiller handle

    This is what I found in the '75 manual - if it uses screws they're Nr. 3 Philips, undo them and pull the handle out; maybe all it needs is greasing. There's a possibility that the stator plate under the flywheel is stiff/seized only way to find out is to try and rotate it.
  4. merc850


    Parts are here including operator's manual
  5. merc850

    Mercury classic 50 HP - part 2

    Pull the powerhead off the DSH then strip it down to the bare block follow these instructions I'm assuming that a Classic 50 has no cylinder head.
  6. merc850

    Lift 1970's 150 Mercury with no power!?

    If you're moving it on the road tighten the knob to hold it up or put a 2x4 in the space don't use the tilt locks.
  7. merc850

    Lift 1970's 150 Mercury with no power!?

    On the trim pump there's a knob turn it CCW.
  8. merc850

    Distributor harness 1976 mercury 115

    I had an old distributor with the same problems so I removed the grommet and dug out the epoxy? and found the terminals - I used a dremel tool with a round tip.
  9. merc850

    Throttle arm slop

    Take the cowling off and check the movement (not running) of the throttle arm from idle stop to full. At idle (N) the arm should be on the stop - at full the arm should hit the throttle stop. Adjust the barrel in the anchor to pull the arm to idle stop. Maybe you should grease the box if it has...
  10. merc850

    Intro and question
  11. merc850

    Intro and question

    Serial numbers 4819249 thru 5183392 are 1978 models
  12. merc850

    Engine wont Start

    Check the choke shutters and make sure they're closing all the way.
  13. merc850

    MerControl Help Please

    Grease it well before assembly.
  14. merc850

    Engine wont Start

    It's turning over it's just not starting, is this the method you're using? you have to push and hold the choke button. A quick check to see if it's getting fuel is to tilt it all the way up and pump ball - gas should run out of the carbs.
  15. merc850

    1977 merc 150 outboard bogs at WOT

    DON'T scream it in the driveway with muffs! You have to set the low speed needles to 1 1/4 turns out in F in the water underway @ 800 rpm.
  16. merc850

    1979 40hp lower unit stuck

    I have 7 old Merc's and I've never had anywhere near the problems you've had; what an ordeal! The driveshaft with the pin forces the tapered bearing together - the one without uses a ball bearing like the older ones. The O ring on the shaft is there to prevent water from entering the crank...
  17. merc850

    1979 40hp lower unit stuck

    That pin is a bearing pre-load to keep the tapered bearing in the lower unit tensioned, if you cut it off everything goes to hell.
  18. merc850

    1978 mercury outboard

    This is your wiring layout
  19. merc850

    89 Mercury outboard 100 hp shift shaft alignment

    Does it shift correctly? Turn the prop while shifting into reverse.