Search results

  1. MichaelP

    Older F90TLR Whats next?

    I just picked up a used Yamaha 90 2008 that has been used hard on a 21' lobster boat in Maine all it's life and has 4200 hours. Can anyone give some advice on when this should be ready for a rebuild? I have it on my boat and it runs awesome just not sure how long this will last. I don't put more...
  2. MichaelP

    Storing a Yamaha F90 on its side.

    I just purchased a used 2012 Yamaha F90 from a marina and it's laying down on a pallet with port side up. There is nothing in the manual on this topic. I read that the portable Yamahas can be stored on either side but what about the midrange motors? I haven't been able to find landing pads or...
  3. MichaelP

    Evinrude 1990 e90tlesb high idle & low top end

    Took my resto out on her maden voyage last night for about an hour and I'm running into a couple engine issues. It starts right up but idles at 1500rpm and 1000rpm while in gear and sputters or misses every 10 seconds consistantly while idling in gear. As for top end she would only go to 5000rpm...
  4. MichaelP

    Evinrude 1990 90hp E90TLESB cooling problems & running rough

    I'm in the last stages of restoring a 1974 Starcraft Chieftain and fired up the motor for the first time last week. I bought the boat package 10/2010 and had the engine winterized and was told it sounded an alarm but ran well and I should clean the carbs. This boat has been soaking in the...
  5. MichaelP

    Head gasket orientation on 1990 90 Evinrude E90TLESB

    I made a rookie mistake and didn't note the orientation of the water ports on the head gaskets when I took it apart. I believe the water ports should be placed between the deflectors as shown in the attached picture where in this view the gasket would tilt up into position. In other words the...
  6. MichaelP

    Need advise on bending my own hand rails

    I'm planning to replace the side hand rails on my Chieftain since the old ones are beyond restoring. I have all the SS fittings and 7/8 stainless tube and all I need to do is bend the tubes. 2 local companies graciously offered to make these bends (4 total) for a wopping $300! I have some back...
  7. MichaelP

    Spar varnish not drying on epoxy

    I'm finishing a wooden dash on my tin resto and my spar varnish is still tacky after 2 days. This is on a test piece where 1 coat of epoxy was applied 7 days ago and sanded befor varnishing. Its in a 70? dry room. Any thoughts?
  8. MichaelP

    Space heaters you can use in the boat

    Here are some sources for space heaters we can install in our boats for a reasonable price. They are auxiliary heaters used in step vans and school buses. Here are some that simply connect to the battery. No plumming required...
  9. MichaelP

    Installing new 23 gal. belly tank in 18' Chieftain OB

    I have a question about mounting my poly belly tank that I'm planning to sandwich in place with no clamps and concerned about expansion vs rigidity. It fits between the stringers with about 1" clearance per side so 1" foam fills the gaps. I made wooden platforms to support the weight on the 2...
  10. MichaelP

    Anyone have experience with Awlgrip 545 primer?

    I'm considering using this primer on an aluminum hull then paint over it with rustoleum. Has anyone done this yet and if so how has it held up? I plan to use a product called Prekote on the bare cleaned skuffed aluminum before the 545. Here is info on the Prekote. Its being used on aircraft...
  11. MichaelP

    2001 Suzuki DF40 4 stroke coughing

    Ran into a bit of trouble this weekend. At first start it wouln't go above 4000 rpm but it finally worked out of it then started what sounds like a miss fire every 5-10 seconds and the rpms bounce 100rpm and will eventually stall at trolling speed. The fuel has been sitting for almost 3 months...
  12. MichaelP

    Would you strip paint from an aluminum boat with pneumatic pin scaler?

    I have multiple coats of paint on my Starcraft. She is showing signs of corrosion on the bottom where the paint is flaking off. The inside looks very good with no signs of corrosion. I want to make quick work of stripping ALL the paint from this boat and looking for the best way on a budget...
  13. MichaelP

    1974 Starcraft Chieftain 18' OB refit

    Submitted for approval by the Starmada. Yes I know its about time :facepalm: I've been around here a little while and learned a great deal from many of you already, Thanks!! Picked up this package last October. It will get a complete over haul. Needs floor, transom, paint...the works. Its so...
  14. MichaelP

    Looking for cover for 18' Chieftain OB.

    Can't seem to find one that I'd be comfortable buying without trying it. Has anyone found one that fits well and decent quality? Just a little pre shopping going on here. That's all I can do on the resto till the snow melts, some time in July.:eek: What do you guys use if anything? I thought...
  15. MichaelP

    T&T pump motor question

    I recently removed my trim/tilt unit from my 1990 90hp Rude. The plan is to replace the pump motor and repaint everything. The plastic housing on the motor was cracked and came off in pieces. The hole in the center of the pump is keyed and accepts the drive coupler but does anything go in the...
  16. MichaelP

    Transom top corner repair

    Re: Transom top corner repair OK folks here they are as promised. Fabricated myself and fit my 1974 18' Chieftain OB perfectly. You will have to drill your own rivit holes. They probably could be modified for a IO transom easily by cutting off the tapered end. These have a fine matt finish that...
  17. MichaelP

    Carb rebuild question on V4 VRO 90hp 1990 E90TLESB

    I just rebuilt my carbs and before I put them back on the engine I have a concern about the jet adjustment. All the jets in both carbs were screwed in tight and after cleaning them I put them back the same way. Is this right? Not having done a carb rebuild before I'm hesitant about this. Can it...
  18. MichaelP

    Should I do it?

    I have a shot at getting a 1974 Starchief on CL (owner calls it a Chieftain????). He wants $1000 and seems firm. I already have a 1969 18' Chief thats gutted and ready for resto needs glass, transom, yep, everything, with a old trailer. I have $300 into it. I'm thinking that I should jump on the...
  19. MichaelP

    Missing name plate

    I have a 69 Starchief with no name plate or hull marking of any kind that I've found so far. I requested a new serial# from the state and after 2 weeks I'm still waiting. Does anyone know where I can get a new plate made?
  20. MichaelP

    18' Starcraft Starchief Restoration

    Re: 18' Starcraft Starchief Restoration Bro, Oh...My... If I were closer we'd be talking about that Chief. Haven't started the resto yet on mine because I have a good idea how much its going to cost to get it the way I want. I can swing the resto but powing her, canvas and gadgets can be huge...