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    Mechanics stumped on my bf50 stalling.

    Hi guys, I have my 2015 Honda BF50(~250 hours) at the mechanics and they have had it for about a week and they can't figure out my stall problem...hoping you could maybe assist. Background..was fishing the other week and after idling for an hour or two, when I'd go into gear to move, the...
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    Brand Spanking new Honda 50...What can go wrong??

    Hey guys, Just got a new Honda BF50(2014 model) and was able to put it in the water to start break in. I thought, wow, a new motor, no problems for years! Unfortunately, not! I had a couple problems. I could not prime the bulb to get gas to the engine. What I finally ended up doing was taking...
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    Anyone know what size screws these parts are?

    Hey guys, got a 1990 Yamaha 130ETXD that needs the anode wire between the bracket to the hydralic redone. Just noticed the screws that holds both the anode and the screw from the bracket to the anode is missing! I went online and the part numbers I need are 97395-06010-00 BOLT, HEXAGON -...
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    What symptoms should I expect to see if my magneto control linkage came off?

    Hi guys, We have a 1990 Yamaha 130ETXD and while on the water we experienced something strange. The engine would not rev up past 2000RPM and we could only go about 6mph. Sometimes when we pushed the throttle past the "sweet spot", it would choke and die. Initially sounded like an oil...
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    Strange yamaha start/idle problem...ideas? 2 mechanics couldn't figure this out!

    Hi guys, We've been having a heck of a time getting our Yamaha 1990 130ETXD engine to start and idle correctly. Here's the breakdown... Symptom - Engine will turn over if choke is on. In the very rare case we get it to run normally, the choke has to always be used before a regular start...
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    Anyone know the pilot screw setting for a Yamaha 130ETXD?

    Just hoping someone might know, my manual doesn't say how many turns...
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    N00b changing carbs, ran into an issue...loose hoses??

    Hey guys, I was working on replacing the lower carb on a Yamaha 1990 130HP(130ETXD) and while the replacement of the carb went fine, I noticed a couple of worrysome things while I was in there. When I took off the silencer, I noticed there were 2 thin hoses. I can clearly see that the top...
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    Simple electrical question..couldn't find answer on google...

    Hi guys, We're troubleshooting an electrical issue on our '93 Suzuki DT4 and I had a basic electrical question that I believe is relevant to any manual pull motor, so I figure I'd ask here. I understand that motors need electricity to provide spark for combustion. That being said, do all...
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    How much volts from flywheel/stator?

    Hi guys, We're trying to troubleshoot an electrical problem on our '93 DT4. No spark. We're unsure if it's the cdi, recoil starter, or ignition coil. We tried to put a voltmeter on each, but we're unsure what voltage we should expect...anyone have any advice? What worried us was when we...
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    Questions on gear oil, trolling time, and how to use engine

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone might be able to give me any insight on these 4 questions... 1) I'm planning on changing out the gear oil on a 82 Johnson 70HP(j70elcnb) and a Suzuki DT4(I think-it has a 4 on it). Any idea roughly how much gear oil I'll need to change them both out? Is...
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    New to boats...some REAL basic questions.

    Hi guys, My friend and I just got a 14' Mckee with what I believe is an '82 Johnson 70hp. I figured that out via your site...:D:D The model number is J70ELCNB. Besides the above, I know NOTHING about boats and figured that getting a manual would be a good start so I can see how the motor...