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  1. M

    Trolling motor or battery?

    Re: Trolling motor or battery? I figured it was about 15-18 yrs old. I went and picked up a Minnkota 40# endura c2 today, $150 with my buddies walmart discount. I was looking at the digital ones but I figure if i can get 5-6 hours out of a battery I'm good, I can pick up a 2nd battery and...
  2. M

    Trolling motor or battery?

    Hello, I have an aluminium 1964 14" Texas Maid. When I bought it, it came with a 27# Minn Kota 40t(?) w/ 5 speeds. On Feb 2nd I bought an EverStart 94 720 amps, 115 amp hour 27dc-6 battery to run it. On my first trip out last Sunday I got about 2 hours trolling on speed 4 which was barely fast...
  3. M

    Briggs 5hp Female Fuel Line Connector

    Re: Briggs 5hp Female Fuel Line Connector Pic incoming!! hope this helps.
  4. M

    Briggs 5hp Female Fuel Line Connector

    I need to pick up a replacement female adapter that hooks into the motor. Are these pretty much universal or am I going to need to go directly to briggs for a replacement?
  5. M

    Coupler Stuck on the ball

    So I got my new-to-me boat today, got it hooked up, towed it home, and couldn't get it to lift off the ball, the little lever will not pop-up. I tried levering it and pulling it with a hammer for leverage thinking it may just be rusty. No luck. I also tried putting a jack under the tongue and...
  6. M

    Fat guys in a little boat

    Re: Fat guys in a little boat I went and picked up the 16' today, its 56" wide. Didn't check the depth but looks pretty deep. Paid asking of $600 but considering its what I want I was ok with it. It came with a 27lbs trolling motor:(, I was able to go pick up a near new 5hp Briggs(I know...
  7. M

    Fat guys in a little boat

    You guys are pretty awesome about answering my questions in the various other topic forums. So I have another one for ya. I am getting a boat in the next few weeks. I'm still in the shopping around phase but I am finding I have limits both monetary and space wise. My budge is under $1k and I'm...
  8. M

    Will it fit?

    Hello, I am looking to buy a 1991 16ft Lund with 50hp mercury OB $2950 asking price. I need to store it in my 1 car garage, I just ran out and measured and garage door is 7.5ft across and garage is about 19ft long. Will it fit? I plan on bringing a tape measure but if anyone can provide some...
  9. M

    Towing with a 2008 Ford Ranger 2.3l 5spd

    I had an after market tube hitch installed from U-Haul. Ford says 2600lbs towing capacity. I want something like I have never towed more than a 12ft aluminum kingfisher with a 10hp motor. Another thing I need to consider is backing it up a...