Search results for query: Texas Maid

  1. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project Here are the 'after' photos ...
  2. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project Well, I got her soda blasted yesterday! It took longer than I expected, but after watching the guy take off three layers of paint and primer, I have one thing to say ... completely worth it! What took him 5 hours would've taken me about five months and I'n...
  3. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project Thanks DWhite, that's exactly what I had in mind as far as the paint scheme. I'm getting her soda blasted tomorrow morning and I'm excited to see her naked for the first time ;) ... Here are a couple of pics of the '59 Evinrude Lark 35hp after I finished...
  4. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project TM, here are some pics of the seating. I tried to get the tape measure in the shots to help give it some scale. Let me know if this works for you, or if you need some different angles. BTW, does anyone know the difference between the Falcon and the Osprey...
  5. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    ...I will require as I document my first restoration. I had been looking for a 1957-1960 Lone Star Malibu to restore, when I found my 1959 Texas Maid 14' aluminum runabout. No, motor, no seats, no windshield, but the hull is in great shape and she's exactly what I was looking for. She came...
  6. C

    1958 Texas Maid 15ft Boat Value???

    Looking for value of 1958 15ft Texas Maid Boat> My girl friend's dad bought it new in 1958. Has 1965 50hp mercury motor. He painted it years ago to match his 1959 Ford Galaxie 500. Alway's garaged, has not been started in a few years. We plan on installing a new battery and tune up this week end...
  7. R

    Rehab on 65 Texas Maid

    Re: Rehab on 65 Texas Maid Well the boat goes to the mechanic next week and I finally got the trailer and boat ready to go. While I was waiting for next week my kids decided we should paint something so we did..........are. The canope was opened and I had a tarp over it so the work could...
  8. T

    Texas Maid

    I have recently aquired a 1959 Texas Maid Fiesta from my grandpa. Does anyone have any information/brochures on Texas Maid boats? I've looked, but maybe not hard enough. Thanks.
  9. T

    One forward tank...twin outboards

    ...because I think it fits this forum better. Please delete the duplicate in the Boat Resto forum. Thanks. I'm getting close to having the Texas Maid refitted for a spring shake-down run. She's a 1962-63 15-foot aluminum runabout with twin OMC 35 hp Big Twins on the transom (the pix show her...
  10. JaSla74

    Would you buy this Texas Maid

    This boat popped up on craigslist yesterday. How much would you offer?
  11. T

    One forward gas tank...twin outboards

    I'm getting close to having the Texas Maid refitted for a spring shake-down run. She's a 1962-63 15-foot aluminum runabout with twin OMC 35 hp Big Twins on the transom (the pix show her with a Big Twin and a smaller Johnson 18 hp in an earlier configuration). I've drilled pass through holes with...
  12. T

    Grommets to pass cables through splashwell

    I'm closing in on summer and have two Evinrude Big Twins on the transom of the Texas Maid. I plan on installing two leads from the battery to connector posts screwed into the transom, so I can use shorter red & black cables from each outboard (equipped with starter buttons). I'm thinkin...drill...
  13. S

    1960 Texas Maid

    I bought a Deep v-hull Aluminum 16 foot 1960 Texas Maid that is completely stripped. I have flipped the empty hull on the cancer ridden trailer and started to prep it for paint. The Aluminum is in amazing shape with little corrosion and 6 small holes from wear. I am having some difficulty...
  14. T

    2 Big Twins and one battery

    ...if it isn't in the right place. It's about two old E-rude Big Twins so I posted it here. I've got an early 60's 15 foot aluminum runabout (Texas Maid) that is powered by two late 50's Evinrude Big Twins...56 Lark and 57 Big Twin. Both outboards are equipped with solenoids and push button...
  15. Q

    Capacity Plate Please Help

    Hello everybody, I am a new boater and bought a 1957 Texas Maid 14 foot boat. I can not find a capacity plate for it. I talked to the local parks and wildlife department where i registered the boat, and they told me to contact the USCG. When trying to find contact info at the USCG site, all...
  16. T

    Four Stroke on Older Aluminum (what hp?)

    I am restoring an old girl (1957 Texas Maid). She's 14' and seats four. She has a steering wheel. I want to install a four stroke on her, but really can't determine the size of engine and impact of the engine weight. Her transom requires a short shaft. Would a 10, 15 or 20hp be appropriate...
  17. T

    What type of bumpers are best?

    Almost through repainting/refitting the Texas Maid...pix attached. Now the question is what kind of bumper works best with this old-style hull? Round, traditional bumpers or the newer, long rectangular style that flexes about 6 inches from the top end? Now that the Maid has a new set of clothes...
  18. T

    New clothes for the Texas Maid

    Been busy giving the Texas Maid a new coat of Bikini Blue color on the topsides, using Pettit Easy-poxy paint and the roll and tip method. It's coming along nicely. I was skeptical until I tried it myself, even after seeing how well other's have done with this method. I'm almost done with the...
  19. T

    need help identifying

    I have in my possession a 15' 1957 boat. I have been told it was a Razorback, a Texas Maid and a Duracraft. It is all aluminum, has tail fins, the front seats have a walk through on the back, on the back of the front seats there are storage compartments. Stamped on the right rear of the boat...
  20. T

    need help identifying this boat

    I have in my possession a 1957 boat, someone told me it is a Texas Maid someone else said it was a Razorback and then a few weeks ago a friend said it was a Duracraft. There are no identifying tags on this boat, only a stamp in the aluminum trim on the back of the boat that reads 1-06-1957...