Search results for query: Texas Maid

  1. J

    Texas Maid ??Bahama??

    Found what I believe to be a fifty something Texas Maid Bahama. Just curious how rare these boats are. They don't seem to pop up too often. Fella says it's a 16 footer. He's sending me some more photos tomorrow with all the lumber off of it...hopefully with some better hull shots. I'm 99%...
  2. S

    Texas maid original colors?

    I have started restoring a "57" Texas Maid 14" boat. I think it is falcon, judging from the pictures I have seen on this site. I have started stipping the old Red ,White and Blue brushed on paint job. I am down to a drap greenish color which I don't know if it is the original paint, or a...
  3. T

    Texas Maid boat emblem for TM owners

    I've had a few requests to share a pix of the port and starboard side emblems on my boat for other Texas Maid owners. So, here's a pix of it. It measures 21 inches long and 5 inches high. Mine are barely hanging on, so I plan to make my decal or have one made after I get the hull paint and...
  4. T

    Texas Maid Update...

    Wow, finally got to come up for grading to do this weekend. So I mowed, swept and then rolled the Texas Maid out of the garage to dust the winter off her and snap some pix. Last time the forum saw her, I believe she had the Evinrude Big Twin and a Johnson FD-11 hanging on the transom...
  5. T

    Texas Maid

    Re: Texas Maid Greetings fellow Texas Maid owners! Well, I decided that I should post some pictures of my Texas Maid. To my knowledge, this is a 1959 Texas Maid Fiesta. My grandpa never uses it anymore and asked if I would like it. Having never owned a boat before I said sure. I'm not sure if...
  6. F

    '59 Evinrude lark IV-can't get full throttle

    My '62 texas maid was powered by two lark IV's, but lost one in a trade for a kicker. I am running on one now, which is fine except for I cannot get more than 3000 rpms out of it. Any chance my throttle cable is worn and needs replaced? Any ideas?
  7. CheapboatKev

    My $100.00 14 ft 1950's Lonestar Tinny

    ...for 200.00 Offered 100.00 via email and they said OK! Going to have to pick it up Saturday, leaving out of town tomorrow. I cant find any manufacture tags, Lonestar? Texas Maid? I dont know. Not a Starcraft, but she is 14 feet and at least 4 feet wide.. She looks old, think it'll be fun.
  8. K

    Drain plug for a 1964 Texas Maid?

    I have lost the drain plug for my boat. Where can I get a replacement? It has about a 7/8" straight thread, wings, made of brass, and has a rubber gasket? I looked at a boat supply house and online and could not find one? A picture would help if you have one.
  9. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project I pulled the tape this morning and put the chrome side decals on. Looks much better, I think. Again, I still need to touch up a few spots. It's not perfect, but I learned a lot and should be able to do a better job on the next one.
  10. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project After sanding with a higher grit sandpaper between each coat of white, I taped it off and applied two coats of black. It went on so much easier than the white, but it shows every little flaw. I started to sand the black with 400, but realized that it...
  11. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project I had to sand down to the fiberglass in a few places. What should someone use to fill these spots on a fiberglass hood? I taped it off and primed it with Rustoleum self etching primer. I sanded it down and painted four coats of white (which I forgot to...
  12. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project Okay, it's been a while since I've updated the resto project, but it's not from lack of effort. I've been working on repainting the cowling from my '59 E-rude Lark, and it's taken a lot longer than I had expected. The weather has not cooperated at all, and...
  13. B

    The texas maid rebuild! roll/tip question at the bottom. need help from the pros

    I got this boat today in exchange for some tile work. I am replacing the deck and transom. Have gotten all the wood out and and am working on getting out the HD spray foam. It is a 16 foot aluminum boat closed bow with a hatch to climb through so you can get up on the bow. Does anyone know what...
  14. C

    Need help. What kind of boat?

    Ok, am gonna try this. Got this boat but dont know what kind she is? Think maybe a Texas Maid... Unsure year or model. Only numbers that we have found on her were on the hull '4142' Any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks a zillion!
  15. Johnny Too Bad

    motor swap need help on steering conversion

    ...than I did on the entire boat. I have a '59 Evinrude Lark 35hp that does not have a tilt tube, and the PO of the boat I bought (a '59 Texas Maid Osprey) had converted the cable and pulley steering to rack steering to run a 2003 Yamaha. The clevis kit that attaches the steering cable to the...
  16. R

    Texas Maid Emblems getting emblems for an older boat but ran into a dead end. I would like to find somewhere someone who could manufacture the old plastic texas maid emblem. I understand there were some decals out there but for some reason the decals would not be the same. These things were plastic and now...
  17. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project We took the Maid out fishing this morning at Jackson Reservoir and it was, shall we say, a bit of an adventure. The old 59 rude fired right up and we were off. Unfortunately, I forgot to vent the tank, and before we were half way across the lake, she...
  18. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project Well, much has happened since I posted a week ago. I took the '59 Maid on her maiden voyage last Thursday. End result ... huge success! Although, there were a few minor hiccups along the way. Last Wednesday, my dad came over and helped me install the '59...
  19. K

    Just Started Rebuilding a 1964 Texas Maid 16' Fiesta

    First step is to replace the transom and the floor. Started that today. First question about the transom wood. How hard will it be to find 1-1/4" plywood? Do I have to buy a whole sheet for the transom? Can one glue smaller sheets together? Second question about motor size. I do not have...
  20. T

    Texas Maid Gets A Splash Run Soon

    Been awhile since I updated my Texas Maid resto thread. Painted the topsides bikini blue with Petit EasyPoxy paint back before Christmas. Found a 57 Johnson 35 hp RDE-19 this spring and been working on that since April...mechanical and cosmetic. Finished the Johnson cosmetics last week and this...