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  1. wvmedic

    Mercruiser trim and steering questions.

    Can anyone tell me what the clear line is, it runs from the bottom of the trim pump up to the shifting and steering mech. The picture below red arrow on bottom shows where it exits the pump, red arrow at top is where it goes to. I?m not sure what the top piece is, or what it dose. I have...
  2. wvmedic

    Starcraft owner finally? Yes!

    We leave in an hour in a half to go see about a SS, if the hull and trailer is in good shape I will bring it home. Wish me luck. Jeff.
  3. wvmedic

    Tragedy on our waters today!!!

    Well the morning started with a body recovery about five miles out of town at a popular local swimming place. A couple people in canoes found the body; he had been in the river a few days. There was another drowning in one of our local rivers a little while later. And I ended my shift with...
  4. wvmedic

    Question about the different years of Mercruiser motors, drives and interchanging.

    Ok Mercruiser gurus, what is the difference in a 1995 3.0L Mercruiser and say a 1966 2.5L Mercruiser? A little info as to what I want to accomplish, I can get a 1995 Sea Ray with the 3.0L but what I really want in the end is a Starcraft Holiday or the like 18? or better. So if I get an older...
  5. wvmedic

    120 HP Mercruiser questions.

    I posted this on the Starcraft forum since I am looking for an 18? to 22? aluminum Starcraft of the late 60?s to 70?s vintage with the 120 hp Mercruiser I/O, I didn?t get any replies so I?m asking here. I have read that the 120 HP Mercruiser really sips the gas, I have a 1973 50 hp Evinrude and...
  6. wvmedic

    Starcraft I/O question.

    Ok so now I have the bug for a Starcraft, thanks to CheapboatKev, North Beach and Andy in NY. I have read that the 120 HP Mercruiser really sips the gas, I have a 1973 50 hp Evinrude and a 1984 90 hp Yamaha both outboards and they guzzle the gas. Both use three plus gallons on a ten mile round...
  7. wvmedic

    Yamaha powerhead refreshing question.

    I am looking for a replacement piston and rings for my 1984 90 HP. HTLN, VIN. Code 6H1. The only aftermarket piston and rings I?m finding are 2 ring pistons, my current pistons have 3 rings. Will the 2 ring piston and rings replace the 3 ring pistons? Jeff.
  8. wvmedic

    Intermittent fire on one cylinder.

    I have a 1973 50 HP Evinrude model 50373R, and it has intermittent fire on one cylinder. I have rebuilt the carbs, compression is 120 Psi top cylinder 118 on bottom cylinder. The problem started with the motor not idling unless the high idle lever is up, so I did a link and sync and it was...
  9. wvmedic

    Intermittent fire on one cylinder.

    Please delete this post, I posted in the wrong section. Sorry Jeff.
  10. wvmedic

    90 hp Yamaha water pickup tube?

    What holds the water pickup tube in place? 1984 90 hp Yamaha ETLN. I was cleaning out pieces of a disintegrated impeller and I think I poked a hole in the pickup tube, I have a manual but it doesn?t show me how to get the tube out so I can put a new one in. Jeff.
  11. wvmedic

    outboard machine shops

    Anyone know of a reputable outboard machine shop near Charleston, WV? Jeff.
  12. wvmedic

    How to test an ignition coil?

    I have tested a known bad coil using 20K ohms to test it + probe to plug wire ? probe to the two wires on the coil, I get 2.02 on both leads. I did the same test on two new coils with the same results; I then test the known good coil and get a zero reading on the same test. You ask how I know...
  13. wvmedic

    1984 90 hp Yamaha power head removal help.

    I am trying to remove the power head from my 90 hp HTLN Yamaha, the manual shows 11 bolts that secure the power head. I have removed all of those bolts, removed the lower unit it has separated about 1/16 of an inch at the back, but the front will not budge. The front has the steering arm running...
  14. wvmedic

    Sierra V/S OMC?

    What is the difference between OMC and Sierra electrical parts, such as power packs and coils? Is Sierra a quality product, I know that they are less expensive but are they cheap parts? Jeff.
  15. wvmedic

    1973 2 cylinder intermittent fire on bottom cylinder.

    I have a 1973 2 cylinder 50 HP that is firing interment on the bottom cylinder, I have checked the firing before and didn?t notice this. I am getting a good blue spark and it is jumping 7/16 plus, but the bottom cylinder will on occasion stop throwing spark. I noticed this after rebuilding the...
  16. wvmedic

    1984 90 ETLN Flywheel Puller?

    Do I need a special flywheel puller for this or can I use a different puller than the Yamaha special puller and holder. And if I have to use the Yamaha one where can I get it? Thanks Jeff.
  17. wvmedic

    90 ETLN to rebuild power head or not?

    To give some background, I have a 1984 90 ETLN and have been having an overheat issue since I bought it. I have put two new impellers, a thermostat and took the head off checked the water ports and cylinders for damage. I found no damage to the cylinders on the tear down so I put new gaskets on...
  18. wvmedic

    1984 90 HP ETLN overheating.

    I just changed my impeller and thermostat, and my motor is over heating. Buzzer was going off and couldn?t run above 2000 rpm prior to the change, but the head didn?t feel that warm when the buzzer was sounding I could touch the head and it wasn?t that hot. The weird thing is the head quite a...
  19. wvmedic

    1984 90 ETLN will this tach work?

    I have a 90 ETLN 1984 and can get a good deal on a new tach, it is a Yamaha tach part # 6Y5-8340-05. I have been to Yamaha's web site but it realy dosn't give any info as to what it will work with. Thanks Jeff.
  20. wvmedic

    1984 Yamaha 90 HP alarm going off?

    I have a 1984 90 hp Yamaha and was out on the lake today trying it out after rebuilding the carbs. We idled threw the no wake zone and I throttled up to WOT the boat hadn?t gotten up on plane yet and the alarm started, had to back off on the throttle to near an idle and the alarm went off in a...