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  1. N

    1990 Evinrude 150 XP Loss of Electrical Power Help??!!

    Hi Everyone, Figured out the problem. The main ground that connects to the starter was the problem. The thread inside the starter was corroded so I got that fixed but now I have another problem. When I try to start, my outboard flywheel kicks back on the starter every time it tries to start...
  2. N

    1990 Evinrude 150 XP Loss of Electrical Power Help??!!

    Just to clarify. All this work is being done at home. My battery is charged and even using a battery pack on top of it it is still making no noise. Even usually with an decharged battery it still made the test horn previously. I will switch the battery with another and charge just to triple...
  3. N

    1990 Evinrude 150 XP Loss of Electrical Power Help??!!

    Hey Everyone, I got this Stratos Bass Boat a while back with a 1990 Evinrude 150 XP 2 Stroke. I recently put on a brand new CDI and Stator because I had no spark. I checked after and was getting good spark. I tried starting and my starter was not disengaging. I then proceed to replace that old...
  4. N

    Evinrude XP 150 1990 2 Stroke Not Running!! HELP!!

    Figured it out! Gearcase is fine. Replying because I know how much I have used these forums so wanna help anyone else out. My oil sensor was bad in my auxiliary tank so I cut the wire on it to stop the beeping. Turns out it was killing the engine even though it was disconnected from the sensor...
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    Evinrude XP 150 1990 2 Stroke Not Running!! HELP!!

    Did some more testing today and I am leaning more towards an electrical kill problem but still not sure what’s going on.
  6. N

    Evinrude XP 150 1990 2 Stroke Not Running!! HELP!!

    Hey Everyone, I have an Evinrude 150 that I have been fixing up slowly for a while now. I have been working on it and i had it running a couple of days ago. Everything ran great until yesterday. I tried to start it and it started very strong but ran for about half a second to 1.5 seconds max...
  7. N

    1990 Evinrude XP 150

    Thank you so much. Turns out it was the ignition coil. I ordered a compression kit to do some compression tests.
  8. N

    1990 Evinrude XP 150

    Hey Guys, Got a 1990 Evinrude XP 150 V6 with a spark plug issue. 3 out of the 6 cylinder's spark plugs don't spark after sitting for more than 5 days. It makes it very difficult to start, but when I get it warm, they fire up great! I did some testing and switched around the power delivery to the...
  9. N

    Engine Switching into Neutral??? Please Help!

    Thanks Guys! I'll check those asap! Much appreciated!
  10. N

    Engine Switching into Neutral??? Please Help!

    Hey! Got this rinky dink, broken down boat a little while ago and put some serious work into it. I'm 16 so don't have the most experience but i've been restoring the 1989 Ranger with an Evinrude 150 XP 2 Stroke 1990 for quite a while. It didn't run so I rebuilt the carbs, changed the fuel lines...
  11. N

    Evinrude 150 xp 1990 trim switch blowing fuse.

    Awesome! Thanks for the response. Still blowing the fuse even though the original trim switch works.
  12. N

    Evinrude 150 xp 1990 trim switch blowing fuse.

    Hey! Got this rinky dink, broken down boat a little while ago and put some serious work into it. I'm 16 so don't have the most experience but i've been restoring the 1989 Ranger for quite a while. It didn't run so I rebuilt the carbs, changed the fuel lines, rewired some of the boat, and...