Search results

  1. C

    Gas lines

    4hp or 200hp ..snip the old one and buy the same size !
  2. C

    tilt and trim rebuild 2000 50hp Johnson

    keep the turkey syringe injectors for grease. they make nice miniature grease guns for tight places . just trim the needle tip square on the grinder .
  3. C

    Finding information on my mysterious Evinrude 4hp...

    the alternative to not replacing the impeller is to replace the PH. easy choice
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    2001 evinrude ficht

    see post#3.. btw please post you mdl (HP) btw which fuse is blowing exactly... on the PDP ? without your engine mdl can't do much more to help out look in this link to find the closest year FICHT service manual and download the wiring diagram should help you track down the...
  5. C

    2007 e-tec 250 lower mount corrosion

    Certainly the best option.... must bea fresh water corpse lying around try the ETEC user board... maybe someone has a dead one in the yard
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    J115PX4STS Fluid Leaking From Top of Trim Cylinder Reservoir Tank

    check utubes search Johnson Tilt & trim repairs take pictures as you go along !!!
  7. C

    2001 evinrude ficht

    btw if you do arrive at the conclusion the EMM Is shot they can be repaired this shop has a fairly good reputation. REpairsare subject to customs fees when returned from Europe see one feedback but call them up for a FICHT EMM 08/17/19 I am working currently on a...
  8. C

    2001 evinrude ficht

    depending on mdl# try disconnecting J1B on the EMM if fuse no longer blows at key ON it is likley a bad EMM here is blown fuse case on an ETEC 250... grandchild of FICHT using an EMM if not accessory caused somewhere on the purple from the switch and if the fuse no longer...
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    J115PX4STS Fluid Leaking From Top of Trim Cylinder Reservoir Tank

    checked with your dealer ?? ...there should be a reseal kit available
  10. C

    1948 Goodyear 5hp Seabee starter housing

    you can ask questions for free... membership fee is well worth the expense and you get technical support from experts. they also have a classified section to sell an buy.
  11. C

    2001 evinrude ficht

    post mdl# and year !!!! recent case like this came up recently be it ETEC or FICHT the EMM needs power to boot up and start the engine ... it then looks it self powers itself and no longer needs B+ from the key acc post to run. why does the battery blow.... well excess current...
  12. C

    FICHT video grandpa of ETECs

    just fyi...
  13. C

    2007 e-tec 250 lower mount corrosion

    well I looked at the parts listing and ETEC could be a lost cause but hey! faced with a 3K$ job try FB a heavy layer if you have to ... the stuff is prettty stong and... won't corrode anymore :)
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    2007 e-tec 250 lower mount corrosion
  15. C

    2007 e-tec 250 lower mount corrosion

    depending on how solid the rest is.... Call me cheap but.....if money is short and won't buy the parts you need and we are all faced with these decisions at one point...... you call always patch it up with the stronger automotive fiberglass imbedded car putty and noboby will tell...
  16. C

    Top speed??

    Brett from the french word "bretter" pronouced "brettay" ... which means hesitating .. not completing a task ... waisting time
  17. C

    tilt and trim rebuild 2000 50hp Johnson

    bottom line.. fill it and keep cyciling up and down as you keep refilling to top it off . this will purge any air in the syst. single ram T&T are used on some ETEC (like my 75)..from the manual :-)
  18. C

    Cowling gaskets for evinrude
  19. C

    1978 70HP Evinrude Fuel Pump

    why not not just buy a new pump... some don't cost much more than gasket kits. Try a cheap one on Amazon ... I know it is not OEM (sacriledge) but it will get you going.
  20. C

    Finding information on my mysterious Evinrude 4hp...

    changing the impeller is routine maintenance on any OB and unless you know who put it in and when theimpeller should be replaced. not because it is currently bad but because it will turn bad at an unknown date in the future and odds are your engine will fry before you can even...