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  1. Tail_Gunner

    UPS Shipping a word to the wize

    Recently i have had a very eye opening experience with ups. It is in regards to there shipping policy's. When you send a package it is advisable to have your local ups store pack it and insure it. If you do not do this and the package takes damage you will NOT recieve your ins preium.....the...
  2. Tail_Gunner

    Time for a polotical warning beware of this The season of BS is upon us beware of the bamboozerls.....;) PS only a weak mind would try to play this off as to left or right leaners...:D
  3. Tail_Gunner

    Building a lift pad

    Well the season is over and its time for a ambitous tinkering job. This winter i will be doing some engine work and ecm reprogramming. It has taken me a yr or so to get where i am comfortable with this. Along the way ive read to much and have concluded that build a pad would be quite...
  4. Tail_Gunner

    painting a outdrive

    :confused:..Im refinshing a merc outdrive heres a question....I used a stripper on it and it took the paint off only on certain parts of the drive..It has been repainted or a new lower half was put on..what ever. So do i shoot a zinc on the whole drive..Thats a zinc coating on top of the...
  5. Tail_Gunner

    Truing lifting strakes: Ondarvr

    Ive lost 3-4 mph this year..And a close look at the bottom i have found the inside lifting strakes have hooked about 2to3/16" in the last 12-14 inches..or bowed...The hull under the motor is a true as it can be..:confused: Truing these strakes is short job very easy to me anyway....Heres my...
  6. Tail_Gunner

    Plug Confusion

    Engine 2001 4.3 volvo TB injected...vortec heads PEFS Change plugs the other day went from a short plug to a long plug..(406 to 708)... Lost 4 mph and heat went up 7-8 degrees (168-170)....Ran all day on the river no damage and ran consitent temp and speeds The old short plugs were...
  7. Tail_Gunner

    Volvo part help unusal situation

    Got my self into a bit of a pickle..Having a trim cyclinder replaced and the guy wants to charge 550...for the the highest retail is 496 i can find on the net... Our Price: $496.13 Power Trimming CYLINDER Part # 3857470 No Reviews | Write Review Umm is this possible the guy wants...
  8. Tail_Gunner

    Out drive hydraulics question (Volvo)

    Dewinterized the boat today, and she sprung a leak in one of the hydraulic cylinders...But the fluid was pink not red...:(....To me that is a water intrusion issue..Now is it possible that the hydraulic system is somehow connected to the water cooling system..:confused:....How does it turn...
  9. Tail_Gunner

    Volvo SX-M drive trailing position

    I dont seem to have a trailing position for the out drive..That is i can trim the drive out for trailing but there is no switching like a merc to put here way up...Is this the way it is or am i missing something..:confused:
  10. Tail_Gunner

    Puget sound advice

    Iam going up to the sound saturday..anybody have input as to what to see and do in the area or a good bed&Breakfast Inn
  11. Tail_Gunner

    Time to Calm Down :eek:..................:D
  12. Tail_Gunner

    Bimini tops help

    Time for a top but the issue here is they do not make a top precisiely for the boat. Now they do have one for the larson 186 senza which is very close in winsheild and hull design...Can i use something like that or are the tops more universal than i think.
  13. Tail_Gunner

    Draining oil

    I am having the worst time trying to drain oil out of boat i have ever had..Taking it out thourgh the dipstick..No vacum leaks..Good quality pump..varying the depth of the hose and at best i can only get about a quart a 3quarts down. Using syntheic that the cause...15-50
  14. Tail_Gunner

    Summer is Here...Be Careful out there
  15. Tail_Gunner

    Good night folks

    This is good.. Catholic or not, you have to chuckle at this one. A Catholic priest and a nun were taking a rare afternoon off and enjoying a round of golf. The priest stepped up to the first tee and took a mighty swing. He missed the ball entirely and said "schit, I missed." The...
  16. Tail_Gunner

    Ecm Password MEFI-3

    Large audience here...I am asking any one for the codes to unlock a Volvo mefi-3. Based off from what i have read this is top secret stuff...PM me plz. This is a down to earth question...Its my boat and engine..:p On a more serious note...It would be nice to build tables i have already paid for
  17. Tail_Gunner

    Exhasut riser question

    Part no. 21 I assume that part regulates water flow...In or out?? Hmm a 4.3 gi pefs manual would sure come in handy..:D
  18. Tail_Gunner

    Staight's of Hormuz collision Some body need's to loan these guys a Fishmark 480..:D
  19. Tail_Gunner

    4.3 Vortec build up and traps

    2000 4.3 tbi setup I know that cam is a bit hot for a boat but will reversion be a big issue here??? Revised to: Milder duration with less...
  20. Tail_Gunner

    Ok this kind of polotic's need's discussion

    Το Κέντρο για την Επιστήμη και το δημόσιο συμφέρον (CSPI) έλαβε επισκίαση της Coca-Cola της VitaminWater υποστηρίζει ότι μειώνει τον κίνδυνο για προβλήματα υγείας, όπως η χρόνια ασθένεια και ασθένεια των ματιών, και υποστηρίζει το ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα του οργανισμού. Είναι, επίσης, επικρίνει...