Search results

  1. J

    1973 Johnson 20HP?flushing procedure?

    Hi all, I recently used my 1973 20hp Johnson outboard in salt water for the first time, and I'm unsure about how to flush it. I was reading up in flushing procedures, and the most thorough site I found mentioned that most engines built after 1974 can just use muffs. It said that the reason...
  2. J

    New boater?how do you all keep aluminum boat interiors clean in salt water?

    Hi all: Relatively new boater here! I have a general question about aluminum boats in salt water. I had an old aeroline aluminum boat that I recently got rid of, and now got a lonestar riviera aluminum. Both were projects, and so they were mostly just aluminum hulls. I live near a large...
  3. J

    New aluminum boat! big restoration project. Questions.....

    Hi everyone, Posted a few weeks back about an old aluminum hull I was thinking about buying that I thought may have been leaking. I think it actually was leaking, but I bought it anyways! Did some rebucking, and had about a cup of leftover gluvit?gave the seam in question (where it may have...
  4. J

    Boat is dripping from keel, but not sure if actual hull is leaking?

    Hi all, Question about a boat I'm thinking about buying. Owner says it's a LoneStar Riveria (Riviera?) and it looks like it's in fairly rough shape. The interior looks like it has had some kind of epoxy (gluvit?) treatment. I'm not seeing any leaks out of the rivets. BUT: On the very...
  5. J

    About to Gluvit: Do I have to do it all at once?

    Finally ready to gluvit. Seams are washed out and ran some acetone through it. One last question: do I have to do it all at once? Like, I have some seams that would benefit from tilting the boat. Can I do the flat seams, and then tilt the boat another day and do those seams, and then tilt...
  6. J

    How to gluvit side seams where gravity is not on your team?

    Hi all: About to gluvit my hull (finally!) and I have one last question. I'm planning to just paint it on, and I see how it gets the center seams: gravity pulls it down through any leaks and it seals it up. But I also feel like I have some seams that are further up on the sides of the hull that...
  7. J

    Will a power washer be too much to clean out seams on riveted boat before gluvit?

    Hi all: I have an old aeroline riveted aluminum and there are some pretty good leaks. The hull was caked with dirt, and after hours washing, it's fairly clean. However, there is still a bunch of dirt in the seams, like really in the seams. Some of the dirt was so caked on the inside of the...
  8. J

    Should gluvit be used alone or along with re-riveting (or even just rebucking)?

    Hi all, I have a riveted boat that seems to have some leaks in it. when I fill it up with water, I get some solid dripping, probably a cup in like 15 minutes. I picked up some gluvit, but I also have a hand riveter. I thought about just rebucking, but I worry that I'll either mess it up or...
  9. J

    aluminum repair (welding) in SF bay area?

    I have an aluminum boat and I'm in need of a welder to do a few things... fill a few pinholes, weld some bars onto the hull, put a bead over a split, etc. I can't find a shop in the SF Bay Area that will do this: they either can't do aluminum or won't do boats for liability reasons. Anyone...
  10. J

    Looks like aluminum boat sealed seam with silicon... what are my options?

    Hi, I recently inherited an old 60's-ish aeroline 14 footer. At some point (not sure when), a bow seam was sealed with silicon and then duct taped over. I just took off the duct tape and found the silicon, but it didn't seem to leak much if at all. I don't know why the silicon was even...
  11. J

    About to build some bow storage and have some questions

    about to build a small bow platform with a storage area, a little battery compartment, and a bait livewell. Just have a few quick questions: 1) I'm going to build the sub- frame for the platform out of wood. I've seen conflicting information regarding whether or not you can use pressure treated...
  12. J

    1980 Evinrude 2HP mate. leaky after rebuild and question about air intake?

    So, I have a 1980 evinride mate 2hp. I just rebuilt the carb. Put in new versions of everything that came out. Just tried to run it today and it ran but there was a small drip coming out of the lower adjustment screw. When I pull the screw all the way out the gas just gushes out. Did I miss...
  13. J

    DIY boat storage stand?

    Been searching around but haven't found anything to meet my needs. Looking for a DIY solution to store a boat for restoration. I have a boat on a trailer, and the rainy season is coming, so I cleaned my garage and figured I would put it there. Problem is, the garage itself is big enough for...
  14. J

    can you add a tiller to an outboard that doesn't have one?

    Been looking around for a 50-ish hp to set up with controls, but I don't have the controls yet and probably won't have them set up for another few months. I found a motor that looks great but doesn't have a tiller. Is there any downside to mounting a tiller for these few months before I set up...
  15. J

    Outboard HP help/recommendations? (19' semi-v skiff)

    Hello, I just inherited an old fiberglass skiff thing, don't really know much about it. It's about 19' long and I'd say about 800 pounds, no frills whatsoever, looks just like a giant rowboat (bench seats, no electronics, no nothing). Seems to be watertight and has a transom on the back for an...
  16. J

    Evinrude 2HP mate runs but dies at weird times

    Hi all- I have a 2hp Evinrude Mate. It seems to have no problem starting up initially, but there is a weird issue. It will sputter out and die, but it happens after completely different amounts of time every time. Sometimes, it will run for 2 minutes and then sputter and die, and sometimes it...
  17. J

    7.5 HP sears gamefisher outboard... aircooled?

    Re: 7.5 HP sears gamefisher outboard... aircooled? Hi all, thanks for all the responses. . I took off the lower unit, cleaned out the water pump, realigned the pin. The impeller looked... fine. I ordered another one just to be safe, but I reassembled everything and started it up in a...
  18. J

    7.5 HP sears gamefisher outboard... aircooled?

    Re: 7.5 HP sears gamefisher outboard... aircooled? hi, thanks for the response. I should have mentioned: It looks like there are cooling fins, but it also looks like there's a water jacket. I'm going to look again, I can't confirm the water jacket but I can confirm the cooling fins. I took...
  19. J

    7.5 HP sears gamefisher outboard... aircooled?

    Just picked up a 7.5hp gamefisher. Seller said it ran great and used it all the time. I took it out the other day for the first time, and it ran for about 2 minutes and I shut it off because I didn't see any water dripping out and I assumed it was water cooled. I spent like 10 minutes trying...