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  1. S

    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    @Fun Times , Hey, I'm getting it back together now. Unfortunately the carrier had a small crank in it(possibly from pulling? The cast material seemed to be fairly poor quality and oil soaked, so instead of trying to tig weld it, I opted for a new carrier. I have all the parts and just need to...
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    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    I was able to tear down the lower unit tonight. Bearings look okay, gears look okay. Propshaft had about .0025 in of play. I read the tollerance for that bearing is .003in. Should I replace this while its apart and when I replace seal? My findind on the shift spool have not been conclusive...
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    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    Wasn't aware of this! Thank you. I assume the brass intermediate shaft would wear and not the stainless steel shoe of the shoe?
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    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    That picture is showing the intermediate shift lever bushing(a stainless steel bushing about .61inches ID. Which is located in the upper of the outdrive. Whereas the shift shaft seal in located in the lower. That bushing seemed to be wore out,however, looking at others, it looks like it's not...
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    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    So I just want to make sure I'm capable 9f doing this. One thing I read in the manual is about putting preload on certain components. Is this necessary if I'm not replacing any gears or bearings?
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    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    Yes, I followed that purcedure and used that template from the manual to determine my initial play. I've isolated the play and they majority of it is in the gearcase. My intermediate shift shaft has a small amount of play, but not much.
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    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    Hello, I watched a few videos and feel I can handle this task. Many of the tools I can make, or buy as they are not very expensive. My intermediate shift shaft goes from about 10 to 12:30. So this would warrent a shift spool and shift crank replacements? What other things should I look...
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    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    Update: just tore it down a bit more. I was able to isolate some of the play. With the upper and lower separated, the spool had between 9.5 and 10 degrees of play. The rest came from The slop with the shift shaft and upper housing.(please see picture) This may be completely normal and...
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    Shift shaft has 12 degrees of play.

    I own a 1989 mercruiser 305 with an alpha 1 gen 1 sterndrive. For the last 3 years, I've been dealing with a shift issue that would remain even after following the manual to a T. However, I alway got by making minor adjustments to a sweet spot. Last season, that sweet spot was gone. To...
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    1988 mercruiser alpha 1 gen 1 steering issues

    Yes, tested the cable in the aluminum tube with actuator disconected, and tested cable completely out of tube, both times extremely easy and no binding or pressure Thanks
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    1988 mercruiser alpha 1 gen 1 steering issues

    Just ran out and checked and after looking at a few threads, I don't think mine has the flats. It's the older style and the tube for the steering cable is all round with a nut at the inner portion where it attaches to the stud arm. I've attached a link to one that looks like mine...
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    1988 mercruiser alpha 1 gen 1 steering issues

    Thanks for the help, I'll look into this and report back
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    1988 mercruiser alpha 1 gen 1 steering issues

    Can you explain to me what the flats are? I have the older style actuator with the 2 external lines. Wasn't sure if that applies here Thanks
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    1988 mercruiser alpha 1 gen 1 steering issues

    Possible, the cable had been replaced in 2009, the helm looks like it was replaced too, but I don't see a date, so hard to tell. It is smooth both outside, and inside the tube when disconected form actuator. When shuttering, it is moving at with it at the actuator and making a slight audible...
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    1988 mercruiser alpha 1 gen 1 steering issues

    Hello, I have a 1988 5.0 with an alpha 1 gen 1. Steering had been a little stiff this summer, but nothing unmanagable for a 25 year old set up. It wasn't untill this last fishing trip, it was a two hand job, very stiff. I chalked it up to the colder weather at first but after it warmed, it...
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    Mercruiser service manual #9

    Does anyone have a download to a mercruiser #9 manual? Tried the adults only section but link seems to be inactive. Thanks in advance JB
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    Mercruiser greatly overpropped, need advice

    Hello, wanted to give an update for anyone following this and so the information is posted. I ended up getting a 15 pitch black max to replace the current 19 pitch black max. What happened? I ended up gaining 2 more mph at wot, and brought the rpm up to 4400 when calm. I had over half a tank...
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    Correct prop

    Depends on wot. Get that to ensure engine is running at the correct range. What was the pitch of the old prop compared to the new? Give alittle bit more information so someone on here with good experience can give you some good suggestions. Jordan