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  1. M

    Anchoring question

    I only do saltwater so I may way off base. That sounds like a very heavy anchor but if that's what you got use it. Pulling on it should be a days workout. The rule of thumb I was told at the coast guard class I took recommends 1 1/2 times the boat length of chain.
  2. M

    Getting out of the bay

    Do you have a gps/chart plotter? Fish finder/depth finder? Is there any type of buoy lines marking the shallow spots?
  3. M

    Battery draining

    What is the capacity of the battery? Did you buy a used battery? What kind is it? Starting or deep cycle? Get it load tested. What are you useing to test? Do you have a bilge pump? Check the battery voltage with the motor running. First get it load tested.
  4. M

    Sweetwater 2286 FS electrical problem 😪

    Start pulling/tracing wires back to the power source. Start with the radio or whatever wires you can get to and follow the wire back to the fuse/ckt beaker.
  5. M

    New boat owner!

    Take your boat/wife out to newport backbay and launch from there. Pack a lunch cruise the harbor and see how the rich people live. What inspection did you fail? Mussels, snail or what?
  6. M

    New boat owner!

    Me too, what part?
  7. M

    Painting a boat trailer

    I've been using this stuff on my galvanized trailer used in saltwater.
  8. M

    Livewell pump issue

    Are you referring to a single pump or two separate pumps? I would guess, and it's a guess not knowing the brand of pump, that you should be able to remove the pump by pushing on the tabs. I would also check for power first, do you hear it/them humming when turned on?
  9. M

    New Fish Finder

    Are you in fresh or saltwater?
  10. M

    Fuel gauge not working on Palm Beach

    Can you access the top of the tank, mainly the sending unit? Or the back of the gauge?
  11. M

    How to test bonding/grounding using a multimeter

    If you got a shock while fueling I would measure voltage before I'd check for continuity. I would put the neg probe on the battery ground and the pos probe on whatever you were touching when you felt the shock. If your meter is on a resistance scale and you have a voltage across those two...
  12. M

    New boat owner!

    Where in so cal? what's wrong with the ocean? there's a lot to see out there.
  13. M

    New boat owner!

    Each time you tow it touch each hub to check the temp when you get to your destination. At the end of the day when you pull the boat out of the water take notice of the amount of water in the bilge when you pull the plug. Before you leave the ramp take a walk around making sure everything is...
  14. M

    New boat owner!

    Take a boaters class if available.
  15. M

    Boat Lift Mistake

    In board or out? Are you saying the boat was resting on the skeg?
  16. M

    F4 water issue

    I flush my OB in a large trash can. The water temp only gets warms after running it for awhile and the source water in the tank gets warm from the exhaust warming it. The water in the tank is the same temp as the pisser water. Do you have an infrared thermometer to check the head temp? Is the...
  17. M

    First Class

    Several years ago while searching for a new outboard for my boat I came across one of these "good deal" websites.I contacted Yamaha and was told that the "good deal" company was not a Yamaha dealer. Even IF it were true Yamaha would not honor any warranty plus the motors would not be EPA...
  18. M

    NO GO!!!!???

    I'm not sure if this helps you but I had the same issue with my lawnmower years ago. The problem was a carburetor gasket.
  19. M

    F4 water issue

    The water temp out of the pisser should basically the same temp as the water source. Now you say it's hot enough to burn. If you have steam or the water is hot to the touch you have issues. I'm assuming you're running the motor with ear muffs and not in a tank with the exhaust heating the water.
  20. M

    F4 water issue

    My ignorance, I haven't heard of a 4hp. The stainless cup only fits one way in my motor.