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  1. G

    1999 Bryant gelcoat repair

    I have a 1999 Bryant with a burgundy gel coat. Any ideas where I can find the gel coat repair for a scratch?
  2. G

    Boating Trim - electrical problem

    Connections to the battery or elsewhere?
  3. G

    Boating Trim - electrical problem

    So I need to clean out that trim switch, probably a connection problem there
  4. G

    Boating Trim - electrical problem

    Hello, I have a 23-year-old Bryant, in great shape. On the water this season, I noticed that my hour meter did not illuminate, and my horn did not work. Currently, it is in my garage and dry, and these components work fine. Then, in my garage, I noticed that the trim on the throttle stick...
  5. G

    Starting Dry

    I did that my first season, and everyone told me not to. But I like to roll off the trailer and know she's going to cooperate - part of having a 20-year-old boat.
  6. G

    Starting Dry

    Hello, I have A bryant 182, 1999. It is a little tough to start when cold. I hate waiting to start on the dock when a line of impatient boaters is behind me. I know I can't start it dry, and where I store it, does not have access to water. Is there a way I can hand pump water into the...