Search results for query: tks diode

  1. achris

    Engine wont shut off with key

    Or he could put the wire where it belongs, on a switched 12v. The positive side of the electric choke would be the easiest spot. Chris......
  2. achris

    Rough to start, barely idles, runs great above 2000 RPM's

    Check the TKS fuse and diode. Likely one or both are shot. If it's the fuse, before you put another in and blow that too, find out why it blew. If it's the diode, just buy one from your local electronics shop (and not pay the outrageous price Merc ask for a simple half dollar diode!). Any 3A (or...
  3. achris

    Mercruiser Electrical Issue- Low power. Help pelase!

    Likely you have a shorted TKS diode. The battery drained due to your jumpering.. Replace the diode (DON'T buy one from Merc. It's just a simple diode you can get from Tandy or Radio Shack), recharge the batteries and you should be good to go. Chris...
  4. achris

    TKS & diode & fuse

    Don't buy a diode from Merc, they charge too many dollars for an item that will cost you a few cents at the local electronics shop. Look for something like a 1N5405...
  5. achris

    Electrical Issues - Help?

    Yes, both trim solenoids and the starter solenoid. Look at the thread (link a few posts back in this thread), I posted pictures. I have also added a 15A (double throw momentary) switch to the pump (mounted on the bracket) that powers the pump motor directly (no solenoids), so if a solenoid does...
  6. achris

    4.3 l keeps blowing ignition fuse

    No, you need the diode to get the module in the carb to heat up...
  7. achris

    4.3 l keeps blowing ignition fuse

    You have a faulty diode. Don't bother with Merc's 'marine taxed' diode either. Nip down to your local electronics shop and ask for a rectifier diode, around 3A (something like a 1N5404). If you have even a modicum of electrical knowledge, it'll be easy to replace. Chris.......
  8. achris

    4.3 tks blown ignition fuse and diode.

    Use a liquid sealer, like Loctite 567, never thread tape.. And don't buy a diode from Merc. It's a bog standard rectifier, like an FR607. Cost you about $2...
  9. achris

    1990 Cruiser 3.0 Carter Electrical Pump wiring issues

    If you attach directly to the red/yellow, you won't be able to disengage the starter once oil pressure is up.. The diode in the circuit below will prevent that. That diode is about 50c from any electronics shop (I buy them in packets of 10. I use them as 'solenoid savers' as well.) And yes, you...
  10. achris

    mercruiser 4.3l??

    Fuse behind the dash now has gone, and the most likely cause of all this grief is the diode in the TKS circuit...
  11. achris

    Merc trim solenoid - potential hack for longer life?

    Added my 'solenoid savers' today... :D Thanks Mad Props Chris........... Easy to make. Any electronics shop will sell 1N5404 (400v, 3A) for pennies. A couple of 1/4" (6mm) ring connectors, a 'joiner' and a short length of wire.. .Assemble it all and crimp the connectors.... (managed to...
  12. achris

    Mercruiser 4.3 TKS -- Blown Ignition Fuse and Shorted TKS Diode

    Ok, Just spent about 45 minutes analyzing the circuits and I have a few checks to be done.. Based on this diagram.... With the diode removed, current will not flow through (and heat) the TKS module until the engine temp switch closes (about 130?). Once the switch closes, the TKS module...