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  1. v1_0

    300 MPG Car.. er.. Motorcycle car..
  2. v1_0

    No more Lake Mead?

    They are predicting it to dry up by 2021: ";_ylt=ArxZwyohLX.WFYF2ypuYUAys0NUE" This may be the wrong forum. Anyway - what measures are being taken to prevent this?
  3. v1_0

    Tool Abuse Stories...

    Ok, I'll start. My wife was helping me with renovations/reconstruction on our house. Her task was to remove the drywall, nails, etc. from a set of interior walls. At some point, she needed to get under some nails to get them started so she could pull them out. So, she grabs a couple of...
  4. v1_0

    Contractor Roofing problem(?).

    About a year and a half ago I had a new roof put on our house. We had just bought it - a fixer upper - and there was a leak in one part of the roof. The contractor that was putting on the new roof knew about the leak and said he would fix things. The ceiling of the room that was below the...
  5. v1_0

    Fried Plugs

    1989 Mercruiser 4.3L w/Alpha one. I've been having some backfire issues - posted about it previously, this is a follow up. The symptoms: boat ran fine at low to mid rpms. When I would go to WOT, the boat would run a bit (a few minutes) then loose power and backfire. It would continue to...
  6. v1_0

    Replacement seats.

    I have a 1989 Galaxy 205 Bow Rider and time, water, and *use* have not been good to the back "bench" seat and engine cover. The vinyl seems like it's in ok shape - a bit faded, and one or two small cracks. The plywood 'frames' of both the back seat and the engine cover are rapidly turning into...
  7. v1_0

    Next prop size?

    Hello, I have a 20' Galaxy with a Mercruiser 4.3L, alpha i/o. My current prop is a Michigan Wheel 031025, 14 x 19. I ran into some 'treetops' (reservoir created by damming a river) and should probably replace the prop. (Bent up the tips of the prop a bit...) I did a bit of...
  8. v1_0

    Mercruiser 4.3L Alpha - Best way to clean gas tank?

    Hello, I am working on a problem with a backfire that occurs after running at higher RPM for a while. From some advise on this board, I am going through the fuel system from tank to fuel pump. I pulled the gas tank out of the boat (25 gal) after emptying most of the gas out - had...
  9. v1_0

    Free to a good home - couple of gaskets (fuel filter)

    Please use the iboat classifieds for selling items, or even giving them away. Not the forums. Forum Rules -V
  10. v1_0

    89 Mercruiser 4.3L - off season maintenance

    Hello, I bought the used boat (1989 21' Galaxy with a 4.3L Mercruiser, Alpha drive) just a few weeks ago. I have no maintenance records from the previous owner, so I don't know what was done. There also doesn't seem to be an hour gage in any obvious spot, so I can't say how many hours...
  11. v1_0

    A couple of small (?) issues w/4.3L Mercruiser

    So, I finally got the boat to the water. Being a newbie at it, I did the obligitory "back/forward back/forward it's finally in the water, what do I do now... etc." I did happen to choose a slow time to do this so as not to have anyone waiting on me. It's a used boat (circa 1989), so I did...
  12. v1_0

    Mercruiser 4.3 - clicking and no reverse.

    Hello, Thanks for the help with the starter - replaced it, and got the engine to start (not right away, of course... :) ). Now I have another problem: It seems to go into forward just fine, propeller spins - neutral is ok too, no propeller spin. However when I put it into...
  13. v1_0

    Mercruiser 4.3L starter removal

    Hello, I'm trying to pull the starter for a 1999 Mercruiser 4.3L: I can get to one of the bolts easy enough, but the other one is so close to the flywheel shroud that I can't get a socket around it. I've tried to use a wrench, but the bolt is in too tight and the wrench just slips off...