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  1. coastalrichard

    Happy Birthday JB

    Re: Happy Birthday JB Same here, JB
  2. coastalrichard

    Well Sasto, I Winterized Today!

    Put my sneakers in their place (ready to go, if needed) right next to my flops and hung my sweater on the door hook (OK, I also hung my windbreaker next to my sweater - I'm gettin more cold-natured:eek:). Did I leave anything out?:confused:
  3. coastalrichard

    SeaBreacher...what a scream!

    This has got to be one fun ride............
  4. coastalrichard

    This terrible tragedy could have been avoided. Don't drink and drive!

    I should have gotten a DUI...luckily no serious injuries and only minor damage..............
  5. coastalrichard

    Help with electric winch

    Re: Help with electric winch RickyRick, I notice that the conversation has not discussed how to setup the power connections for your new winch. I didn't want to have to make long-run connections to the vehicle battery and came up with this: It's a plastic, lockable toolbox mounted to the...
  6. coastalrichard

    Need Some House Sitters!!!

    Will be in Biloxi the weekend of October 26-29 for business (:facepalm:). If anyone has the time on their hands, I could use some help with keeping the cats feed, guarding the boat, watching the house, etc. I noticed in another thread that there is a group of folks that have done this service...
  7. coastalrichard

    Bronze Brakes?

    I am starting to investigate replacement brakes for my sig trailer. As I am a saltwater boater, i have looked at bronze brake kits. Anyone used them or have info/thoughts?
  8. coastalrichard

    Mildewed Vinyl?

    What do you folks use to remove light mildew from vinyl (seats, cushions). Conditioner after?
  9. coastalrichard

    Chasing Closed Threads!

    I don't really know why I started, but I've become entertained by reading closed threads. Some start out OK and then seem to drift into no mans land. Some are duplicate posts getting zapped. And there are the archives that get dredged up by an eager new poster (heck even a Mod recently). The...
  10. coastalrichard

    21ft bow riders do the different brands rank?

    Re: 21ft bow riders do the different brands rank? Well, I'll admit to my bias up front. I purchased a 2007 Mariah DX212 last summer and am completely impressed with the fit, finish and quality of components. In fact, the washdown pump has just pooped out and I chased down it's...
  11. coastalrichard

    Isaac just won't quit!

    This storm is incredible. I'm smack in the middle of the Florida panhandle and a rain band is passing over right now:eek: My thoughts and prayers go out to folks to my west. The flooding is quite impressive. Incoop, you getting ready for some wet?
  12. coastalrichard

    Electric Boat Trailer Winches

    Re: Electric Boat Trailer Winches Here you go...
  13. coastalrichard

    FL Panhandle Update

    I thought we would be spared from the worst, and we were here in the central panhandle. Sure we got some wind and rain but not much worse than some of our coastal storms. I'm surprised, though, by the 4'+ surge this far east of the storm? The normal 6'-9' depth of the oyster beds is now over...
  14. coastalrichard

    Need advice for deterring black bears!

    I'm having unusually frequent encounters with black bears this year. I have a bear resistant trash can that they constantly try to get into. Does anyone have any tips?
  15. coastalrichard

    My birthday is august 11th (bass pro shop has gift list for me )

    Re: My birthday is august 11th (bass pro shop has gift list for me ) What the heck, Happy Birthday from your third cousin twice removed... By the way...can I borrow your boat:eek:
  16. coastalrichard

    Electric Trailer Jack?

    Time is rapidly approaching to replace my manual trailer jack. I recently replaced my manual winch with an electric model and mounted a tender battery behind the winch post, so I would have a ready power source for an electric jack. Who else has one or has any experiences of them to share?
  17. coastalrichard

    Would You Join A Boat Club?

    I have owned boats individually for years...perhaps part of it is the feeling you get when you're draggin the wagon down the street past all the other "unfortunate" non-owners. A few years back, while travelling, I came across an ad in a local rag touting the advantages of a boat club...
  18. coastalrichard

    Oh great...NOW my generator works!

    Pulled the portable generator out of the shed last Sunday to prepare for possible use as the forecast for Debby was to linger here for days. The dadgum thing would not crank! It's Sunday and no stores that might carry rebuild parts are open. Oh well, hope the power holds out. Today, folks...
  19. coastalrichard

    I'll Have Another Out of Belmont Stakes!!!

    Something amiss with the horse has led to withdrawal from tomorrow's conference at 1:00 pm ET today.:confused:
  20. coastalrichard

    Adjustible height ball hitch cures retrieval issues

    Reading about folks having troubles retrieving their boats got me to looking into the issue. There seems to be a pretty direct correlation to the ramp slope. Too little slope and the boat hits the trailer at a low angle causing the trailer to be backed farther down the ramp to allow the bow to...