Re: Soft Deck....Unsure waht to expect
hi rob......nice stuff !....yer gonna love that grinder.
ok.....first you need to dry the hull.....see in pic 5 the weave of the roving cloth?.....if there is moisture....its in there........its gotta be totally dry or the resin wont bond in the reinforcing layer.
flip the hull and put a small ceramic heater with a fan in there and leave it for as long as you least a week or two.....(while your waiting for your glass and wood......(the wood has to dry for a minimum of a week any how.)
so after you rough and scuff the hull.....vaccume and clean with aceitone.
for the reinforcing layer.....i would do a double layer of either 3/4 oz csm or one oz.......(either 1.5 or two oz's.)....if you want super duper strong.....a thin veil type cloth over the csm and applied at the same time will be good.
i would guess at 8-10 gallons resin....(depending on the glassing in cooler temps). the states you should be able to get a 5 gallon bucket of NON waxed for around 110 bux.....
ok......the deck......the 8 oz suggested is the minimum on ANY deck....reguardless of the type of cover....more is better....especially if you are going to carpet it.
easy.....first of are using poly....that means you need csm....(chopped strand matt) comes in .75.....1 and 1.5 oz....(you can get two oz but lets keep it simple)
you are going to do a reinforcing i would suggest two csm layers.
measure the boat for the width......the rolls come in 48 or 60 inch widths....u pick the best for you...
if your boat is 12 feet long....and you are doing two reinforcing layers.....thats 2x12 feet....(if you are too wide for the 60 inch roll....add another 12 feet....(6 feet per extra width)
then you are going to do your deck....another 2 x 12 feet csm. and one wrap for the add another 12 feet
thats a minimum 60 feet....but add another 5% just in thats 63 feet of 1 or 3/4 oz csm.
you can also do a veil on the hull..(the veil woven cloth is the exact same stuff you see at lows or home depot in the tiny bags) thats 12 feet long....and the deck is another 12 you need 24 feet of veil..(8 oz)... but add 5% for mistakes and just so you dont run thats another foot or 16 just round it off higher and go to 26 feet.
BUT>>>>>you also want to do a stringer transom job.....
heres where it gets tricky.......if you have a 12 foot jon boat and are going to run a 15 hp wont need to double wrap the strings with 1708 bi ax......
the same 8 oz veil and csm treatment you are going to give the deck is just fine......(we are really going for waterproofing here not super stregnth.)
if you are on a 16 footer with a 85 hp.....then yes....lets wrap with the 25 oz bi ax.
to determine the amount of glass needed for the stringers....measure the expected height of them and multliply the number by a factor of 4 per wrap.
(eg......the height of the stringer is 6 ins....thats 12 inches for both sides...then the hull tab will be 3 inches either side.,...and an inch for the top......and 5% mess up factor......that gives you a factor of x4)
so that is 24 ins width per wrap......right? a 48 inch wide roll will give you 2 stringers per 12 foot section......(if you are buying 60 inch will have left overs.....and its better to have too much than too little)
that boat has 3 you will need 2 x12 foot long sections for an individual wrap......thats 24 feet....but you have to wrap them twice with add another 24 feet of csm.....then the veil (one layer at 24 feet)
so lets total that.....
hull....and deck.....63 feet.....and the stringers at 48 feet ...=111 feet of csm.....= 33 yards.
26 feet. for the deck and hull and 24 feet for the veil= 50 feet or approx 17 yards......(remember....this is for a supper duper strong hull).....two layers of csm will be more than fine......(actually.....withe the overlap on the stringers....the deck hull joint and the wont even need the hull reinforcement....possibly just in small sections where you feel its weak)
there will be enough left over for the tramsom if you dont mess up too bad.
and the really cool thing is with such light can do all three layers at a time......and that will save you huge on resin...... thing to remember.......thats a lot of weight to add to a use as little resin as you can get away with.
heh heh heh......i hope i didnt confuse you with all of that.......