Painting sanity check


Aug 24, 2004
I'm looking ahead to the next steps and want to make sure I'm on the right track.


I've gold old gelcoat that I'll be filling and fairing the bad spots with epoxy resin and glass bubbles. I'll do this until I think it looks/feels ready for primer.


Interlux Epoxy Primekote 404 or 415
2 coats


Interlux Perfection, roll & tip
2333N thinner
2 coats

I'm thinking:

1 gal. of primer
1 qt of hull/deck color
1 qt of cap color

Does this sound about right for a 14 footer? Did I miss something?


Jan 8, 2007
Re: Painting sanity check

Looks pretty good to me, but don't forget lots of sandpaper in varying grades from 600 on up, and a fairing board.

Also it would help to use a guide coat, probably cheap black spraypaint, for when you're done fairing... or you think you're done.

With the perfection paint you'll get good results... but if you spend twice as much time doing prep and sanding as you think you need, you'll get great results.



Aug 24, 2004
Re: Painting sanity check

Good advice, thanks. That's pretty much coming from Interlux's directions except for making my own filler/fairing stuff.

I'll be shopping for a palm sander soon.

I'm slowly arriving at a crossroads where I'll have to make some decisions on what order to do things in.

Some concerns...

The hull has to be flipped again to finish the exterior. Well, I say it has to. I'd much rather work on it flipped over. Now that the deck is in, I don't think I can just flip it like before without damaging it. If I temporarily put the cap back on with wire ties like I've been doing I think I can just sit the boat on the ground and flip it. I don't think it's big enough to warrant building any kind of boat flipping jig and I'd rather spare that expense anyway.

I can't work on the cap while it's flipped either.:(

There's just too much crap falling out of the trees to paint in the back yard so once it's flipped I have to figure out how to get it into the carport (after moving the other boat). Even in the carport, I'm sure something's going to get into my paint in a spot or two. So far I've been reinforcing all my epoxy with .05% insects.

It's just logistical stuff, but a little foresight could save a lot of unnecessary work.

Launch date seems really far away.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Painting sanity check

Use Xylene as a solvent to clean, acetone will flash to quickly to remove all waxes or chemicals. Always sand down between coats with in 24 hours, the paint is still somewhat soft and we be by far easier to cut. Make sure your using prime-kote... pre-kote will not seal new glassing and may cause blushing...Remeber Perfection builds to a final finish and it may take as many as 5 coats

As to prime-kote you may want to shoot that with a cheap hplv sprayer. it is thick and dry's hard as cement... Making it feel like your sanding cement...time consuming..get the finish as smooth as possible it does not level like the paint..ask Dewpster..;)


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Painting sanity check

Use Xylene as a solvent to clean, acetone will flash to quickly to remove all waxes or chemicals. Always sand down between coats with in 24 hours, the paint is still somewhat soft and we be by far easier to cut. Make sure your using prime-kote... pre-kote will not seal new glassing and may cause blushing...Remeber Perfection builds to a final finish and it may take as many as 5 coats

As to prime-kote you may want to shoot that with a cheap hplv sprayer. it is thick and dry's hard as cement... Making it feel like your sanding cement...time consuming..get the finish as smooth as possible it does not level like the paint..ask Dewpster..;)

Good stuff. I went back over your project, Dewpster's and a few others.

I don't have access to (or any experience with) spraying equipment. I just read the Primekote data sheet and it says to thin it %25 with 2333N if you're going to roll it. I think that's about the best I'll be able to do with what I have. I knew I was in for a lot of sanding, guess it'll be even more with this primer. Nothing's been easy so far, no sense in starting now.:D I'm mostly worried about bugs and stuff getting in the paint.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Painting sanity check

You are going to get debries in you paint no matter what you do unless you do it in a down draft booth and your still going to get some in that enviroment.

Dont sweat it until your on your third coat, when your doing the final coats i am going to assume you have a good ideal on just how the paint flow' much to apply and drying time's.

I dont know just exactly to say this but when your think your going to apply your final finish coat....thin it down by 15% that will enhace your drying time, make it flow better and do it in the morning ....low bug time and low wind's and a 45 minute setup time.....Good luck .....and dont be's time for a little discpline.......:D...dam lib's.....;)