1961 18HP Seahorse. I got it as a basket case so I've never seen it run. Tore it all apart (didn't open the case though), cleaned every last part, all new gaskets. 95 lbs compression top & bottom. New coils, condensers, points, plugs - excellent blue spark over 3/8 gap. Cleaned carb and new carb kit. Baby should run. Will not start. I about wore my arm out pulling the rope (waste of time, I know, if it doesn't start after 10 pulls it probably won't after 100). Sprayed premix in the intake and pulled some more. Gives one "chug", then nothing. Finally, exhausted, I removed the plugs and hooked an electric drill to the flywheel nut to do some real fuel and spark tests (can't see diddly when I'm hauling away on the starting rope). Excellent spark. I pulled the fuel line from the carb and the fuel pump is pump, pump, pumping. However, NO gas vapor comes out of the plug holes when everything's hooked up and I crank the motor. After all my pulling the plugs were bone dry, too. I removed the carb and with the drill turning the motor I can feel suction at the carb mount hole. So the carb MUST be plugged, but it sure looks clean as can be. I've got it disassembled again and when I spray carb cleaner in the various passages it squirts out where it should. Grr! Wouldn't I have a lot of gas vapor coming out of the plug holes when I crank the motor if the carb were doing its thing? This is driving me crazy. This is not one of those gleefull posts where a guy spends many happy hours rebuilding a motor and it starts on the first pull. I did have a lot of fun tearing it apart and making it nice (rebuilt the lower unit, converted to short shaft, replaced rubber shock mounts, etc etc). But now it is time for it to RUN!