My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

the nameplate is in tip-top shape, thank you very much :p

Are you sure? May be the root cause of the troubles. :D

Good thing the wife didn't bet you on water leaks. Can't believe all the trouble with getting her sealed. Did you try Gluvit? :rolleyes:


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Are you sure? May be the root cause of the troubles. :D

Good thing the wife didn't bet you on water leaks. Can't believe all the trouble with getting her sealed. Did you try Gluvit? :rolleyes:

She would've made-out like a bandit. :facepalm:

It's a dinky, thin fact, I believe on larger engines (i.e. V6 crossflows), a sandwich gasket is used here (gasket - aluminum - gasket). double-down?


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

She would've made-out like a bandit. :facepalm:

It's a dinky, thin fact, I believe on larger engines (i.e. V6 crossflows), a sandwich gasket is used here (gasket - aluminum - gasket). double-down?

Its merely a small "flesh-wound":



"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Its merely a small "flesh-wound":
Oh Man, you guys don't pull any punches ...blood in the water and the sharks are circling :lol:

Classic clip man!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Hey Blue - I didn't want to clog up the Achy-Breaky-Leaky thread, so here goes since you aren't showing much work on the SS. What's your record time for yanking the power head. It seems that you should have all the shortcuts worked out. I'm starting to think you got a Friday or Monday built motor. :faint2:


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Hey Blue - I didn't want to clog up the Achy-Breaky-Leaky thread, so here goes since you aren't showing much work on the SS. What's your record time for yanking the power head. It seems that you should have all the shortcuts worked out. I'm starting to think you got a Friday or Monday built motor. :faint2:

Yeah, the SS isn't getting much love these days. Soon...I promise!

Without the LU connected, it takes around 15min to pull the powerhead. Hook-up the cherry picker, remove 2 lower cover mounts, ground-wire, pisser-hose, 1 nut and 6 bolts. jack it up and pop it loose from the adapter plate. Add 15min if the LU, shift,throttle,fuel line and control cable are connected. Another 10min to pull/disassemble the inner/outer exhaust housing. It's a cinch when you're not dealing with seized bolts.

Ahh...I wish I could blame the OMC assembly line but this stuff is PO neglect and me learning as I go. That exhaust manifold was hosed from corrosion and heat. The adapter plate (0.005") may have been my doing...a little too aggressive with gasket removal?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

I wasn't knocking progress on the SS. The motor is part of it too. No motor = no go. Unless you're adding the optional oar locks. :facepalm:

In the other thread you said the gaskets are thin paper. You could maybe whip up some yourself from a brown paper bag, maybe double up. My Kroger still has them. I think they're leftovers from 1999. And some of the infamous Gorilla Snot - Well stirred of course.


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

I wasn't knocking progress on the SS. The motor is part of it too. No motor = no go. Unless you're adding the optional oar locks. :facepalm:

In the other thread you said the gaskets are thin paper. You could maybe whip up some yourself from a brown paper bag, maybe double up. My Kroger still has them. I think they're leftovers from 1999. And some of the infamous Gorilla Snot - Well stirred of course.

Thanks for the suggestions GaB! I didn't know that you could use paper bags! I actually have a roll of gasket material. I applied some JB to the recess last night, shaved it down to size with a razor before heading to work this am...hopefully back-in-biz!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Hoping for the best, Blue. It's been aggravating for sure.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Hope that fix works for you, BF. My engine is a 7 year younger version of yours, and I haven't touched the manifold cover yet. I did have some oil blowing out of one of the bolt holes, and somebody on the J/E forum (booby I think) recommended this stuff:


It's 3M 847, and it worked great for me on this issue:


I know your issue is not the same, but this is a good gasket product. It is pricey, though. I like paper bags better if they work.


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Hope that fix works for you, BF. My engine is a 7 year younger version of yours, and I haven't touched the manifold cover yet. I did have some oil blowing out of one of the bolt holes, and somebody on the J/E forum (booby I think) recommended this stuff:


It's 3M 847, and it worked great for me on this issue:


I know your issue is not the same, but this is a good gasket product. It is pricey, though. I like paper bags better if they work.

thanks for the recommendation chem! I use 847 on metal/metal as well as keeping seals/o-rings seated during installation. I'd hesitate to put this stuff on the powerhead base simply because its so darn tough to separate from the adapter plate (top of the midsection). Even when it's been installed with a skimpy OEM gaskets (precoated installed as-is), I need a BFH to separate the 2 pieces. couldn't imagine trying to separate with the 847...This stuff is too good :lol:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

That stuff must be the clear version of 5200. Does Gorilla Booger Juice set hard or stay pliable?


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

That stuff must be the clear version of 5200. Does Gorilla Booger Juice set hard or stay pliable?

847 isn't as unforgiving as adheres to metal like its nobody's business and feels like it creates a suction as you try to separate the pieces...once you get it to start stretching, you can pull the pieces apart with relative ease. It remains pliable.
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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

A long time ago I had to work on a Chevy motor. I couldn't get the the head off. Turned out whoever worked on it before me used Permatex hardening gasket sealer on the head gasket. I ended up using a RR*BFH it break the seal. *Really Really. Fortunately the head was FUBAR'ed before I touched it. Turns out my brother thought it was a good idea to seal the head gasket real good so it would fix the cracked head. :facepalm: I think I chased him with the RRBFH. :lol:


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

A long time ago I had to work on a Chevy motor. I couldn't get the the head off. Turned out whoever worked on it before me used Permatex hardening gasket sealer on the head gasket. I ended up using a RR*BFH it break the seal. *Really Really. Fortunately the head was FUBAR'ed before I touched it. Turns out my brother thought it was a good idea to seal the head gasket real good so it would fix the cracked head. :facepalm: I think I chased him with the RRBFH. :lol:

in order to prevent future offenses,

I would've glued his toolbox shut with it...

...after I glued all of his tools inside together with it



"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Finally high-&-dry!


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

I hope everyone is having a great Labor-day weekend!

I ran the 'Rude one final time in a tank and basically winterized it (drained carbs, fogged intake/cylinders) as well as retorqued the head bolts...The engine didn't get warm enough to justify retorqing the exhaust manifold yet.

Now back to the Hull.

I've changed my plan for addressing the stress cracks and bracing.

Exterior patches using 0.09" aluminum. I feel more comfortable treating breaks in the hull skin externally.

It puts the "bare bottom" plan in question...then again, I think they could look kind of cool :cool:

Questions for you guys:
  • Good Plan?
  • 5200 or JB sandwiched between the patch and hull skin? I'm leaning towards 5200.
Black boxes have stress cracks:

Worst crack is on the P7 (port-side #7 rib). Sharpie outline represents the patch.
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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

You've been working on the motor so long, I about forgot you still had a tinny. :) Glad the leaks are gone, finally!

I think 5200. Primarily because it remains flexible whereas JB turns to brittle stone. Any plans to add reinforcement on the inside?


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

You've been working on the motor so long, I about forgot you still had a tinny. :) Glad the leaks are gone, finally!

I think 5200. Primarily because it remains flexible whereas JB turns to brittle stone. Any plans to add reinforcement on the inside?

It's a good feeling to finish that chapter!

Definitely adding reinforcement on the inside however not under the rib ends...too much butchering to fit angles and I'm a fan of securing it to the upper/lower seam.

The idea is to overlap the exterior patches in-between the ribs. The interior reinforcement will have an angle to grab the lower hull skin to help reinforce the chine. The ambitious part of that is if I drill out 4-6 seam rivets to secure the reinforcement tab there as well as higher-up on the hull...locking in the spray rail. No big deal if I'm doing it once-or-twice...but 22 times? :eek: :faint2:


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

2 Updates in 1 day! What did I do to deserve this much working time? :noidea: :lol:

Patches...they'll look much cooler with Rivets:

To make the 1-man flip go a little easier, using the headers in my garage opening as a light-weight gantry...(I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS FOR HEAVY LIFTING! The static weight is roughly divided by in other words, there's ~3x the weight I'm pulling on the structure.)

Thunderstorms chased me off of the driveway so I'll spend the afternoon prettying-up the patches followed by dinner with the girls!

Have a safe and enjoyable labor day guys! Thanks for swinging by!!!