Wow....just wow. It is amazing that some are still in denial. .Putting pandemic in quotation marks is unnecessary and actually shows ignorance of the word. The situation in which we all find ourselves is described perfectly in one word ... pandemic. Look it up in any dictionary, it actually seems tailor-made.
For a better and accurate explanation, if that even interests you, check out the WHO version :=>
1) I'll give you a year... and we will all still be dealing with this. This is still totally out of control precisely because the authorities everywhere intially downplayed the severity and were slow to get their acts together., and that many still have their heads firmly in the sand or up their wazoos. #
Failed leadership # What? Me worry?
2) Been through similar viruses? Exactly when? There has never been anything like this on a global scale. The speed and range that this has been spread speaks to the travel levels worldwide and how easily these pathogens migrate.
# you ain't seen nothing yet. # in a war # invisible enemy
3) It is always easy to blame media, some politicians make a career of it. I have seen zero hysteria from media....only from the public. I think the media have done a really good job in their coverage of
NOT whipping this into a frenzy. They have stuck to the facts which is more than many in the administration have done.
The media did not suggest hoarding toilet paper....milk....hand sanitizer..,.etc. Or buying up all the hand sanitiser in a 3 county area and selling it on eBay and Craigs List etc for up to $80- per bottle (unless you think that is just free enterprise at its finest). .
# NOT fake news
We are all in this together and unless we present a united front and acknowledge that sometimes the good of the many outweighs the convenience of the one and adjust our behaviour accordingly (as recommended by those who actually DO know what is going on) this is going to be an even rockier road than it already is.
# Selfish, self absorbed, jerks. (thanks Mark
that sums it up nicely)
# Isn't Evangeline Lilly just a peach?
Be wise and be safe everyone!