1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration Pictures Added


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Howdy All,

Finally started serious restoration on my old Alumacraft today. This is my first installment of my oddesy into boat restoration, this post will be a bit long and rambling, please be patient with me.

First some history. I bought this boat new in '85 (living in Minnesota then) and my wife and I used it every weekend all summer long for a couple of years. Then we moved to Illinois (job transfer) and bought a house a few blocks from one of the Chain-of-Lakes. We thought we really had it made and fished weekends in the first spring. Then it warmed up and the "boaters" came out with their overpowered speed boats, and I vowed that I would never return to those lakes. Well, the boat sat in the driveway from 1994 till now. The cover rotted off and the boat was subjected to rain and snow for several years. The decking is shot.

This weekend my wife and I striped out the old carped and wood remnants. We are now down to the foam.

Here come my questions.

I assume that I should remove the foam, and "Gluvit" the bottom. I do not have any proof that it leaks, but assume that it does due to the freezing and thawing that it has been through. Question 1 - should I just try to clean it out and Gluvit the hull or should I partially fill it with water and see if it leaks?

If filling with water is the answer, do I remove the foam before filling, or just fill it as it sits?

If removing the foam is the answer, what is the best way to get it out?

If the answer is to Gluvit the hull, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the interior of the boat had been painted at the factory, and there does not appear to be any metal corrosion on the interior. May make the cleanup easier.

The transom was another area of concern for me, but after I got the deck out, I found that the wood part of the transom starts several inches above the deck (which is several inches above the hull) so water should not have reached the wood in the transom. I am also re powering (removing the 20 hp Merc and replacing it with a Merc Classic 50) so I will be able to probe the transom when I drill the holes for the engine mounting bolts. I will add an update when I get to that point.

I will try to post pictures this week.

For now, just suggestions on what to do with the foam and whether to just Gluvit the hull or test for leaks are my most pressing questions. If you notice anything that I am missing, please let me know.

Thanks for taking time to read this.

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Chief Petty Officer
Apr 14, 2005
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Since the floor's being replaced anyhow, I'd get that out first.

If the foam's waterlogged (test in multiple places), it'll have to be pulled out. Are you sure you have the poured foam in there? My aluminum boat had foam sheets.

After all that's out, I'd fill w/ water and watch for leaks. My 30 year-old boat only leaked at the transom bracket. I replaced those rivets and put epoxy over them to seal. I never bought any Glu-vit, but many people recommend it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 29, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

I recently redid my aluminum boat (almost finished). I removed all the old foam. I found a drywall spatula to work pretty well. I also used an air chisel for areas that I knew there was no chance of puncturing the hull. I'm almost done with my restoration and will post the whole mess, but when reinstalling new foam, I put a PVC pipe with lots of hole drilled down the centerline (like a french drain). I covered it with paper mache which appeared to keep the foam out of the holes while the foam dried, but when it gets wet, the paper will dissolve away. I'm hoping that'll keep the new foam from ever being waterlogged.

It did take a while to get out the old stuff though, so prepare for some real work!


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration


What did you use to foam your boat? I had been thinking of using 4/8 sheets of insulation cut to fit between the stringers. I was concerned about getting the correct amount of foam in the channels between the stringers and still have it level with the top of the stringers so that the floor will fit. My boat came with foamed in place floatation and I would really like to duplicate it, just not sure how to go about it and not get into trouble. Removing the foam once is enough.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 29, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration


I went the expensive (but hopefully high quality route). I got Versi-foam and sprayed in the foam. Read the specs and I think it'll impress you. Pour in foam seems to be a huge mess to me! Word to the wise though, if you go the versi-foam route, it hardens VERY fast, so have you floor fully bolted down!

Like you, I never, ever want to do any refurbish work on this boat again- so a few more $$ to ensure it seems worth it (my dream boat would be over $32K with power, so I'm way under that!). I've been chronicling my restoration (mostly for therapy) and will post in the finished resto forum (I thought sooner than now). Here's the floor and foam installation as a preview! Hope it's helpful...


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration


Thanks for the response. I am really impressed with the job that you have done on your boat. It looks real nice, I look forward to seeing your complete write-up.




May 21, 2007
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Great job she really look well done !!! John


Sep 7, 2007
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration


Lots of thoughts. I'm sort of at the same point in restoring a Starcraft 160. Hull has been cleaned out and I'm planning the restoration. I am a member of the Starcraft Boats group and found them to be helpful. Pictures posted at:

Mine is the 1990 Mariner 160 (dmrm8765)

I got answers to some similar questions at:

Removing foam
- Get rid of it and start over
- I found a power sprayer to be very helpful, particularly after I got the big hunks out.

Leak test - I would do this although it is no guarantee. Turns out that water pressure from the outside (boat sitting in water) can find leaks that water inside can't find (makes sense since water pressure could actually seal very small holes on the inside).

- I plan to seal all the seams in my boat (even though it didn't leak at all with the water inside test) just because it's so easy at this point.
- Found two products and haven't decided which to use - Gluvit and Gflex. May use both depending on the extent of any corrosion in the area (more Gflex).

- Gflex site
- Gluvit site
http://www.marinetex.com/PRODUCT PAGE_files/All Gluvit/gluvit prod in.htm

I also found an internet provider of epoxy, etc. that seems to be pretty reasonable. There is some interesting information on his web site:

- First of all, I think flotation is really important
- There is a lot of good Coast Guard information available in a posting earlier in the week. Formulas to compute how much flotation is needed and how it should be distributed so the boat doesn't sink in the stern or turtle.
- Your choices seem to be spray on, pour on, or some form of batten.
- I spoke with the spray on folks at http://www.buoyancyfoam.com/ and they suggested you not spray or pour into a closed area. Could blow out either the hull or the floor. Their recommendation was to put down the foam, tool it with a knife, and then put down the floor. Pretty expensive ($290 for 7.6 cubic feet). John Greer sells pour foam but that isn't as flexible.
- Another guideline is that anything within four inches of the hull (bottom) should be impervious to gasoline. Lots of styrofoam configurations are not.

- My final conclusion is to use Swimming Noodles like the kids use. I tested them submerged in a bucket of gasoline overnight and there was no deterioration. They were completely dry in an hour. A foot of noodle (2.5" diameter with .5" hole in the middle) will comfortably (neutrally) support two pounds of dead weight so you can figure out how many noodles you will need using the Coast Guard guidelines. I plan to use the original styrofoam from above deck spaces - I have seen estimates that a cubic foot will support 55 pounds in neutral buoyancy. My boat, motor, etc., etc. will require about 600 pounds of flotation and, with existing styrofoam, that will take about 40 noodles of 4' each (got them at the General Dollar store for $1 each). I believe I can place these under the floor in a way that will reduce noise and support the floor a bit.

- While you're that far into your boat, I would recommend replacing the transom as well. You've already got all the tools and junk out, why not and then everything would be good to go?

Good luck,


Feel free to email me with any other questions - dougextra@comcast.net


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Well, the project is officially started. Last weekend I removed the old deck and got ready for the foam removal. Today I removed most of the foam from the main deck area (not the raised bow area or the large floatation boxes in the stern. I should be able to finish removing the foam tomorrow.

I was able to get at the bottom of the transom wood and like everyone said, it will need to be replaced. That will be the next project (after I get all of the foam out).

I will try to figure out how to post pictures tomorrow or Monday.

Thanks for all of the suggestions so far. I am sure that I will have lots of questions to follow.




Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Here are the pictures of the work so far that I promised. I have a lot of pictures so I will do this with several posts

This is the boat at the start of this project




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Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Out with the deck




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Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Now to remove the foam




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Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration

Here is the old transom

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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 29, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration Pictures Added


Must say it looks great! I just finished up mine and am posting it to the completed projects forum tonight! Not saying it to be mean, but I have to shudder when I see the stage you're on! Hang in there - try to stay away from using any wood (just my bias - I NEVER want to do this job again) and have fun if you can! You'll be loving it when you're done and cruising across the water...



May 21, 2007
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration Pictures Added

I wish i could have used the power sprayier on mine , [ it was the middle of winter ] looks really good !! keep up the great work !! John


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Re: 1985 Alumacraft Lunker 16 SS Restoration Pictures Added


Thanks for the encouragement.


If I had known how hard it would be getting the foam our, I would have sold/scrapped the boat - now that I am this far, I can hardly wait till I get it finished.

My new (89 Merc Classic 50) arrived at the shipping dock today and I will be picking it up tomorrow.

Lots of work to go, but I sure am looking forward to getting this into the water.
