Re: Recently purchased old Naden boat
Nice Honda you got on the back of there, I guess you were really tired of dying in the water.
Yeah. I'd prefer a two stroke 60HP but many of the lakes in California have begun enforcing four stroke only rules and others are threatening to. I just lost faith in the Evinrude and since the boat was scheduled to be used all day for a week for a family vacation last summer, I decided to sell a motorcycle I had and bought the very low hour Honda.
It really is a great little engine--quiet, smooth, starts right up, doesn't mind riding around at part throttle for long periods of time, and adequately powerful. When I bought it it had sat for a few months, gumming up the pilot jets, so the carbs had to be rebuilt--a pretty common problem on these motors. To prevent that, I use Seafoam in the fuel if I know I won't have it out again for a month and always drain the carbs when I get home after boating. Since then I haven't had an issue, even after sitting much of the winter.
I've used three different props but haven't found that perfect one yet. I'm using an 11" pitch right now and that allows it to over rev a little when I'm not pulling a skier or tube, but jumps out of the hole and hold rpms just below redline when I am pulling someone. It limits top speed to 30 mph.