You ever get hustled by a 12yrold kid at pool or pinball

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
So how many of you been Hustled by a pool shark?? I know it sucks to have it happened.. But it is worst if your a 12yr old kid... Now I was about 6yrs old when I found pool was alot of fun, but I really liked the pinball machines.. At 12 I used to hang out at Billard's Club or pool hall.. I was there so much that I was like a fixture to the place.. I was able to clean tables and floors for free soda pop and a piece of jerky. Once in awhile I would get to play pool for free.. I would also watch 2 main charactors for hours hustling people at the tables. I picked up a few tricks here and there also.<br />Not to prode of this, but being a kid, sometimes the excitement is just to powering over ones person..<br />With that being said, I use to set up games for the hustlers. I would get 5 bucks a person. Sometimes I would make 20 bucks on a saturday.. My mother had no idea, if she did, I would be a goner..<br />Now in 1978-82 that is alot of money for a kid..<br />I made enough to buy lunch and a pizza, or movie and the best is pinball games.. I perfected pinball at 12yrs old over pool.. I met a older kid who showed me how to hustle and bet on the pinball machines and in return I paid for games.. I was really good at something finally and made money at it too. We would find people to bet on my shots. They would point to a spot and I off course would hit it with the ball.. It usally was a buck a shot.. For some reason this is intertaining to people to watch a kid hustle or bet on games.. I didn't always win, but I did manage to pull out 150 bucks one night.. Drunks are so stupid..There was alot of double or nothing going on.. But I was cured of this once I lost.. You see at 12 yrs old I lost 300bucks on one simple shot. I got nervous and choked on a double flip.. My finger tweched and hit the flipper twice and the ball raced by the target.. That was all my winning made that night.. I went home and sleeped it off and started all over again until my mom found out what I was doing at the Pool hall.. Someone was in there watching me that knew my mother. He didn't tell her about the money lost, but about me gambling.. Ya, I was grounded and my skates were taken away plus weekends were spent cleaning.. I did however manage to sneak to the pool hall and made a few bucks and get out... It was so fun, but stupid..<br /><br />How many of you did stupid stuff?? Come on tell..<br /><br />PS.. Did you know that bikers get really upset when they loose. And a pinball machine can get turned upside down very easily.. Yep, that is how space invaders game got destroyed one night and someone got 86ed out for month. Me, I pissed off a 250lb biker.. His buddies teased him about me taking him for 20 bucks and he got a little upset..


Jul 29, 2004
Re: You ever get hustled by a 12yrold kid at pool or pinball

I'm not much of a pinball player, BD, but I have certainly been the "hustler" at pool many times.<br /><br />My favorite hustling technique was (I don't play much anymore) to play left handed. When I first started dating my wife, I would play left handed as a handicap. Eventually, I got fairly skilled at it, I just was not as "polished" as right handed. I looked all jerky and un-smooth when I played left handed. Anyway, I'd go into a pool hall and get a table and shoot by myself for a while left handed. It didn't take long for someone to spot me playing with an expensive cue, looking like a rookie. They'd ask to play some, and I'd let them win a few games and switch to right handed. Believe it or not I was NEVER caught switching hands. No one paid attention to it I guess.<br /><br />I was never hassled too badly. The worst was when I got kicked out of one pool hall for taking the owner's son for over 300 bucks. They politely told me to not come back again.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: You ever get hustled by a 12yrold kid at pool or pinball

I get my arse whooped all the time by 12 yr olds on HALO 2 on-line.


Nov 29, 2000
Re: You ever get hustled by a 12yrold kid at pool or pinball

I was playing Maddens NFL 2004 with my 5 y/o this past weekend. I let him pick the teams. I happened to get a crappy team, but I figured he would be easy anyway.<br /><br />Well he goes up on me 21-0. And I am trying.. Well after a couple of trips down the field I made adjustments and shut him down. Unfortunately his attention span waned and I did not have time to come back. So in his mind he won.. Thats OK though..<br /><br />Then my 9 y/o wanted to play and same thing. Man getting taken to the shed by young kids like that really smarts..

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: You ever get hustled by a 12yrold kid at pool or pinball

Originally posted by sangerwaker:<br /> I'm not much of a pinball player, BD, but I have certainly been the "hustler" at pool many times.<br /><br />My favorite hustling technique was (I don't play much anymore) to play left handed. When I first started dating my wife, I would play left handed as a handicap. Eventually, I got fairly skilled at it, I just was not as "polished" as right handed. I looked all jerky and un-smooth when I played left handed. Anyway, I'd go into a pool hall and get a table and shoot by myself for a while left handed. It didn't take long for someone to spot me playing with an expensive cue, looking like a rookie. They'd ask to play some, and I'd let them win a few games and switch to right handed. Believe it or not I was NEVER caught switching hands. No one paid attention to it I guess.<br /><br />I was never hassled too badly. The worst was when I got kicked out of one pool hall for taking the owner's son for over 300 bucks. They politely told me to not come back again.
I used to watch this hustler(Short4'11"black guy nickname was the devil) He would watch and study you while you played, he reminded me of an old buzzard waiting for something to die. He had these eyes that were just kind of scarey, but he taught me how to play one handed pool with out using a bridge.. I played better one handed than with 2. I shoot left handed, but I am right handed though. It would throw people off.. When I was finally 21 I used to go into a bar with a girlfriend of mine. Her and I would find guys to talk to and I liked to play pool. I would play stupid pool and then I would sucker the guy into a game of one handed pool. A safe bet of 5 bucks, becuase they usually laughed at me.. Bonnie was so funny she would always warn them not to do it, but guys are kind of dumb when trying to show off. So I let him go first by breaking and someone that has never shot one-handed before it is funny. They usually screw it up. I give them 4 balls down and I wipe the table.. Bonnie was so funny, she held the money. Of course the other guy had this dumb look on his face.. I haven't played pool in along time, about 15yrs now, my eyes aren't that great anymore and I'm have a hard with hand and eye cordination.


Aug 4, 2005
Re: You ever get hustled by a 12yrold kid at pool or pinball

Used to have a kid in Augusta that would Hustle all the time. Was known at all the pool halls, and could get in even past the cops carding at the doors. He could only hustle the visitors or newcomers as he was too well known by the regulars. This kid was 14. Turned out his Dad was some famous Vegas pool shark, and he had his old man's talent. I swear I watched him run the table 98% of the time. If he got a shot, that was all it took, and if there was no shot, he would set the ball up for you NOT to have one. I would watch this kid make more money in one night than I did in a month at the job. I on the other hand SUCK at pool. Now Darts were a different story.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: You ever get hustled by a 12yrold kid at pool or pinball

Back when I was 15, 16 and 17 I had a couple of friends that played a lot of 8 ball tourneys. I was not too bad, but not as good as they. <br /><br />We used the old typical hustle, bet a few bucks and lose bad. Bet a few more and lose again not as bad. Then someone, usually me, would get all teary eyed about losing my money, and would bet double or nothing. Then we would win but not by much. Usually the other guys would think it luck and double again, and we would win just barely. <br /><br />If somneone really was a jerk about it and we had our friends there, we would completely mop the table with them the last game just to let them know they were hustled.<br /><br />A few times we had to grab the money and run, or do some fast talking. And more than once someone would play the same hustle back on us and win. We usually kept the bets down to under $20 so nobody got too upset. Most that figured the hustle out would laugh about it a little, then we would pay for their drinks and leave still money ahead.