Yamaha VZ150TLR Questions


Apr 4, 2021
Hi and Yamaha newbie here. Rebuilt and owned many 2cycle carb Mercury's but have questions for HPDI and Yamaha for the gurus.

1. Bought a Skeeter SL190 with a VZ150TLR, is the HPDI any good and what is the best way to maintain? Or sell the HPDI and go buy a XR6 and premix???

2. As one who always disconnects Mercury oil injection and premixes, HPDI should not use premix, correct? and what gas? and run the gas out when finished?

3. Is using the Yamaha "ring free fuel additive" a good thing?

4. Engine has a "manufactured 6/2012 but the title (Texas) says 2014, which year is it??

5. Any other experience or advice is most welcome.

Much Thanks and Happy Easter!!!


Aug 22, 2013
Hi and Yamaha newbie here. Rebuilt and owned many 2cycle carb Mercury's but have questions for HPDI and Yamaha for the gurus.

1. Bought a Skeeter SL190 with a VZ150TLR, is the HPDI any good and what is the best way to maintain? Or sell the HPDI and go buy a XR6 and premix??? One of the best Yams ever made.

2. As one who always disconnects Mercury oil injection and premixes, HPDI should not use premix, correct? and what gas? and run the gas out when finished? Never use premix in a Yamaha HPDI model. 87 octane or better. Never run the gasoline out. You can damage the electrical pump and the mechanical pump.

3. Is using the Yamaha "ring free fuel additive" a good thing? Jury is out IMO.

4. Engine has a "manufactured 6/2012 but the title (Texas) says 2014, which year is it?? Yamaha stopped using model years in 2005. According to Yam it is a motor made on 6/12. I would guess that 2014 is the year that it was first titled.

5. Any other experience or advice is most welcome.

Much Thanks and Happy Easter!!!



Apr 4, 2021
Great info and thanks!

Never trusted oil injected outboards, but motorcycle people do not have a problem and I suppose by now oil injection on outboards is reliable, maybe time to join the 21th century, ha!

So since you never run the gas out, do you add fuel stablizer? and avoid ethanol gas? Might have to look for 87 non ethanol. Or maybe could add a fuel water separator, always a good idea anyway?

Thanks again.


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
injected motors have a fairly sealed system on the motor, so it should not evaporate away like carbed motors.
but it is always good to run them from time to time to make sure fresh gas gets thru the system.
gas in the main tanks is a different story.
non e fuel and stabilizer is a good idea if you let it sit