Hi thank youCould be lots of things.----What are the maximum revs on your tachometer at full throttle on the boat ?----Changed filters ?----New sparkplugs?----Does spark jump a gap of 3/8" ( 1 cm ) on each lead ?
Ja det er F40 BEr det F40 B - modeller?
F 40 BET modell. Den er ok opp til 2500 rpm så snubler den, går dårlig opp til 3500rpm. Fra 3500 til maks går den utmerket. Det snubler helt til båten går i planEr det F40 B - modellen?
It runs ok up til 2500 rpm more throttle it stumble, goes bad up to 3500 rpm. From 3500 rpm to Max it runs great. The engine stuble until the boat goes to plane.Ja det er F40 B
F 40 BET modell. Den er ok opp til 2500 rpm så snubler den, går dårlig opp til 3500rpm. Fra 3500 til maks går den utmerket. Det snubler helt til båten går i plan
Hi , it stumble when it working to get into plane. When its in plane the enginge works greatAre you have on and half off the plane? Sorry to ask
Thank youMy guess is that the carburetors need to be cleaned. The accelerator circuit and/or the mid range circuits may be malfunctioning.