Yamaha 50hp 1999 - starting with difficulty when cold


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Yamaha 50hp 1999 - starting with difficulty when cold

Ray, I agree with you on them dang ducky hunters. they want to go at 20*F.
and yes most all of them have to pop the hood and do a Urgency position start.
but I guess is my biggest beef is to many so called techs, some I went to school with, cannot tell you what does what nor why when the carb is apart on the bench and I walk up and ask what does that hole do?/
so I guess the only thing we are in disagreement is how cold is cold.
I have seen some EFI motors here that have to have one or two restarts at 25*'s.

Ray Neudecker

Lieutenant Commander
May 25, 2004
Re: Yamaha 50hp 1999 - starting with difficulty when cold

I consider anything below 50 cold myself, but the duck hunters or sauger fishermen around here sem to think that if it is not below freezing, it is too warm to go.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Yamaha 50hp 1999 - starting with difficulty when cold

and I figgue below 60 and its hibernation time.
but on a prime start in line motor, any throttle advancement at cold start or any linkage misajustment will defeat the system and make cold starts difficult to impossible.
we also have the odd motor that the rod quits extending, just replaced a solinoid on a 4 week old 50 HP.