worst boat ramp story


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2008
Re: worst boat ramp story

I'll second the warnings about Jordan Lake. I bet Prozac was somewhere around the public beach on the main lake right? I too bottomed out there two weeks ago. Went from 10' to 2' just like that. The sand bar goes WAY out into the main lake. Never saw it coming. And I stay south of 64 this time of year. Too many trees north of the bridge.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2009
Re: worst boat ramp story

Watched a guy in Cold Lake Alberta with a brand spankin new inboard bow rider about 20 ft long trying to back it down the steep launch ramp...it was pretty obvious it was his first time backing up a trailer. He got halfway down the ramp while his wife was watching and another 12 people in line waiting to use the single lane ramp...the pressure was on! His wife yells out to stop because they forgot to remove the stern buckles, he hops out and releases the stern buckles and then starts to back down the ramp.

10 feet from the water he taps the brakes and off comes the boat on the bunks onto the concrete ramp, he had unhooked the bow eye strap and now the boat is standing at a 45 degree angle with the stern drive and prop on the concrete. Since I was the second person in line and kind of a newbie myself I thought I should go over and give him a hand...as I got closer you smell the fresh vinyl seats and it was obvious it was polished like it just came out of the dealership.

By then about 5 people had converged to try and lift the stern up so we could hook up the bow strap when I seen the stream of oil running out of the stern drive housing...the stern drive was so badly busted up you could see gears and the prop shaft was flopping around.

I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach and called the fresh new boat owner to inspect the damage, he took one look and his face fell 2 feet and hit the ground. I felt so bad for him but I could watch anymore, his wife was crying and his kids were very agitated at what was going on while they were standing there all suited up in their brand new lifejackets.

I went back to my vehicle after we got the boat back onto the trailer and I have to admit the guy took it like a champ...no swearing...no yelling...just determined not to block the ramp any longer than he had too.

I have never felt so sorry for another guy like I did for him, the other people in line were being kind nasty and honking their horns for him to move and all I could think about was how bad this poors guys first boat experience went. He should have asked someone experienced to take him out for the first time so he could learn all the pitfalls of launching a boat.

I figure the damage must have been over $5000 just from the looks of it, the entire outdrive was cracked and broken...hope he made out alright in the end. I remember him everytime I launch when the pressure is on and there is a line up...slow down and take the time to make sure everything is 100% before you back her in.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 8, 2009
Re: worst boat ramp story

Oh man. I feel for that guy. Wife crying? Man, I'd feel like shooting myself. Kid's don't really realize - I told mine I paid $1000 for my boat and they thought that was a TON of money!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 14, 2009
Re: worst boat ramp story

Boy, these stories make you cringe don't they? Well, the worst i've had at the boat launch isn't nearly that bad, but aggravating for sure. We had gotten used to our old shallow water 17' Dargel flats boat and loading it in and out of the water every weekend for about a year. But when we sold the little boat and bought a 22' deep vee offshore style boat, things at the boat launch were a little harder. First thing that we fought was getting the trailer deep enough in the water without dropping off of the bottom of the ramp...our local spot is made with inshore boats in mind. It seemed if we backed in far enough to land the bow on the rollers the boat would drift around over the fenders, and we were scared to death to pull it out at this point. So we pulled the trailer up a little, then the bow rail hits the rollers before the hull, lol...so here we are in the water trying to lift the front of the boat to get it started. Eventually we learned to leave the trailer deeper in the water, and keep the boat centered in the slip with a gaff or net handle while the truck pulls it out, insuring it lands between the fenders. Other than that, we've had a flat tire on the trailer backing into the water because of someone's discarded boat plug shoving into the tire...making it very interesting to pull the boat out when the leaf spring was hung on some concrete down there. My brother's 2010 3/4 ton Chevy Z71 was spinning all 4 tires trying to pull it out. Wound up docking the boat and fixing the tire before we finally got the boat out of the water.


Aug 16, 2009
Re: worst boat ramp story

I dont care if I was having a off day, i would make sure I was doing everything right , before I worry about some JagO##'s comments....I guarantee the guy with the big mouth is the same guy who will get somebody hurt !!!!!!!!!


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 23, 2009
Re: worst boat ramp story

Since I already told my worse, here is funny. First time I ever launched my boat (this April) I backed the trailer in to the water, then hopped in the boat and had my wife push me off. I flagged her forward to park the tow vehicle as I coasted back, reached over to fire up the motor, no keys. She was already heading up the ramp and couldnt hear me hollering. Meanwhile, my boat is dead in the water and everyone else is trying to get there. I end up dragging it to the shore until she comes running back to the ramp with the keys.

No harm, no foul, just a bruised ego. :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2009
Re: worst boat ramp story

Here is my worst boating day ever. Had several boats before but several years ago I got a great deal on a 97 17' Chris Craft Concept bowrider. It actually had a 4.3 in it. The previous owner had just got it from the dealer since they were preparing it for the summer. Took it to the lake with my family. Backed in the water and it fired right up. Headed down river and the boat runs great and the 4.3 is really strong in this boat. It feels we are slowly loseing power and slowing down so I turn and head back. We continue to slow so I pullback into neutral. The engine barely idles so I open the hatch and it is full of smoke. There is so much smoke it was chokeing the engine because when I open the hatch the engine starts running better. Cut the switch off and everyone starts screaming and I think we are on fire and look for a way to abandon ship. The smoke slowly seems to be easing so we drift and wait for it to clear. Turns out the dealer left a plug out of the pump suction and the engine was getting no water. The smoke was the exhaust bellows burning. I know the water pump impeller is gone. We let it cool as we drift and have to restart to get back to the ramp but it takes several tries since the smoke gets so bad. Get to the ramp put the boat on the trailer lift the drive until it stops. Wife starts pulling out of water and I feel the back of the boat raise. Yell for her to stop. Get out of boat and the drive is still down and dragging. Tilt wont work cant go back because drive digs in don't want to go forward and grind the skeg off so were stuck. This is a double ramp and there is a big line. I'm getting plenty of bad looks. Finally find a bad fuse and send wife toget one or aluminum foil if she cant find one. She finds one and we leave. After I repaired everything we sold it a bought a different boat. Family wouldn't go back on it.

Andy in NY

Oct 25, 2007
Re: worst boat ramp story

The story my family loves to tell.....
planning for a day of fishing at a local lake- get there for an early start. At this particular marina, only a single lane ramp, but very popular. Back trailer down to the water, get out of truck to unhook everything (line starting to build at the ramp). Go to get back in my truck- Locked! Try other door- Locked! And.....the truck is running. They call for the local game warden- he arrives with a big smile. His contribution was to tell me that I should be more careful. 45 minutes later, steaming people around me, get truck unlocked. Drive off (with boat)- go home. Don't feel like fishing today.

is there no staging area there? everything should be unhooked before you start backing down! i dont have to get out of my vehicle when im launching... my son takes the ropes, i back down and once the boat floats, he pulls it back and i pull out and he pulls it forward and ties it up while i park.