Ok maybe I am just grumpy or tired but......
If the USA plans to play the Canadians in European Hockey, they will enjoy second place, at best.
If the USA chooses to pull their heads out of their backsides and play NORTH AMERICAN HOCKEY THEY BETTER WAKE THE HECK UP.
Thank you to the Canadian fellas for lying through their teeth and saying good game, I never yelled at a computer so much in last 5 years, it was a horrible game, the US should have just handed the game over rather then go out there and play crap hockey against a great Canadian team.
The game today is a perfect example of why North American Hockey is best, and why, USA goes out and plays European Hockey and gets run over, shift after shift after shift by a team playing North American hockey, the Canadians were ready for this game, lock stock and barrel, I have no idea what the US Coaching staff was thinking.
Turn the kids loose and let them play the style of Hockey we play in North America, if the US comes up short I am fine with it, but to go out there and let another team run over us was embarrassing.
Sorry Rant over...