Wizard Boat Info


Apr 21, 2010
First, I can't believe the amount if information here, its awesome!

So about 7 years ago I bought my first boat (I was 18). I was told it was a 12 ft Wizard which were manufactured in Costa Mesa, CA. It was on the original trailer (what I was told) Nash hubcaps and all. The boat has the original name plate on the dash too. Now the title for the boat says yr "0000" but the title for the trailer says yr "1948". Throughout all the research I have done I can't find any info on pre 1950's. Are there any Wizard experts out there? I would love to get some more details on the boat if possible!

My dad and I did I minor refurb when I got it which included interlux bottom paint, topside paint and trailer work (which he did most of). The bottom was done in Jade green and the top in an olive color - not very pretty, but I imagined I would be duck hunting out of it as well as fishing. After a few years I decided that it wasn't a great hunting platform so I gave it new topside paint in gray. Since I was working in the sticks I could only get Ace hardware exterior paint (which obviously didn't hold up well).

Fast forward to today- the boat has seen better days and I decided over the summer it deserved to have it done right. So the process started. Everything is still in good shape, but the cloth on the top of transom was separating from the transom. I started the restoration, gutted the boat, took off all the hardware, motor, etc.

First step was to prep the transom. The old cloth just peeled off, so I started sanding it down for an even surface. I also realized that the top splash rails at the top of the gunwale could use some TLC, so I sanded those down as well. Back to the transom - there was little rot on the surface, took that out which wasn't a problem, no other hollow or soft spots. Just to make sure and give me a piece of mind, I drilled a series of vertical holes and put Git-Rot down there. Next I filled the holes and places I took out rot with Marine-Tex. There are to triangular shaped corner braces that help sure up the transom to the sides. To get a nice even look a put down some wood filler to create and even line.

I also had to fill in some rotted spots on the top splash rails and I used high grade wood filler (don't remember the brand) since these pieces are really for looks only.

Lastly I have put down 1 coat of West Systems Epoxy/Resin to seal everything and give the cloth a nice surface to adhere too when I get some time to work on it.

So that's where it stands, most of the hard work is done, just need some time now. I plan on glassing the top of transom and rails, putting in new bench seats and putting her all back together, and of course new topside paint ( went with interlux brightside and primer).

Here's a picture of the boat just after the 2nd paint job for everyone's reference regarding the info sleuthing:

I will try and get some pictures of the current state this afternoon.
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Apr 21, 2010
48 Wizard Boat Update with pics

48 Wizard Boat Update with pics

Well, almost one year later and she's getting close. I've got all the exterior sanding done, 2 coats of primer and the first finish coat on the exterior. I'm pretty stoked about the progress and how she looks (not bad for a 63 year old boat. Thursday the 2nd coat will go on the exterior, and by Friday the 1st interior coat of primer should be on.

Here are some pics:

Repair work done except for fiberglass

Transom repair with 2nd coat of primer down

2nd primer coat

2nd primer coat again

1st coat of finish topside paint - I hope the 2nd coat will darken up a bit, it supposed to be 'Seattle Gray'

1st coat of finish topside paint

Next week I'm taking the motor up to Dad's to get a run through and make sure everything is in order, make new bench seats.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!


Nov 2, 2011
Re: 48 Wizard Boat Update with pics

Re: 48 Wizard Boat Update with pics

Hi. I have a 1959 wizard fiberglass boat in good condition. Would like to know the value, and where to market this boat. Any help would be appreciated..