Why do they think they have to lie?


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

JB, <br /><br />That's easy. There is no mechanism to hold them accountable. Perhaps a public flogging for each lie they tell. Talk about a bloody mess.<br /><br />Besides its just a matter of perspective:<br /><br /> Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - good... <br /> Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - bad... <br /> Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good... <br /> Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - bad... <br /> Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good... <br /> Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad... <br /> Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists-<br />good... <br /> Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad... <br /> Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good... <br /> Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad... <br /> Clinton commits felonies while in office - good... <br /> Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - bad... <br /> No mass graves found in Serbia - good... <br /> No WMD found Iraq - bad... <br /> Stock market crashes in 2000 under Clinton - good... <br /> Economy on upswing under Bush - bad... <br /> Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - good... <br /> World Trade Centers fall under Bush - bad... <br /> Clinton says Saddam has nukes - good... <br /> Bush says Saddam has nukes - bad... <br /> Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq - good... <br /> Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad... <br /> Terrorist training in Afghanistan under Clinton - good... <br /> Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan - bad... <br /> Milosevic not yet convicted - good... <br /> Saddam turned over for trial - bad... <br /> Ahh, it's so confusing!


May 17, 2001
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

Why do they think they have to lie?<br /><br />It seems that it is the American way anymore. If a person watches cartoons, dramas, reality, movies, and those court shows, everyone lies!<br />Our children are taught to lie at an early age it seems. They have just gotten better at it that than the older generations.<br /><br />I just think it is wrong for misleading information to be displayed for their personal gain.


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

The whole problem lies with liberals...ooops! I meant to say George W. Bush...how dare he bring those hurricanes to Florida and the East Coast...how dare he invite those terrorists to smash our buildings with airplanes...how dare he send someone to corrupt that Flu vaccine adn cause all our public to have to go to Canada to get vaccine...how dare he make my car break down and I have to spend money to buy a new starter...why, the other day, Bush even made my boat break down!!!! That is the limit...hmmmmm, what can we do about it? I wonder if Kerry has those superpowers???


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

Originally posted by JB:<br /> ... Does any rational person believe any of that ratzakratza pergaclosicpep junk?
JB,<br />The more I observe people, the more I conclude that there are less and less of us who posess the ability to be rational and show a little common sense. As a society we have become fat and lazy....intellectually. <br /><br />Yes, sadly these accusations... as irrational as they seem, do stick and do affect how alot of people think and what they believe.<br /><br />So, who is worse, those who spew out the garbage?<br />Or, those who are influenced by it? :confused: :(


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

KG,<br /><br />One of the reasons that public education was a cornerstone of democracy is so they can understand, read and make an educated decision.<br /><br />I have no problem with liberal/conservative true believers, they have taken the time to understand the issues and make an informed decision. Those who vote for the candidate who buys their vote or is more sexy are the ones being fought over now and pretty much anything goes.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

starts with education, or lack of IMO. the avg.<br />reading level in this great country is 8th grade.<br />this is an avg. mind you with a large chunk way<br />below that!<br />am starting to believe that that gov't (ALL) is<br />very happy to keep the masses dumb and scared.<br /><br />common sense ain't so common no more :(


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

Well, I for one get tired of hearing one and then the other one take shots at each other.<br /><br />Get to the facts and what they intend to do to better them.<br /><br />I don't even listen to them anymore.<br />Like a couple school kids getting ready to fight after school.


Chief Petty Officer
May 23, 2004
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

The entire process is as ridiculous as a Soap Opera, and beginning to resemble one. There is just enough of a grain of truth in every lie to lend it credibility, and enough of a lie in every truth to distort the facts and sway the weak minded.<br /><br />We've allowed the process to turn into this circus by valueing style over substance, and not holding our elected officials to a standard that we are held to every day in our own jobs. We allow them to dodge answers and we accept "sound bites" as facts and rhetoric as policy and truth. And the media is a willing accomplice to the whole thing, perpetuating and worsening it, by allowing the "debates" that we've seen over the last weeks, with the prepared questions and "rules of engagement" ensuring that neither candidate has to actually answer a question, or respond with anything other than rhetoric.<br /><br />I will vote next week, and I hope that Kerry loses, because I fear his presidency and what it could bring to this country more than I fear what 4 more years of GWB will bring. <br /><br />But, what I really want is for a candidate to address issues with facts, and to answer questions candidly and frankly. It's been too long since we've seen that.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

Is it just me, or is it more pathetic this year than ever before. I guess it is such a close race they will say anything to get a vote.<br /><br />Dont vote for Kerry, he eats babies for breakfast.<br /><br />Dont vote for Bush, he cooks the babies that Kerry eats.<br /><br />I waiting for them to start..."I know you are, but what am I???"<br /><br />Ken

Drowned Rat

Jan 20, 2004
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

John McCain for President! 2008. No more BS.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

Just culled the following from National Review:<br /><br />October 25, 2004, 7:49 a.m.<br /> Don’t Know Much About Politics<br />The curse of the ignorant voter. <br /><br /><br />EDITOR'S NOTE: This article appears in the November 8, 2004, issue of National Review.<br /><br />The breathless coverage that greets every new poll tracking the candidates’ support delicately avoids the depressing reality of just whose opinion is being so scientifically sliced and diced. Despite the thousands of campaign ads and the oceans of spilled media ink over the past year, the ignorant voter outnumbers voters of all other stripes. That the public’s knowledge of current affairs is in a sorry state is the only safe call we can make about this year’s race.<br /><br />“Most individual voters are abysmally ignorant of even very basic political information,” George Mason law professor Ilya Somin concludes in a recent paper for the Cato Institute. Somin recognizes that what’s well understood by political scientists is rarely acknowledged in political commentary. “The sheer depth of most individual voters’ ignorance is shocking to observers not familiar with the research,” he writes.<br /><br />Although, as National Review readers, you can count yourselves among the 5 percent of voters who pay close attention to policy and politics. About 70 percent of Americans don’t know that Congress recently passed a Medicare prescription-drug plan — the largest federal-entitlement expansion in decades. Sixty-five percent don’t know that a ban on partial-birth abortion has been enacted, and almost 60 percent have heard either nothing (30 percent) or very little (28 percent) about the controversial Patriot Act. A majority is unable to estimate even roughly how many American troops have been killed in Iraq. More than 60 percent of the public doesn’t know that big increases in domestic spending have had a substantial impact on the deficit.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

Originally posted by kenimpzoom:<br /> It is very sad, makes me embarresed to be a citizen of the USA.<br /><br />They should make everyone read www.factcheck.org before they vote.<br /><br />I also think that an unbiased citizens group should have to approve every commericial for factual content.<br /><br />Ken
Right on! Or perhaps allow air time for the unbiased group to state the facts immediately following the ad. Instead of preempting the lies and spin, the public would then get a view of how far each candidate is bending the truth, a personal integrety issue as far as I'm concerned.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

and we wonder why it's style over substance?<br />cheeze whiz! we can complain all day, but how do<br />we turn the tide??? some thoughts...<br /><br />TERM LIMITS! career politicians are THE major thing<br />that contributes to this problem IMHO!<br /><br />campaign finance reform! now only rich muthers<br />can even think bout running. would be easy too!<br />say every person in US pays $2 on fed tax return.<br /><br />in the absensce of true leadership, folks will<br />follow just about anybody...


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

I sincerely believe that President Bush is telling the truth when he says, "It's a hard job."<br /><br />But really, if everybody knows it's not true, then it's not a lie. Right?


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

I really think it would be much better for the country if the president would only be able to serve one 6 year term. It bothers me that the president has to campaign at the same time he is running the country. He should concentrate 100% on running the country.<br /><br />Ken


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

"Rock the Vote" "It's the Greatest priviledge we have" "Let your voice be heard" "Make your vote count" blah blah blah.<br /><br />I'd like to encourage people NOT to vote. <br /><br />I know a girl, 16 years old, absolutely furious that she cannot vote. Why? Because if Bush wins, her boyfriend will be drafted. :confused: :eek: I thank my lucky stars that she cannot vote.<br /><br />It has been my experience, much like the article that KaGee posted, much of the voting population is abysmally ignorant. They vote based on a single issue, and often their position on that issue is based on mis-information. Uncle Beuford lost his job because his company moved overseas, Dad says it's all Bush's fault, so lets vote Bush out of office. The economy fell under Bush, it must be Bush's fault, let's vote him out of office.<br /><br />I say, if you're voting because you feel strongly about one particular issue, then you shouldn't vote. If you're voting Democrat simply because your mother was a Democrat, and that make you a Democrat, then you shouldn't vote.<br /><br />I think an uneducated vote is much worse than no vote at all. I'd like to leave the decision to people that have researched the topics, the candidates, and the possible ramifications of the candidates proposed courses of action. Leave the vote to the educated.<br /><br />Now, I'm not saying that you need to be on a first-name basis with both candidates before you can vote, but if you only know one issue, or you are casting your vote based on something your friend heard from his uncle's girldfriend, then you probably shouldn't vote. If all your political research consists of chain-emails and political cartoons, and you haven't done any real research on your own, then you should leave the vote to people more qualified.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

Just a quick question. Who thinks that the majority determines who governs? At a guess I'd say most of you. WRONG!!! We get the government choosen by a minority!<br /><br />Here's how it works. 45% of people will ALWAYS vote Democrat, 45% will ALWAYS vote Republican. That leaves the swinging 10% of voters to determine who wins. QED. Government determined by a minority.<br /><br />Chris.........


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Why do they think they have to lie?

Originally posted by Drowned Rat:<br /> John McCain for President! 2008. No more BS.
McCain is not a team player. He's only out for himself. Just like the vast majority of politicians.<br /><br />BTW Rat... cool avitar!