Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2013
Yes...believe it or not...you can make this thing even quieter than stock...that's right... with a simple, inexpensive, home-brew, do it yourself, portable, and effective cover that's very light and marine weatherproof...NO MODS to gen at all....fairly simple construction and minor do it yourself skills required...all items can be obtained at most any hardware store and it works fairly well considering the cost and construction time..I stumbled on to this idea cleaning the garage and put together a brain f7rt that worked pretty good...I think I may change a few things now that I see it works so well and just do another...I can run my gen and sit on top of it and hold a normal conversation with it loaded "Full" for my application...surprised I was...it has enabled me to use my gen above deck and run my entire 250da Sea Ray cruiser including A/C of 5000btu's...I'll be glad to share if anyone's interested...I'm ready for the "cracks" of laughter and the "maybe" ideas for the next one...hehehe...oh...and all the tools needed were, a Dremel or 4in grinder...drill/drillbits...boxcutter...screwdriver...scissors/snips...bastard file...pencil or marker...tape measure...how easy is this you ask?...I'll be glad to share and donate the time if anyone's interested...no this ain't Spam and there will be no funky links...simple,cheap, and effective...WS
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Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

if you are running that genny on the deck of your boat you MAY not be around long enough to share your ideas... CO is the silent killer and having it inside your boat is BAD


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2013
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

if you are running that genny on the deck of your boat you MAY not be around long enough to share your ideas... CO is the silent killer and having it inside your boat is BAD

This was an option on this boat and still is today...gen and ac...I guess the factory ones don't produce CO for that matter...I rely on the same CO/Fire/Smoke protection in my everyday life...home... office..motorhome...hotels...etc...why not my boat?...I called my Sea Ray boat dealer before using my Honda to price the factory option and he said the BIGGEST reason peeps bought this option was to run the AC when away from the dock...only factory protection available with it...CO detector in the cabin and bilge...I'm in no way here to argue any CO issues or gen placement...nor warn or caution anyone about it...I started this thread for a cheap effective noise cover I thought would help a few maybe...where/when/how you use your genny is up to the individual..it made it quieter, but it does not reduce the risk of CO/fumes or where you put the gen...just to be clear...William


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

This was an option on this boat and still is today...gen and ac...I guess the factory ones don't produce CO for that matter...I'm in no way here to argue any CO issues or gen placement...nor warn or caution anyone about it...I started this thread for a cheap effective noise cover I thought would help a few maybe...where/when/how you use your genny is up to the individual..it made it quieter, but it does not reduce the risk of CO/fumes or where you put the gen...just to be clear...William

Just because you aren't here to argue the risks associated with CO and genny placement... doesn't mean you won't hear those arguments anyway. Share your design ideas for a mounting method and cover that puts the genny on the swim platform, and I'll leave you alone. Otherwise, I side with Smokeonthewater- a portable genny has no place inside the confines of the boat. Comparing its operation and safety with that of a properly installed marine unit is either ignorant or dumb- take your pick.

My .02


Oct 25, 2010
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

I would be interested in seeing your design. Please share.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

nothing in the world with a noise cover but exhaust inside the boat kills people.....

marine gennys DO produce co but the exhaust is discharged near water level OUTSIDE the boat AND is at a lower temperature and as such is much less likely to rise and enter the cabin.

These points haven't been made to beat you down but rather they have been made in hopes of saving someone's life.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2013
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

Just because you aren't here to argue the risks associated with CO and genny placement... doesn't mean you won't hear those arguments anyway. Share your design ideas for a mounting method and cover that puts the genny on the swim platform, and I'll leave you alone. Otherwise, I side with Smokeonthewater- a portable genny has no place inside the confines of the boat. Comparing its operation and safety with that of a properly installed marine unit is either ignorant or dumb- take your pick.

My .02

Thanks JoL...I don't mind listening to those that oppose,but in your last line using "properly installed"as safer and "ignorant or dumb" is not true at all in some cases...my inlaws are great trusting average people...they are retired and in their upper 70's...they went to a "certified place" and had a very nice "top of the line" gen installed in their motorhome..so as to enjoy some of the remote, less crowded areas...for months they complained when using it...we all took a poke at it...found nothing at all as far as we were concerned...suggested they return to dealer and get it checked...after countless trips to many dealers they were told that they needed the new "top of the line" exhaust stack...the one that goes up vertical...they paid again with confidence...still they complained even after that...we're thinking it's just old age grumpiness..well...we finally go out on a 3 day excursion with them and it was apparent something was wrong after sitting outside(not inside) under the awning for a few hours playing games..they returned it again and again...no one found anything wrong once again..so they finally sell the motorhome and buy another one and have yet to complain...and they now use a Honda portable because of...months later the new owners of the previous motorhome called and asked about the low gen hrs and they were told why...they carried it in to a "certified dealer" in their area and once again they find nothing...except a bill..a mechanic friend of the new owners comes buy to take a poke out of concern for his friends safety, and removes the air cleaner...dribbles a small amount of oil into it...and a very small leak was found in the exhaust system...he repaired it with a new gasket...defect from the factory...so...properly installed...properly trained" and "buying the best" insures nothing with CO/Gens...these people are/were neither "ignorant" or "dumb",but "gullible" enough to put their trust in "factory installed"..."factory trained"... establishments...I'll comment no more here on the CO matter but those are strong words to use...it all boils down to "common sense" anyhow....thats my pick...just my.o2....moving along now,the gen is placed on the swim-platform in my instance...with the exhaust blowing to the rear...Honda has a great "thru" the gen cooling system...it's fairly simple and very effective...all that was required to maintain the same performance as it was designed when adding this cover was to cut each inlet and outlet where required...I run this thing loaded 50% or less on a 95+ day with no issues at all...2day continuious...no problems...also by ducting the exhaust into the same flow of exiting cooling air directs the exhaust away in a "hurricane force" fashion away from you...I see very little chance if any for exhaust to come back towards you because of this design...here's a couple pics to give you an idea of the partially finished prototype cover...I'll post how to construct it for those that may be interested in a great cheap cover that works on the dock,woods,camping areas,anywhere you may use your gen...I also think that with mods you may retrofit it to most any type of small gen and get decent results...I bought the Honda for it's low noise,so it was a plus for me from the start to have that feature that makes them popular for ac/dc power..I picked up some stick-on rubber gasket material today from Wally world to facilitate final mounting for me...I'll include photos as I progress with it's completion...about 50.00 invested so far is my guess...Wiliam


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Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2013
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

I agree totally sotw...but we still must use our own common sense to remain safe in the end...running on propane will improve your exhaust but my fear of compressed gasses onboard are greater than leaving it stock...plus the exhaust "rockets" out the rear when running from the cooling flow of air..it's directed towards the water also.. I used it over the week-end and it was so nice to sit and talk with no loud words...and the tone you hear is pleasant so to speak...never smelled any exhaust or fumes...I also connect it to my main tank so I don't have to refill when using...Thanks for chiming in...William


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 11, 2012
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

Yanno carbon monoxide is odorless and tasteless right?


Oct 25, 2010
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

I love how forums do this. You can't mention a portable generator on this forum without someone bringing up a CO debate even though it has nothing to do with the original topic. On the wood working forum I use you can't mention a table saw without someone starting a SawStop debate.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 11, 2012
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

I love how forums do this. You can't mention a portable generator on this forum without someone bringing up a CO debate even though it has nothing to do with the original topic.

Sorry to bring up possibly fatal design flaws and mistakes. There's a reason the manufacturer didn't build a sound proofing enclosure around the generator to begin with, and I'm sure they wouldn't recommend it being used on an open deck of a boat. But lol, we all know manufacturers and engineers often don't know what they're talking about!

SKIPPER, thank you for the thought and follow through with your idea.
Also, thank you for sharing it with others. Not tryin' to beat ya up or hop on the CO bandwagon (not like the stuff is deadly or anything.)

Don't want you to think people on this forum who care about other people's health and longevity were beating you up for senseless reasons.


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

Iplus the exhaust "rockets" out the rear when running from the cooling flow of air..it's directed towards the water also..

And to put it bluntly, this thought is EXACTLY what will eventually kill you.

Google 'station wagon affect'. Just because you point it backwards doesn't mean the big giant air damn (aka, the boat) in front isn't creating a swirling affect. Might take years, might not happen, but given the right wind and atmospheric conditions, you will absolutely get exhaust gas being blown directly into the boat.

Now the more important point... As long as you have CO2 detectors that aren't expired, and you have battery backup in them, and it is tested to work, I'd do the exact same as yourself. But never think you are safe because it is pointed a different direction. Just take as many reasonable safety precautions as you can to guard against the one time it does swirl back.


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

Also, I dropped the noise on my suitcase generator by 3db, without adding a big box around it. Just get a couple cans of plasti-dip, and give the entire inside of the generator case a nice heavy coat. (have to completely tear the generator down to do it obviously) It makes a fairly noticeable difference, and once re-assembled, you can't tell anything is different, visually.


Jul 20, 2008
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

This thread makes my Spidey sense tingle.
Aug 17, 2009
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

I like it!! Thanks Skipper. Basically looks like two plastic storage containers with air vents and intake and exhaust. Do you have a parts list and a few more pics?


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

on the platform is MUCH better but like said above... never let your guard down.... nice idea on the tubs... Just keep an eye on it... they are not flame retardant so if anything goes wrong (IE intake gets blocked etc) you could be in trouble fast


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

Yanno carbon monoxide is odorless and tasteless right?

True, but only in it's purest form. But since it is a byproduct (in this instance) of unburned fossil fuels, you won't have CO without the odor of engine exhaust. But it's not the odor that kills you, it's the fact that red blood cells have an affinity for CO 200 times that of oxygen. A quality CO detector (hard wired with battery backup) in all sleeping areas should be more than sufficient for safe guarding the captain and crew. Any one that uses them will attest to their sensitivity.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2013
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

I like it!! Thanks Skipper. Basically looks like two plastic storage containers with air vents and intake and exhaust. Do you have a parts list and a few more pics?
Thats correct Greg...what I did was find the tub that fit my gen best...allow for some clearance on all sides...mine were about 2in to big all around...put the first container over the gen and mark all holes for air flow...be fairly accurate with the markings so as not to disrupt the flow of air as it was intended by design...when that is done...you simply wrap it with a flame retardant foam...I used some from an old mattress top cover...you can find it most anywhere...a little spray on glue made it easy...don't get to thick or it will deform the sides...average was about 1 to 1 1/2in...you then put the next container over it and push it down over the first...be gentle...then transfer the previous holes you made for air and exhaust...here's a shot of the inside of mine...the top required the most cut out to clear the handle...I'll get you a list of items today...most are very common and available at Lowes...Ace...etc...the containers were Sterlite from the dollar store...here's a couple shots of the inside..there's some brush-on stuff in here you will be surprised at...not just black paint..I'll explain it later today as well...open flame from a torch won't touch it when dry and you simply brush it on...it's a water based product as well...this cover works well on the Honda with a noticeable change when used...Thanks for stopping in...William


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Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2013
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

True, but only in it's purest form. But since it is a byproduct (in this instance) of unburned fossil fuels, you won't have CO without the odor of engine exhaust. But it's not the odor that kills you, it's the fact that red blood cells have an affinity for CO 200 times that of oxygen. A quality CO detector (hard wired with battery backup) in all sleeping areas should be more than sufficient for safe guarding the captain and crew. Any one that uses them will attest to their sensitivity.
Thanks for posting that info Fireman...good stuff and so true...William


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2013
Re: Who's using Honda's 2000i series Gens?

on the platform is MUCH better but like said above... never let your guard down.... nice idea on the tubs... Just keep an eye on it... they are not flame retardant so if anything goes wrong (IE intake gets blocked etc) you could be in trouble fast
Ahhh..but the stuff I used inside will take massive heat and pure open flame from a torch...you gonna like this stuff...it was used extensively on the inside...Thanks smoke...that's the purpose of sharing...the ideas that come about to help improve...William