Who's idea was this?

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
agallant80 I would quote your post but can seem to figure out how yet, but whatever you typed must be in a foreign language, like Klingon or something... :lol:

Nathan R

Apr 22, 2014
I, for one, am quite happy about the changes. The new format is much more user friendly for mobile devices like my Android phone. The navigation menu is especially nice. I wish that we could figure out a way to get the word wrap in posts to work better with mobile devices, but I will take what I can get.


Mar 15, 2011
I, for one, am quite happy about the changes. The new format is much more user friendly for mobile devices like my Android phone. The navigation menu is especially nice. I wish that we could figure out a way to get the word wrap in posts to work better with mobile devices, but I will take what I can get.

I am working on fixing the mobile version. It to has some issues.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 8, 2014
More changes for changes sake. There was nothing wrong with the old format. If they are paying people to make these changes, they should fire them and only keep enough personnel to keep things running smoothly.

In addition to the BS changes, my GIF avatar is no longer animated.

Also, they didn't even give me three minutes to edit my post before they had to scream it out that I can't spell correctly.

I have to agree, I had no problem with the old format! Actually liked it!! BUT, the first rule of life is "S..T" CHANGE's, so we have to live with it cause it won't go back! At least I've not seen "things" return to the past! Wait, Coke did it, but they kept both versions. I don't think their going to do that here!:)


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 8, 2014
Owning several different forums myself, the major reason you do big upgrades like this is due to security issues, all the different types of software that runs these types of systems run on .php software, as do many of the content management systems and blogs, the hackers are always targeting them, which gives them an in on all of the websites hosted on a server, I lease our servers from another company and they will shut down websites if you don't upgrade to the current version in a defined amount of time due to the security risks. Normally when I upgrade stuff, the visual aspect is the least of my worries, that can always be addressed after the software/security upgrade is done. So I would give it some time to get tweeked and taken care of, at least they were able to bring it up in a timely manner and didn't run into any major problems, which believe me, it happens quite often when upgrading stuff!

Totally YEAH for the tech's doing this. Things are working better and looking better every day. If we all help and make friendly suggestions they can make it better for all of us in time!:)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
It's ALWAYS best to upgrade to newer version of software.

vBulletin gets updated on a "regular" basis. They're usually always trying to improve "things", but the driving force is mostly always 'fixes' in security and other interoperability features etc......so try not to be too hard on the Mods and IT guys here!!


Being a major Linux Geek, I always upgrade the latest version of OpenSuSE Linux right at "Public Release".......
It hasn't failed me yet (I almost NEVER do the pre-release Alphas/betas though!!...........WAY too "bleeding edge" for me!!)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
More changes for changes sake. There was nothing wrong with the old format. ............................................

Let me also add that vBulletin (like ALL "on the net" forum software) hasn't been with without problems too.

The earilier versions of vBulletin have hadsome VERY SERIOUS problems. From:: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01...mails_exposed/
There are over 70,000 registered users of the openSUSE forum, according to The Hacker News.
Pakistani hacker ‘H4x0r HuSsY' claimed responsibility for the attack, telling the site that the zero day employed not only affects vBulletin 4.2.1, used by openSUSE, but the latest version, 5.0.5.
Given that vBulletin is one of the most popular flavours of forumware out there, the firm will be scrabbling to produce a fix as soon as possible.
In November, vBulletin admitted customer user IDs and encrypted passwords had been stolen after it suffered a series of “sophisticated attacks”.
In a possibly related attack, vBulletin customer MacRumours claimed the credentials of its 850,000 users had been exposed.
OpenSUSE said it has taken the forums offline until a fix or workaround is available. ®

I think iBoats WAS using the above version ver 4.x.x etc, or one very close (but NOT-5.05) ALL forum administrators have a responsibility try to fix known problems and it includes putting some pressure on the forum software suppliers!
Also, they didn't even give me three minutes to edit my post before they had to scream it out that I can't spell correctly.
I have a spell-checker that is imbedded right here in Firefox! it underlines all the mis-spelled words with a squiggly red line!

It's an included feature of Linux/Unix KDE (K-Desktop Environment)


I think you can do the same thing in Windows if you're using Firefox

From https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb...-spell-checker
How do I use the Firefox spell checker?

Firefox automatically checks the spelling of words that you enter in text boxes containing more than one line. As soon as you finish typing a word, it is checked against the words in the installed dictionary. If the word is not found in the dictionary, it will be underlined in red,


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